Every Major Advertising Group Is Blasting Apple for Blocking Cookies in the Safari Browser

>he still uses a phone that lets advertisers spy on him



Other urls found in this thread:


>buy applel
>cant even access sadpanda

whoops, wrong link archive.fo/qWnBF

I think this is the first thing I heard that actually makes me want to buy a mac.


they also aren't very cooperative with the feds.

I genuinely like Apple, and I am a GNU/Linux user myself

OMW to buy a mac, 2 macbooks, and replacing my droids with iphones.

Eat shit ad industry cunts.

>Sup Forums gets triggered by ads
>Sup Forums gets triggered by Applel
Now Apple triggers advertisers, this will be fun.

HAHAHA get fucked advertising scum

Applause worthy, but how will this even work? How would you login to websites?

Apple is the lesser of 2 evils. I think Sup Forums only hates apple cause of the hipster popularity and overpriced memes.

I could see it being a push to replace every website with an app

Are people on here finally taking the red pill?
That said don't forget kickass got busted because apple was pressured to out him.

>red pill
>led by a gay
based fags did it again

Oh fuck that's bad


>blocking 32 scripts that load 12MB everytime I navigate.

Thank you BASED Apple.

Not really. Everything moving towards apps and AMPs just means better performance for us and less privacy invasion and easy ad manipulation due to the ad industry needing to bend over for platform makers.

wrong. been using it since 2015

If they have to make apps it's a good chance that many wouldn't bother with a site, they already have mobile versions and the desktop userbase isn't nearly as large anymore.

Are you retarded? It blocks third party cookies, not login cookies

It makes me want to switch from Android to iPhone because Google will never allow adblock on Chrome for Android.


>he doesnt have adblock on his android

Doesn't mention it in the article, faggot.

If I root my phone I lose access to things I need, and Firefox on Android is slow as shit.

I still use it though.

> That said don't forget kickass got busted because apple was pressured to out him

Apple didn't "out him". I wish people would stop parroting this meme.
The literal, not figurative, LITERAL criminal complaint filed into court was:

> "Records provided by Apple showed that [email protected] conducted an iTunes transaction using IP Address on or about July 31, 2015. The same IP Address was used on the same day to login into the KAT Facebook."

This is business accounting records that BY LAW must be provided to the police or IRS when requested.
There can be no encryption involved, there can be no refusal. You are REQUIRED BY LAW to supply it when requested, even Apple.

>piratefag caught because he didn't pirate music

based apple

>KAT Facebook
The what?

Kick Ass Torrents

>What the fuck is Magisk
I wish the "SafetyNet is unfallible" meme would finally die. I don't even have official GApps and my phone still passes SafetyNet.

I know what KAT was, I was just surprised a torrent site had a facebook page? An official one?

Really all this means is that apple is selective to who has your data, they just don't want some 3rd party making free money off of phone users

Keep on thinking the opposite isheepy

Apparently so. Dude's retarded enough to make a facebook and then log into his itunes as well.

samsung browser

The internet was a mistake

there are apps in MacOS that save your login information and auto fill it when you login. Most of them allow you to save the data encrypted in your machine.

Cool, now where's the source code?

>meanwhile he bought a phone FROM an ad company

is apple unironically the only company that cares for our freedoms

>Trusting companies to block shit for you
>Not blocking it yourself

yeah timmy's iphone is full of lewd images (male) so he doesn't want the fbi to see them

>is apple unironically the only company that cares for our freedoms
I'm sure other people care just as much, but Apple may be the only company big enough, and wealthy enough, to hold their own against the government in the fight for privacy.

>blow out the federal farizees
>take on the advertising ashkenazim

Getting a mac.

>Microsoft advertises inside of a paid OS
>google is literally advertising: the company

Why else would care in a meaningful way? Apple is overpriced in a way but at least they take tour money up front and acter that you're on their team.

Speak English Ramesh.

I use a flip phone and just carry around an 11 inch laptop in a backpack wherever I go. Suck my fucking balls.

...this is the ONLY thing that has ever made me want to go back to apple...

It's official. I'm buying an iPhone.
I encourage everyone to do the same.

stfu you retarded sack of shit

>relevant for tracking

>Applel follows the laws of the regime
>somehow newsworthy

You dumb niggers actually use Chrome? Brave and Icecat are a thing, you know.

I love how these cunt advertisers attempt to speak on behalf of consumers, and also claim the internet will be destroyed by this.
Every employee at those agencies should be imprisoned, period. Make it so.

Exactly. Legal requests by the government, to Apple, for customer data, are honored by Apple. Everyone is ok with this.

>applel finally does something android has had for almost a decade

I'll gobble up this yummy bait. You want to spend a thousand dollars to not download a browser and change the default settings?