Overpriced garbage

>overpriced garbage

Yet you faggots can't shut the fuck up about it. Do you guys really want it that bad but can't afford it? I don't get it.

>I don't get it.
a women wouldn't.

You are more of a woman than I, buddy. Continuously talking about something you claim you don't want. Keep flooding Sup Forums with this shit.


How's being poor working out for you?


Let's talk about the usefulness of this device.
This is nothing useful for this except you want to entertain yourself if you don't have social life and feel anxious on your sorroundings.
>Augmented Reality
Nothing wrong about this one if it's not on smartphones like google glass(pretty disappointing but good one google).
>Face ID
A very great security feature if you don't have any privacy issues and can also adapt your face apperance with superAI technology
>Wireless charging
It sucks like other wireless charging device


Gays prefer Apple over Android. Get over it. We are white straight males and making fun of Apple and its groupies.

>New Apple device
>Instant surge of edgy 16 year old "tech enthusiasts" and poo in the loos

You're all faggots to think anyone gives a shit what brand of phone you have or how much you paid for it.

Indeed. Last good one was the 6s and SE

How do people justify the iphone becoming thicker despite removing the headphone jack for muh thin phone?

>overpriced garbage

Apple is going to sell like 40 million of those phones

Literal faggots get butthurt while acting smug every time a new phone is out, be it iOS or Android based

Where/how did things get this bad? Was it just kikery?

I'm more concerned now about H and V polytopes than about the phone. But it's always funny to watch Apple-gays defending this shit.

Moar battery

Every smartphone above 300 euro is overpriced garbage.
