My companies revenues have jumped 20% since we swapped all our PCs to iMacs. The only problem...

My companies revenues have jumped 20% since we swapped all our PCs to iMacs. The only problem? Half of the tech support team had to be let go because we have so few tech issues now.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this an ad?

how is that a problem? You've increased revenue 20% due to the fact you have halved your support team and diminished unnecessary expenditure on wages

the best businesses are the ones with low overheads

You could have installed Debian on the PCs, you know?

PSA: Mark Apple shill threads

Sup Forums has become a clusterfuck of Apple shill threads being reposted here on a daily basis filled with paid apple shills. We all know here the people who actually purchase these pieces of overpriced shit have more money than brains.

Help keep Sup Forums shill free, post "Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?" in apple shill threads and report & hide the cancerous tumour so hopefully Sup Forums mods will fucking do their job.

Ignoring the threads won't make them go away, remember that.

Op here. You jelly?

How is suggesting to use Debian is shilling for Apple, you absolute concentrated faggot?

>arbitrarily rotated picture
Yep, it really is an iPhone user lmao


So true, our company switched to Apple after having too much trouble with WIndows (lol). Everything is smooth now. Apple products make you more goal-oriented.

Just trying to spread the PSA you softball.


I'm taking down these threads with no survivors. Join me brother!

Def applefag, can't even take a proper picture.

Why would Apple pay people to shill somewhere as insignificant as this shit hole?

I'm not trolling nor am I a shill but I recently purchased the 2015 MacBook Pro for work because they had given me a bulky Acer laptop with windows 10. The work laptop had a 2-3 hour battery life, was heavy and the screen resolution sucked. windows forced an update upon me (creators update or something?) which fucked everything up, the printed stopped working and so did the wifi. I went out and bought the MBP and my performance has increased, I can do things faster, the battery lasts all day and I don't look like a pleb when I take my laptop to meetings

Sup Forums made Sup Forums popular. These massive cocksuckers are trying to impregnate Sup Forums with their overpriced fruit products.


Take for example

Acer laptops are horse shit, ThinkPads are where it's at for non-Mac laptops.

Shill has evolved in meaning along with its over usage, and no longer necessarily implies the shill is employed by, paid by, or associated with, the subject of their shilling, or anyone for that matter.
It's now just a word for people who like things you don't like, that also extends to spamming troll faggots, and "paid shills"

How long have you enjoyed sucking cocks? Always or just when you started buying apple products?


Wrong board

Sup Forums is literally the second biggest english language forum on the net. I fuckin' wonder.

Wait really? Somehow I find that difficult to believe, but at the same time I don't