/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:

bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ source/fwupd/ bug/1574079

Is the following post the only way to programmatically create a session in i3? I took it from a post on an earlier thread

>you want a mini tutorial?

>Launch your programs and put them in position then execute the next command:
i3-save-tree --workspace 1 > ~/.i3/workspace-1.json

edit that json file and replace the class name and/or instance with the program name use xprop if you dont know the names
"swallows": [
"class": "^Emacs$",
"instance": "^emacs$"
// "title": "^emacs\\@beemo$",
// "transient_for": "^$"

in your i3 config file (put the proper names)
# Load layouts
exec --no-startup-id "i3-msg 'workspace 1; append_layout ~/.config/i3/workspace-1.json'"

then lauch the programs:
exec --no-startup-id "i3-msg 'workspace 1; exec urxvt -name ncmpcpp -e ncmpcpp'"
exec --no-startup-id "i3-msg 'workspace 1; exec urxvt -name vis -e vis'"
exec --no-startup-id "i3-msg 'workspace 1; exec uxterm -name clock -e tty-clock -c -s -C 3'"

programs that arent made by faggots like pottering give you the chance yo rename their name as seen in the example above

finally, a faglet thread

Anyone using neovim? What plugins do you use if any?
Are all vim plugins compatible?

I just want to have a simple setup with the project tree (I think nerdtree does this?), nice tabbing (maybe just need to learn buffers), some kind of way to debug/lint if relevant to language.



Anyone know what Ubuntu fags should do when they reach the part of this that needs e4crypt?
I tried apt install e4crypt, doesn't seem to exist.

The command before that
sudo tune2fs -O encrypt /dev/sdb1
tune2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Invalid filesystem option set: encrypt

doesn't work either. Not sure why not. This is Ubuntu 16.04.3.
Testing out fs level encryption on a 4gb usb drive.

Some dude in the last thread said that fsencrypt may not be enabled in the Ubuntu kernel but how would I check if it is?

And has anyone got this working on Ubuntu? Or even a different distro?

Please respond: (some things I tried:)

Dont worry, we who remember /flt/ was the original Linux general are still here. Also your jew king will die soon.


Did you try:
"xdotool "alt+shift+r""
m:0x5 + c:24
Control+Shift + r

Also try

"xdotool "alt+shift+r""
m:0x5 + c:24
Control+Shift + r + Release

forgot to remove the "m:0x5 + c:24" part

>programs that arent made by faggots like pottering give you the chance yo rename their name as seen in the example above

>only 2 programs made by him
>none of them are programs that would need a window
>average anti-systemd-sheep poster who has no knowledge about anything

Chill, I only copied the post verbatim

>Dont worry, we who remember buggy version 0.001-alpha are still here. Also !ยง$%jews&/commies")(/%(%$=hitler


>Dont worry this thread is only a fork, next time the /flt/ people take it back remember they are only forking a fork.

So I have this program which prints shit to stdout but refused to print the same output if the output is not a terminal. Anyone knows a workaround that allows me to save what it would print to the terminal to a file?

tl;dr how 2 trick a program into thinking the output is a terminal?

When I tell xbindkeys-config to run
xdotool "alt+shift+r""
it outputs
xdotool: Unknown command: alt+shift+r

so I tried
xdotool key "alt+shift+r""
and it doesn't output an error. I think it might be working, but I don't know how to check.

I'm starting to suspect that it's actually Anki (the program for which I need the hotkey) that has some conflicting hotkeys for [Alt]+[Shift]+[r] and that the hotkey is working, but something in Anki is preventing it from doing anything.
I'll check the add-ons for conflicting hotkeys before continuing.

Thank you so much for the help so far, though.

How many levels of retardation am I on for storing literally all my passwords in a text file in a veracrypt container on an Ubuntu machine?

Should I get one of those password managers instead?

Since they're multiplatform, if I used one on an Android device, would I basically fuck myself over since they're not secure, or so I've heard?

Not that retarded but you should probably use pass instead. It's a command line program that organises passwords.

Why the fuck won't grub os-prober pick up my fucking debian install by will pick up windows?

>nice tabbing (maybe just need to learn buffers)
You really should learn buffers. It took me a while to understand wtf people meant by "tabs are just a window into buffers" but the Vim way really is better than the "1 tab -> 1 file" concept everything else uses.

Try getting used to them by forcing yourself to use them. Ban tabs for a little while and add this to your vimrc:
set hidden
set wildmenu
set wildmode=list:longest,full

set hidden lets you background a buffer while it's unsaved which I find essential. Now, when you want to work on another file, don't :tabe or whatever, just :e file and switch between them with
:b (partial name)
wildmenu + buffer name completion is really comfy, as the Sup Forumsids would say.

