Ask a Windows UX designer anything

I work as a UX designer for Microsoft Windows.
No, we don't design our stuff in powerpoint.

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That's fucking atrocious.

That is one of the worst UIs I have ever seen, the fucking definition of form over function. So I guess my question is

lies, microsoft doesnt hire any ux designers

When did you realise that nobody will ever like anything you do?

1. How fucking ugly is that start menu?
2. When are you gonna get rid of two control panels?
3. Who had the idea that small icons on the taskbar is cool and stylish? Literally the first thing i do when installing Windows is modify the registry to make them normal size. You should add that option in the """""""settings""""""" menu
4. There is huge inconsistency in the overall design. W7 style icons in the control panel, tablet layout in "new" apps, TOTAL LACK of options in Edge. I would use that piece of shit if there wasn't a total lack of feature.

Thread is bait sage

What operating system do you use?

>No, we don't design our stuff in powerpoint.
powerpoint would be an improvement after windows 10

get got fag LMAO

>using edge
how do you even use 4chain?

>day by day we are getting closer to the time when we will open programs with interpretative dancing
The sweet release of death can't come soon enough.

That's pretty cool, user. Make sure they put it into the main Windows version.

do you poo in the loo?

this. cutting costs.

normies won't get up to dance so that would actually be pretty beneficial


>1. How fucking ugly is that start menu?
this is the new phone interface, and obviously we are early in our development. the idea is to have several rings emanating from the center of the screen

>2. When are you gonna get rid of two control panels?
We will be rolling out a more concise ux over the next few months. Some elements will always remain in the old style because they are hardcoded.

>3. Who had the idea that small icons on the taskbar is cool and stylish? Literally the first thing i do when installing Windows is modify the registry to make them normal size. You should add that option in the """""""settings""""""" menu
the ultimate goal is making all icons vectorized so you can pick your own size and also scale them without making them ugly.

>4. There is huge inconsistency in the overall design. W7 style icons in the control panel, tablet layout in "new" apps, TOTAL LACK of options in Edge. I would use that piece of shit if there wasn't a total lack of feature.
there IS a huge inconsistency. it all due to hard coding of themeing in some parts. but we are working on the modern design which will unite all prominent applications under one theme.

Mac and Windows


shitty fake. do some research next time

What an average mock-up.
I think it's made with some Adobe program.
Anyway, the only best Windows UI was Win9x UI, so nothing will make me to like new design.

>hard coded icons
based MS

provide some proof or fuck off larper

>the pinnacle of Windows UI was Win9x UI

is pic related true?

> Can't change things because they are hard-coded
Is this actually the caliber of developer they have? How can you call something hard-coded when you're the fuckers that make it? Is it literally hard-coded in stone? Why not hire some competent developers who can actually deal with shitty legacy code?

Pic related. It's brainlet developers who call the thing they code hard-coded.

Do you believe there'll be any version of Windows 10 without forced data collection?

the only brainlet is the person who takes someone who says "i work at microsoft and am going to violate my NDA for you all" seriously

>falling for it
your pic very much related

>Why not hire some competent developers who can actually deal with shitty legacy code?
>implying competent developers would ever like to touch the mess called Windows legacy source code

this seems like a pretty standard UI design process as far as >enterprise software goes, just because the guy overexplains it and says "HAHAHAHAHA" a lot doesn't make it terrible

>just because the guy overexplains it and says "HAHAHAHAHA" a lot doesn't make it terrible
just shut down 80% of posts on Sup Forums

There hasn't been such a version of Windows since 2000, so I think that ship sailed a long time ago user.


i like how shill started sperging that even 2000 had telemetry, but not a single one can prove that 7 have it

Hello inane humans. Ask me anything.

I like how a shill started sperging out that even 2000 has telemetry, but not even a single one can prove that 7 has it.

Toe jam on bread y/n?

are you a faggot? jewish? nigskin?

Where do you work? I asked around and haven't seen this UI sample or build anywhere :)

Fuck off MS shill. Noone wants your shitty invasive OS.

Why are the shadows colored?

no one likes 10, its a common knowledge

Also, watermark is all wrong, start button is off, stop posing.

please no please god no are you fucking with me right now? that is worse then the start screen

oh boy i sure do love eating corporate cock!
you 7 fags are absolutely delusional, some reason love believing you're above it all because you've hidden some updates

telemetry as in automatic sending of data, press button to send report about crash doesnt count compared to 10's telemetry. as for 7/8 telemetry, you have to install them first, no telemetry in base 7 or sp1

I don't know, Microsoft is very compartmentalized, I don't work with a lot of that, and I'm no programmer.

It's not a mock up.

no, that's our business model now. You are the product.

they aren't shadows, they are a glow effect

lot's of things are off. it's an internal scaled down 300 mb build of "windows" without any functionality with the purpose of testing designs .
It even uses it's own form of programming language for ease of use:
>element_icon.x = WUMDSS_function.linear_interpolation(.x,anchorx+:sin(t+(('index'/icons*360)))*h,1-0.02^winclock_dt)
>element_icon.y = WUMDSS_function.linear_interpolation(*.y,anchory+cos(t+(('index'/icons*360)))*v,1-0.02^winclock_dt)

How could we trust you that you are not just trolling around?

also, inb4 "the clock hasn't changed - it's fake".
no shit, almost nothing is functional.
the button on the far right does nothing. It's not an element of windows but something we program ourselves so we have complete control of the UX. It doesn't tie in to any windows systems.

You don't have to install them first at all, did you read the links?
And the crash reports are automatic regardless.
But sure, keep making excuses.
Post your network log.

