/hpg/ Headphone General

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Would the HD800S be a clear upgrade from the HD600?

800 + SDR mod > 800S

No. It's an upgrade in soundstage and comfort but a downgrade in frequency response. Every full-sized headphone is a downgrade in frequency response from HD600.

It does everything better but the ether flow tops it

I upgraded from the 600 and I'm happy with it

>Every full-sized headphone is a downgrade in the one thing you can change with an EQ

Correct. However, not everyone has the intelligence and willingness to put the considerable time and effort into learning the very complex task of EQing headphones properly. Frequency response is responsible for at least 95% of perceived fidelity, so HD600 is the best full-sized headphone for anyone who doesn't wish to bother with EQ.

I want to fall for the HD600 meme. How deep are the earpads? I have retarded elf ears, and they touch the insides of my current ones which I cannot stand anymore. For reference mine are about 10-15mm deep.

Alternatively, if they're too shallow then what's my next best option? Or aftermarket earpads, whatever.

Your ears will touch the insides, but they're comfy
If you're coming from something huge like the HD800 they'll feel quite small

My ears don't touch, I measure about 23mm

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

To what? It's not the same "neutral" as in the studio.


It's just neutral enough for the bass/mids/treble to sound balanced with any recording and it's just warm enough to not be fatiguing with any recording. It's damn near perfect.

Nope, M50s, so it'll probably be an improvement in comfort regardless.

Nice, that should be better, thanks guys.

I'm actually ok with that, i just don't think fidelity is a word we should be using so much for reproduction devices as for mics and other recording devices.
On a side not, you just made me realize there should an EQ guide on OP, people liking audio and not knowing how to play with EQ to get that perfect, custom tailored FR is a bit sad... Will try to come up with something during the week.

head-fi.org/threads/how-to-automatically-eq-your-headphones-to-online-measurements-a-step-by-step-guide.854773/ this is as straightforward as it gets for headphones with credible measurements. Competent home measurements will be the only way to get better results.

>EQing based on some fake head compensated measurements

I just crank up the bass and the preamp as high as they will go

It is impossible to EQ bass without a measurement of some kind because of equal loudness curves. You cannot equalize bass response accurately using only your ears. You absolutely need a measurement as reference, whether it be online or a home measurement.

Just got my old 650s out to check, my ears do touch the inside but they're still incredibly comfortable
If you're that worried try and find a pair before you buy them

AKG K1000

tfw when you read someone mentioning DAC burn in.

The best looking headphone ever made!

DT 770s or HD 569s

HD 569

>computer-phone, possibly future dac upgrades
>full sized
> closed
> has to sound good but comfort is a must

one of my friends is graduating, he loves music but never cared enough for a good pair of headphones, we want something good looking (a gift should always be good looking) and with an enjoyable dynamic, not too much basses but not even too flat. main source will be spotify premium, pls no judge

HD600 sound like mud compared to the HD800S.

spotted zeos

~$500 AUD, not a hard limit, maybe $100 leeway if I can be convinced
Desktop exclusive, looking at a JDS Element, or similar caliber amp/dac, open to suggestions
>Type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Not super important
>Sound signature
Warm or neutral
>Past headphones
ATH-M50>Beyerdynamic Dt880 250 ohm

why would someone spend so long drawing a picture only to ruin it like that

increasing the brightness on something flat then switching back will make flat sound like dull mud until you get used to again.

an HD800(S) will make an HD600/650 sound like mud when they are both eq'd to the same FR


sounds like a hearing problem. my hd600s sound perfectly fine.

200€ or below would be nice, but i can go higher.
>Type of headphone
Over-ear or in-ear. NOT on-ear.
>Open or closed
Closed, will be using them on public transport.
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
>Past headphones

>my hd600s sound perfectly fine
my $5 earbuds sounded fine until I upgraded to $50 headphones, my $50 sound fine until I upgraded to $200, my $200 sounded fine until I upgraded to $1000



accidentally pressed ctrl+enter

>Sound signature
as neutral as possible.
>Past headphones
Koss porta pros (cable has always been an issue with these), Sennheiser hd 449, Qpad qh85, an army of 20€ earbuds.
They must be able to withstand cold weather and not snap. -5/-10c isn't too uncommon during the winter where i live.


I always thought most speakers and earphones sounded bad when I was a kid. Most sound either tinny or bass boosted muddy.