>passwords in a text file
Insecure when the program you edit that file with loads it into memory.

> All these X tool suggestions
Did you just try Xfce's build-in keyboard shortcut manager? In Settings -> Keyboard or somewhere like that.

I don't know the syntax for emulating keypresses in
>Settings -> Keyboard -> Applications
>Settings -> Settings Editor

>just want to have a simple setup with the project tree (I think nerdtree does this?)
yes, nerdtree is good, maybe add tagbar?
>some kind of way to debug/lint if relevant to language
ale is great github.com/w0rp/ale

>Person has a professional career programming/developing
>Person uses multiple linux distros and never needs any help resources to do or fix anything
>Knows nothing about hardware

Why is this so common? I meet so many people who know all these programming languages, have built X and Y, use a linux distro yet they know absolutely nothing about hardware?

oh and deoplete with sources to your chosen languages for keyword completion

It's not for emulating keyboard input. Normally there is no need for emulating keypresses so that's why you won't find any standard GUI's installed by default to do it.

Usually needing to emulate keypresses means you're doing something hacky, Because otherwise you could just program/script your hotkey to do what you want directly instead of needing to inject input into programs.

You can definitely do it though, but just don't expect it to be standard on any OS. In fact other OSes might even go out of their way to prevent you from doing such things.

xdotool is what you need. Keep trying.
I noticed in one of those other posts you linked to you had nested quotes
"xdotool key "alt+shift+r""
that's not going to work. Quotes don't nest. You need to either use an escape or switch one of the sets of quotes to single quotes.

Thought you guys might apreciate this

Basically described me. Explain why I need to give a shit about hardware. The kid at Maplin knows all the new shit that's out, I just ask him. Literal idiocracy-tier retards get obsessed over hardware. Why do you think people like me want consumashit threads banned?

I did, user, thank you. My daughter watches that garbage so I have a very passing interest in the merchandise and how to find it at the cheapest price point possible.

When your software is cucked, all that is left for you is circlejerking hardware.

Is your daughter hot?

user, come on... She's like 6.

They are two totally different things, and don't even necessarily have the same attractions at all. Having a love for hardware is a very different thing with little overlap in having a love of software. Why would it surprise you that people know more about one than the other?

>that's not going to work. Quotes don't nest.
You're a retard. xbindkeys isn't a shell. The outer quotes are removed before the line executes. They exist for the simple purpose to tell xbindkeys that a command stats and ends.

Oh, and it works.

>post ur speccy

Suck my cock faggot

I just remembered that there's actually a button that does the same as the hotkey.

It's not as convenient as the hotkey (and I'm curious about why it doesn't work), but it's good enough, for now.

Still, a thank you for everyone that helped me! I learned a bit about xkeybinds and xdotool. I need the former to set up my logitech mouse extra keys some day.

>Because otherwise you could just program/script your hotkey to do what you want directly instead of needing to inject input into programs
Doesn't that both assume programming knowledge and the program being modifiable, though?

I at least thought these people would have general knowledge though. A friend of a friend got a new computer today for work, they develop apps for Android and needed a newer machine to run VM/Emulations. They handed in a i7-4930K with 32GB of ram, two 512GB SSD's in RAID 0, three 4TB hard drives and two GTX 780 Ti's for an i5 6500, 32GB ram, one 512GB SSD, one 2TB hard drive and a GTX 950.

I would if I could.

>Doesn't that both assume programming knowledge and the program being modifiable, though?
Yes, but that's why it's not something normal users do.
It's not like I'm trying to tell you to give up user, I'm just saying this is why there aren't any GUI's in your default installation that have a user friendly interface for injecting keyboard input into other applications.
If there were a need for a typical user to do such things then someone would probably take the effort to modify the software to cut out the middle man for them.

any good hardware info command in terminal?

Hi, I need help. It is the first time that I made a Linux server. Steps which are irrelevant in my opinion are not mentioned:
> I started a VirtualBox with "vagrant" and added an user.
> I gave him sudo rights.
> Gave him Key Based Authentication.
> Forced Key based Authentication by changing: /etc/ssh/sshd_confi.
> Restart sshd service.
> enabled all outgoing ports with "ufw".
> diasbled all incoming ports with ufw.
> enabled specific incoming ports with ufw: 22, 2222/tcp, 22/tcp.
> enabled ufw.

I could not believe that everything seems to work fine.
But now to my question:
> Before I did the last steps I always had to halt, start and log into my virtualbox by typing vagrant halt and so on.
> When I try that now the terminal tells me " default: VM not created. Moving on...".
> I can connect to my server with ssh like my intention was but I am trying to understand which step exactly caused this change. And where is the server running if not in a virtual machine now? You see I still have a lot to learn but would appreciate a little bit of help. Thank you!

