This is the new iPhone X. Say something nice about it

This is the new iPhone X. Say something nice about it.

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>make a decent looking device
>put their shitty branding on the front

I thought we were passed this now with the s8 and xiaomi.

it's even better when the wireless carrier does it to phones they sell

Nah, it's ok when good brands do it.

>companies put their brand on their product
wow how could they


where be the fingerprint reader?

its hairline is _distinguished_

They already collected that data so there's no need for it. Send your photos now.

That bellybutton is cute

thank you

This is not top notch

Good target for theft.

>anything actually
no, sharp is a discount brand for discount buyers.
It'd be the same as an RCA or Telefunken phone.


that looks pretty nice, apple wins again



these times when phones used to be ergonomic and fit well in your hand...

that's really nice
I honestly believe anyway we should drop smartphones anyway, we have gone full circle now that they are shitty jacks of all trades and master of none
removing actual features for useless stuff is the new mantra and they are shitty as phablets, shitty to hold in your hand, shitty as input devices, shitty to view video, shitty to make decent photos, shitty as portable mp3 players since much jack is too thick..funny instagram photos and tinder seem the only things they do efficiently nowadays

It's going to make a lot of money.
Does is have headphone jacks?

According to it should have a 3.5mm jack.

>3.5mm jack
Almost the perfect phone.
Mi MIX is still king.

I thought op really was talking about a new iphone at first. I was asking if the no jack thing lasted more than one model.