When I bought my HD558 last year I wasn't impressed and bought the HD600 and gave the hd558 to friend. The HD600 sounds good enough to me.

>The HD600 sounds good enough to me.
that's good you are satisfied, but some people want better and once you get used to better then the hd600 becomes unimpressive just like the hd558 you bought


Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?

What is the "step up" from MDR7506?

post music!


nothing like waking up and drinking cheap whiskey and listening to music.

is any one here?

forgot my link

Can't seem to find them here.

I've heard these before and didn't really like them. The 500x seems WAY more open, correct me if I'm wrong.

Build quality isn't really a concern for me, I'm always very careful with headphones.

Yeah just go with the Audio Technicas.the Sennheiser shilling is strong here.

I think it's pretty cool that Sennheiser filters out the retards that try bending the plastic plastic part of the headphone instead the metal bands.

>the one part of a headphone that bends pretty much every single time you put the headphone on

opinions? thinking about pulling the trigger on one of these

first thing to do when you get it is to upgrade the tubes from stock. My recommendation are Russian USSR NOS from eBay or RCA clear tops.

Overall though, it's a competent design especially for the price. Make sure your headphones are high impedence though. OTLs typically don't play nice with low impedence headphones and iems.

Still not sure, they're €140 here.
And the Philips aren't even fucking sold here, in the Netherlands, where Phillips is based.

fiio e10k or smsl m3?

>first thing to do when you get it is to upgrade the tubes from stock
so ive read
will they work w/o high impedance phones?

planning on z97 g5 mobo dac > dv336 > shp9500
will this work? or will i need another amp?

do you have issues with volume from your Mobo? The dark voice is overkill for those headphones, and you'd be better off getting nicer headphones than the darkvoice unless you plan on upgrading later.

I mean, the shp9500 will work with the dark voice with a 6.3mm adapter, but typically OTLs work best with high impedence headphones. I would never use it with IEMs though

>do you have issues with volume from your Mobo?
no, its decent
>unless you plan on upgrading later.
thats the plan. i just wanna snag that DV while its cheap on massdrop, and they can color w/e phones im using till i upgrade. possibly also play around using it as a guitar preamp/buffer

also will it just not work w/ iems? or will it blow them out. just curious dont use them

depends on the iem impedence. Most iems are around 16ohms, in which case they may blow out. Your shp9500 should be fine though. My best advice for headphones for the dark voice would be beyerdynamic high impedence models.

go with the one that actually has QC (FiiO)

Get a decent cable for my Um Pro 50
or just buy a better iem?

Go hang yourself, pedo.

100 euro / 800 DKK (can be more, but not much)
PC/Notebook, maybe i'll buy an amp eventually but not right now
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Long uses, so sufficiently high, i don't wanna my ears on fire
>Sound signature
neutral or v-shaped
>Past headphones
Logitech G430/Sennheiser U320 (finally dropping muh gaming headphones. Bad choices from the past, though i liked the U320).

Anyone else prefer a variety of different headphones to one nice one?
I was going to buy the $700 aeon or maybe a used h800 or something but I think this is going to give me more enjoyment. I get bored of headphones which ends up in me not listening to music. This is a nice collection for $800 I think.
Yeah, I'm retarded. At least I have this thread's favorite headphone in there.

>Own some great speakers
>Own some great headphones
>Never used a DAC before
Red pill me on this garbage. Probably never going to buy one since it sounds like pure placebo dog shit but I want to hear you sell it to me.

>willingly staying in mid-fi hell
just go for flagships

you'll be happier with your collection in the end even if it's smaller compared to having a dozen mid-fi headphones that'll fall apart because they're all flimsy plastic or have shitty solders (AKG and Sennheiser for example)

Same boat here my friend. The redpill is that all well designed dacs sound the same, measure the same, and purchasing a dac should be for having input flexibility because they'll have little/no influence on sound quality.

source: person who builds 5 and 6 figure top of the line loudspeakers for a living and is regularly exposed to every manner of top of the line dac equipment

Alright. Yes, you're right. I agree with you. Consider this though. The goal is to get more enjoyment from my music collection. Simple goal. Now I have no pressed buy on that cart I just threw it together.
If I buy a pair of Elears or something, maybe a Fostex, I'm sure I'll get them and be absolutely floored and overjoyed. It does not last though. The more headphones I own that I actually like(I don't expect to like all of the ones in that cart) each one would offer a different experience from a song.
So would I get more enjoyment from one superior listening experience or five middling ones that but I like all of them? It feels like with the five I'll be getting more enjoyment out of each song that I like.
If I buy a flagship, that's it. My income is very sporadic. The only reason I can justify this is because I'm bored of my dt990s.