Why has Adobe stopped development on Adobe Reader for Linux? Those sons of whores.

It's probably spyware anyway

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Why would you want adobe reader? There are enough nice readers out there.

I sincerely thank them for it. Adobe "software" is dangerious bug-ridden garbage so not having it on Linux is a welcome plus.

So yes.

how can I run some vim commands on a file automatically?

I want to switch from Manjaro Linux to another distribution because of RAM usage (I have 4Gb)

Is there something lightweight yet flexible like Manjaro?

>because of RAM usage (I have 4Gb)
wat, do you even know how ram works?
the hell are you doing that 4GB arent enough for any distro?

He's probably doing video editing or android development. Or he's just a retarded nigger.

Adobe/Acrobat reader was never very good and after they started integrating "cloud" features it became shit.
Acrobat Pro though is a whole different deal. It's proprietary but it's a program that is missed in Linux

>missing proprietary software

What is Stallman carrying in his arms, there?

Alpine non-GNU/Linux


What kind of shit do you have installed that 4GB RAM isn't enough?

>being a GNU+Fanatic
Some proprietary software is nice. Like Irfanview or Winamp.

Because I need to fill out government forms and these don't work well on Evince or any of the other free shit.

You mean this?
$ cat foo.txt

$ vim -E -s foo.txt :update
> :quit

cat foo.txt

tell your gubbermint that they should stop cuckolding citizens

Have you tried running it in Wine?

vim -c 'something' file

That's what "ex" is for. Example:
ex -s '+%s/foo/bar/g' '+%p' '+q!' myfile

pls help

>Shitbong government
>"Stop fucking over citizens please"

Worth a try I guess

>Some proprietary software is nice.
Good job completely ignoring the obvious ethical issue. It's not fanaticism. It's called not being a hypocrite.

>What kind of shit do you have installed that 4GB RAM isn't enough?
The distribution you're using has very little affect on the amount of ram you're using. And while 4gb of ram is sufficient for any single application you have open, most normal people have multiple applications open at once, plus some extra daemons for, say, file sharing.

What are the benefits of Slackware?

>Good job completely ignoring the obvious ethical issue. It's not fanaticism. It's called not being a hypocrite.
I'm a pragmatist so you can go fuck yourself with ethical issues. I do like free software better, but the ultimate measure for me is whether the program works well. I can hardly be called a hypocrite because this very much aligns with my principles (which are obviously different from yours).

>The distribution you're using has very little affect on the amount of ram you're using.
Congratulations for completely missing the point.

>And while 4gb of ram is sufficient for any single application you have open, most normal people have multiple applications open at once, plus some extra daemons for, say, file sharing.
And this is exactly what I was asking. What kind of shit do you have installed that 4 GB of RAM isn't enough.


All in one distro for noob
Bloatware for experienced user

no systemd

Forcing you to get familiar with basic and standard tools like ldd to find dependencies, not being dependent on big and complex distro-specific package managers and in general demystifying the magic around package management. But you can learn these skills in any distro and at the end big and complex package managers offer a lot of convenience and let you focus on what you care about and not micromanaging your OS.

Stress-free distro with old Unix-y feel.
Try it out for yourself.

You can select exactly which packages to install during the installation. That is, if you weren't a complete newfag.

I would love to get an answer!

Too much text.

I always deselect xap kde xfce and some shit I obviously don't need but it becomes pretty annoying if I want minimal install in autism level

Then skip the steps faggot.

will lunix skillz impress the girls?

>What kind of shit do you have installed that 4 GB of RAM isn't enough[?]
I'm not sure if you were restating your question to prove a point, or the other post wasn't sufficient, but, to answer your question, a web browser, a music player, text editor, anything related to content creation especially, certain file-systems, your kernel ...; none of these are a serious burden individually, but by simply using a computer as a desktop, you're going to accrue a lot of overhead.

How many times a year do you have to do a complete reinstall, though?
Besides, you need only one working install and then you can rsync system files to other machines, change a few configs, and install the bootloader.

Trying to understand chroot.
What does it exactly and for what situations is it good for?

It will definly impress men.

GNU/Linux was made precisely ethical reasons. If you want to see the product of "pragmatism" in free software, use FreeBSD. Oh, wait, no driver support? I guess the devs intended for you to SSH into FreeBSD VM on MacOS. That's too bad.

Also, I didn't mean to reply to you on that last post. Sorry about that.