When was this created?

>You don't have to install them first at all
>And the crash reports are automatic regardless

>Post your network log.

Can you give me a LTSB key?

>no, that's our business model now. You are the product.
>ms worker saying it outright
Too fat.

>all the tools available extremely easily
>fags still can't make convincing b8

What advice would you give for those looking to work at Microsoft?

Can I do all low and high level web development stuff purely on windows? Literally every web dev tutorials I've seen are done on macbooks

How do you sleep at night?

Timestamp your badge otherwise gtfo.

Why doesn't Microsoft allow users to customise their shell more?

Right now, it's helluva difficult to customise the way File Explorer looks like, for example. Like, if you want to change the colour of the background for Explorer windows, you still have to dig thru older Control Panel options and make changes which have cascading effects on other elements too. There's not enough granularity of control over shell elements.

Why Windows still so fucked up when it comes to themeing and customisation?

Also, ffs, when are you guys going to make the Volume Mixer have at least an appearance consistent with the modern UI, if not fluid design yet? It still looks like it was made back in the 90s.

Look at this [pic related]. Does that look like a modern OS in 2017 to you?

How can you charge people money for this incomplete BS?

There's no actual click on the start button. The mouse only hovers on top of it, while the visual thing is getting triggered probably using a hotkey.

kek, fake as shit.

Also, nobody from Microsoft would ever post source code. They know if the leak gets tracked back to them, they're going to have Microsoft's league of lawyers on their ass, which will end up badly, very badly.

Why won't you shit in a fucking toilet, Pajeet?

>Some elements will always remain in the old style because they are hardcoded
I guess redesigning Vist- oops I mean XP is too hard?

Do you get your inspiration from Compiz effects?

That pic is fucking retarded, and over dramatic, I can't even read that much filler whining

that's a majority of discussions on irc replacements these days
everything has to be this grand exaggeration otherwise no one gives a fuck, can't just say this thing sucks and here's why, it has to be an elaborate story of how it tried to rape your girlfriend and burn your house

Even if it was true, nobody who works at Microsoft would know both about how windows is programmed and how it's also designed.

The company is so huge, there's no chance someone could see both sides of the process. So, it's probably some disgruntled ex-employer who got laid off recently. Microsoft laid off a few thousand employees last year, in August I think.


Look at the icon that's a male gender symbol plus a ? Lol

Can you add a compressed mode or something?
W10's UI is too flat and the elements are too spaced out.
It looks like it was designed for a touchscreens (which are only used by a minority of users)

Seeing as they can't even understand and freak out over 15k lines of code and resource strings... it's probably an intern at absolute best.

>Microsoft laid off a few thousand employees last year, in August I think.
let me guess, Microshit outsourced those jobs to India
why am I not surprised

Actually the opposite
>The process will cut up to 3,000 jobs, mainly in the sales department -- that's less than 10 percent of Microsoft's total sales force, and roughly 75 percent of the cuts will be outside of the United States

this is bait

what is that chat from? are they gay lovers?

>all these people falling for it
the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums

Cattle deserves nothing more

>No, we don't design our stuff in powerpoint.
Yes you do.

Whoever made that should be shot.

>move pointer to bottom left corner to click start menu
>menu pops up in the middle of the screen, so you have to move your pointer all the way to the middle of the screen
>two seconds lost every time you want to use start menu
>multiply that by 10 times an hour, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 1B+ information workers on the planet
>that's how much of everybody's time and global productivity is lost unnecessarily by this retarded design

why doesnt microshit just remake a modern version of windows from the ground up? its would take a good amount of time but at least shit will actually work consistently and fluidly.

is your name pajeet

Why are you such an incompetent nigger?


It would cost them fuckton of money, and why would they make it if their current system makes them enough money. Company is for making money, that's why they don't care how shitty is their system.

he's trolling. it's not as bad as he says it is. they rewrite things all the time but you don't need to throw the whole thing away and you need to maintain compatibility with old programs etc

The fact that you'd have to move your mouse halfway across the screen to select something instead of just moving up a few inches tells me that you really do work for MS. Can you make so we have to drag one of those circle icons down to the taskbar to launch it?

And man, I gotta say; I wish I could get a high paying job doing something I'm not good at or even understand like OP... what a sweet gig (I'm jealous).

>press button in corner
>stuff happens in the middle of the screen
literally worst design. is this the best microsoft can come up with?

also, it’s macOS. mac is the computer (hardware).

You better hope this is fucking bait


Stop fucking around and do simple but cute looking things, like Windows 7's start menu or Classic Shell's Windows 8 start menu, for fuck's sake.

reminds of flip 3d
pretty much pointless, but used in advertising because it seemed fancy


Well done. Today, OP was not a fag.

>animated desktop
DreamScene is back? I thought MS wanted Vista to be forgotten.

>Does that look like a modern OS in 2017 to you?
At least looks like a solid UI which is better than how the competition looks.

They tried making a new kernel and they failed. They probably will fail even more if they tried making an OS from scratch.

That looks terrible to navigate through. It doesn't even make sense, why do you have to push a button on the corner to bring up a menu on the center of the screen?

Also the look of those icons is meant to slow down people. It's specifically designed for that. Why would you even put that there at all?

Really, there's something really wrong when your applications menu looks worse and less usable than what macOS/W8.1 has. I recommend just deleting everything and starting from scratch because there's seriously something wrong there.

bring back classic windows style and stop hogging up the RAM or I'll send drugged up niggers to your house and have them rape your kids to death

my dad works for nintendo

Go to hell.