Are you the Klipschbro? I haven't been on Sup Forums in years so I can't remember the trip he used exactly but I coulda swore it was similar to that one.

More of this attitude is needed for people looking to move on up. HD600s are great, just don't sit in that mindset and shit on all other headphones because you're afraid to try new things.

>If I buy a pair of Elears or something, maybe a Fostex, I'm sure I'll get them and be absolutely floored and overjoyed. It does not last though.
do it anyways. Stop buying headphones and just reach your endgame with 1-3 purchases and be done with it (move on to other hobbies).

The Elear was on sale for $700 recently, and the Fostex TH-900 mk2 will probably be on sale for $900 again by Black Friday. The Fostex have to be babied as fuck though because of those damn hinges, so don't expect rugged build quality despite the price tag. $400 for the TH-X00 is not too bad either, don't bother with the purplehearts or ebonies since you can get separate wooden cups off EMU directly if you must

> Stop buying headphones and just reach your endgame with 1-3 purchases and be done with it (move on to other hobbies).
*stop buying mid-fi headphones

you'll end up spending more when you think you can improve the sound more. But if you buy a flagship (or at least demo one) at least now you know what diminishing returns (and build quality) mean.

I know of hornloaded but I am not hornloaded. I have decided to carry the plebspotters torch.

I'm seriously considering it now but if I do buy a high end headphone like that I'm going to spend the $70 on bus tickets down to NYC so I can go to audio46 and try them out. I was previously set on a modded m1060 but my mind changes too often. The only way out of this circle of constantly changing my mind is to go to a place where I can try everything.
Do you have a flagship or more than one of them? I'm going to feel silly driving something like a aeon or th900 on my dac-x6 even though it probably has enough power.
Is the NFB 11 actually a good buy? I would like to never question my source or audio chain behind the headphones again.

No clue, but that's a nice fumika.

hornloaded, that's the one. I got my Klipsch speakers years ago because of him and they're still excellent enough that I miraculously don't want to upgrade from them, something I seem to want to do every so often with everything else I've listened to be it headphones or other speakers.


I dabble in Klipsch too but my current speakers are a pair of acarian system Alon IVs gifted to me by my boss from his previous company.

Klipsch are just a flexible, well rounded speaker in general and they're sensitive enough to play nice with tubes

Should I be using SPDIF or USB from my desktop for my DAC? Does it matter?

I think optical works the best but USB is fine.

>owning only one headphone
>stock pads
>stock headband

I've broken it once by bending it wrong. But otherwise the thing is pretty tough, as I dropped it so many times over the years, except for the grills that are all bent.
The good thing is that you can buy replacement parts from Sennheiser. But they're quite expensive.

Not just one.
But only one is HD600 :P

Are the 580 more similar to the 600s or the 650s?

Your post reminded me of innerfidelity's new compensation curve

Tyll didn't like how the head recorded the speakers. The graphs were comfusing so he averaged them and the bass wasn't to his liking so he removed it. What the hell was the point then?


Fulla 2. It's stronger than both of those

You should be glad he didnt include the niggerbass. His new graphs more closely reflects what i hear.

> His new graphs more closely reflects what i hear.
They're still shit. The K712 is cmpletely misinterpreted in his graphs. They make them sound similar to the 702s when that's completely false.

"small" differences over many frequencies can be perceived as larger differences

>playing guitar to your speaker-handbag while listening to music from your iPod

I want a second pair of headphones that I can use to go running/exercising. I don't really care about sound quality, but I want it to be under $25 and last me for at least a year without one of the ear buds getting "cut off". Any relatively durable earbuds under $25?

How are the HD599? Been thinking of getting them. Do they require an amp in you opinion.



> 599
Aren't the 600s similarly priced?

What makes you say that?

The 599 is 100€ cheaper in Sweden. The also are only 50 ohm, so hopefully I could use them without an amp that's why I asked if I needed one, otherwise it would be 100€ more for an amp.

Well, I've heard that the 579 sound almost identical and some people actually prefer that one instead.


Okay, thanks for the tip. Not that much cheaper though, and I kinda like the color of the 599.