Girls only care about
>stable income
>both of the above
If you linux skills bring you stable income and make you confident and social then you will get girls
(and no, this isn't a woman-hate post, women are right to have these priorities and not giving a fuck about trivial shit like linux skills)

>tfw to autistic not to reinstall every month

Have a problem

Just did a fresh install of arch but my grub os-prober doesn't seem to be fucking working even though generation of the grub config explicitly states its found 2 other OS's on the system

Manual menu entries leading to my copy of windows works but only AFTER booting the one of debian, which leads back to grub for some reason?

Anyway I can fucking fix os-prober so I don't have to do this fuck around each time I wanna boot windows?

It start a shell with with a root directory different from your real root.

Let's say you run gentoo, but also have debian installed on another partition, mounted to /mnt/deb. Running
chroot /mnt/deb /bin/bash
kinda "puts you" in debian. The system is dormant, so no init system and services running. You can now run commands from there and from the programs' viewpoint they are running from debian.
You have to mount up a few directory for shit to work:
mount proc -t proc /proc
mount udev -t devtmpfs /dev

chrooting allows you to
-do maintenance on a dormant system (updating, cleanup, changing passwords, repairing the boot loader, changing a bad fstab preventing you from booting etc)
-run a full featured distro from another (usually a i386 system from an amd64 one). this is usually done to run some legacy programs or to set up a build environment to target different distros/distro versions
-install certain distros from another, notably gentoo and debian based ones (using debootstrap)

it will impress G.I.R.L.-s.

Holy crap, I can't believe I ever forgot about JerkCity? Now that I think about it, I'm astonished someone hasn't already spammed the Sup Forums """"humor"""" thread with strips from this comic, yet.

I can't quantify "anything related to content creation" so the biggest RAM-eaters I see are web browser and desktop environment.
As far as web browsers go you are screwed becasue you have two real choices and both eat RAM like crazy. There are some experiments to be had (qutebrowser?) but at a certain loss of functionality.
Desktop environments are another matter entirely. If you need a good desktop without much effort, you can try Xfce. If you want to save even more RAM and don't mind configuring it yourself, go with a simple window manager and add neccessary things yourself. For example FVWM is ridiculously configurable while being light on resources.
Although, if you are big on content creation the the best solution might be buying another 4 gigs of RAM.

No. GNU was made for ethical reason. Linux is a very pragmatic venture to make the best Unix-like kernel. It's free because that makes the most sense given the objective, but don't confuse it for some moral crusade.
As for individual distros, there are variety of reasons. Ranging from mostly ethical (Debian), to entirely pragmatic (Fedora, openSUSE).
I also fail to see how BSDs are relevant here.

I used to do this when I was distrohopping.

I am so confused at this conversation. I don't even know what I'm arguing about, any more. Can we just call it a truce, user?

JC is too niche


>boot live usb Ubuntu
>open firefox
>entire system crashes, no response, had to cut power

>second boot
>firefox opens
>youtube plays
>no sound
>cannot select usb soundcard for output

If I plug it in it works for a moment, but if I touch anything in the sound settings it dies.

Should I even try to fix this, or should I just download Xubuntu instead? Everything works in Xubuntu, it just has ridiculous tearing issues that I can't fix.

bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ source/fwupd/ bug/1574079

I found a related bug, but I'm too simple to understand what to do about it. I've seen suggestions to remove fwupd, but I have no idea what the consequences would be.

This is weird, Ubuntu and Xubuntu are the same thing, if sound or hardware doesn't work in one it shouldn't work in the other
And Xfce doesn't have tearing issues
Just use TearFree in xorg.conf or Compton
If you can get tear free in gnome/kde/unity/cinnamon you can get it in Xfce

I switched back to Linux after using Windows for the past few years.

And nothing has changed.

I cannot properly use all the features of my mouse, keyboard, headset, motherboard, or sound card because the company's software doesn't support Linux.

I cannot play my favourite games (Overwatch and GTA V) because they're not supported. More than half my Steam library is unsupported. So I have to spend hours and hours trying to figure out how to get it working with Wine and various drivers. And even if I do get it to launch, there is absolutely no way that it would work correct. I would never be able to play the game the way it's meant to be played unless I switch back to Windows.

It sucks because developers don't want to spend money, time, and resources developing for a platform that accounts for less than 1% of the gaming market and less than 4% of the PC market. And at the same time, the market doesn't increase because no one develops for it. Sort of a catch 22.

Linux, despite what everyone in this thread wants to claim, is far from being PC ready. FAR from it.

>install nouveau because Sup Forums swears by it
>fucking tearing and artefacting to the point where whatever's in focus on my screen is a mess of pixels