/FLT/ - Friendly Linux Thread

Welcome to /flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread.

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Build kernel 4.12 on debian with clang

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>How to break out of the botnet?

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>/t/'s Linux Videos: (Dead)

Is Linux really like this? If so, it really is GNU plus Linux.


Gnu is less then 8% of any given system
No i am not including GNOME because GNOME isnt standard technology and dosent come with many distros default image.

I dunno man, I'm just watching this: youtube.com/watch?v=8SdPLG-_wtA

Depends on your particular system. In Stallman's case it could be truth.

when are they going to make a normie friendly distro?
ie no terminal ever

*** Warning ***
You are currently viewing /flt/ - a thread made explicitly for exclusion and hatred of the GNU project.

Please consider turning your attention to this thread instead

>/flt/ has been here over 2 years.
It's right here, July 2015, first documented /flt/





Now that's been settled, you can go back to re dit or Sup Forums or whatever turd you crawled out from

And why is this a problem?
You can use linux and a different userland.

>no terminal ever
How is that "normie" friendly? You can, and in some cases need, to use a terminal shell on windows and macos, and those are supposed to be friendly to people wiith less technological background.
Or are redshitters these days using a different meaning for "normie"?

You should support the GNU project even if your machine is 100% GNU free

Thank you, but I'm perfectly capable of making my own choices.

Why would i support gnu? Its bloated and filled with politics. I dont need politics in my linux distro

Seems kinda abitrary.. An OS doesn't need xorg, gnome, kde, mozilla and definitely not whatever is meant by other.. Are you talking about some set of all major distros perhapds? Seriously, that graph tells you nothing..

If you were an actual computer enthusiast you would.
and in fact no, it is a project designed to keep politics out of your software, not the other way around.

I've never had problems with terminal, I feel like things get fucky when I install things not from a repo.

I cant put it any better then when Linus said this.
>In some ways, Linux was the project that really made the split clear between what the FSF is pushing which is very different from what open source and Linux has always been about which is more of a technical superiority instead of a — this religious belief in freedom.

>There are 'extremists' in the free software world, but that's one major reason why I don't call what I do 'free software' any more. I don't want to be associated with the people for whom it's about exclusion and hatred.
>-- Linus Torvalds

and I can't put it any better than what this user said last time:


Ignore gnu posters, dont shit up the thread

Maybe the most pointless pie diagram ever posted on cuckchan.

>If you were an actual computer enthusiast you would.
This is just ridiculous and it's the reason why people don't like you GNU/Zealots.

why rms is such a babby?

He don't like sopa de macaco.

I want to partition an USB drive with fdisk and created a partition. What type does the partition have to be for NTFS file system and optional use on windows?

Too bad it's true. Nobody who likes tinkering with their machine and software that doesn't think it's smarter than you would ever be avidly opposed to a movement designed to give them exactly what they want, and instead support companies who want to restrict your ability to play with things.

Reminder: GNU and FSF exists because Richard "M" Stallman got a hissyfit at a printer being propriatary, yet printers are still propriatary. Richard Stallman has contributed literally nothing to the world in the past 40 years

found it, it's 7.
86 and 87 must not be used, even though their name contains NTFS. They have another purpose.

I would actually love a free printer. These things are truly anti-consumer, more than even Windows.

Actually he has. You probably wouldn't even be using GNU/Linux at all today if it weren't for him, or you'd be using some proprietary derivative of it that's extremely locked down because Linux, the kernel, would have never been licensed under the GPL and countless other software which would have never been licensed under the GPL.

It probably wouldn't even be used on web servers as ubiquitously as it is today because proprietary versions of things would be dominating the market and much much more vulnerable for it. Microsoft servers would actually be viable in that bizarro world.
But thanks to RMS that's not the case.

Development still active, user.

>You probably wouldn't even be using GNU/Linux
I would be using a different userland that linus would have chosen at the time. gnu wasnt even his first choice

>But thanks to RMS that's not the case.
Not really, someone else would have created free software, most likely less autisticly .

We would be where we are now if rms was never born, and thats the hard fact you stallmanist cant understand(cognative dissonance)

>We would
>hard fact

I don't even disagree with you on the whole, but seriously dude


>I would be using a different userland
and like I said, it would be extremely weak in the security department. The GPL may be "viral" but it has done more than you can imagine for improving Open Source projects.
Without it you might have a different userland on Linux but hardly anyone would be using either.

So bsd's userland is insecure?
Noone uses the bsd userland?

Busybox is a very viable and secure userland and makes up for 68% of the mobile market(Android)


The linux kernel itself is GNU program you mongoloids, it should be called just 'GNU', like for example 'Arch GNU', 'Gentoo GNU', not GNU/Linux. Linux is part of the GNU project.

Busybox is ded. Some say because the tried to enforce the GPL, but more likely the google and their anti-gpl policy were the culprit.
>So bsd's userland is insecure?
Based on the memes, openbsd is the most secure by default.

You should post something from PDP-11 era too.

busybox-1_27_2 came out 1 month ago.
Lastest commit to source was 52 minutes ago.
Far from being "ded"

But wait...its not gnu... how can that be?

I believe in zombie apocalypse and it will start in a wall-mart.


That syscall is controlled by gcc not busybox its self

Nice try

Subtle interjecting.

pls fix this OP:

>$ info %command%
GNU info
>$ help %command%
GNU bash
these websites recommend GNU software

instead include:

shut the fuck up

Does anyone know where BOINC puts it's daemon error logs to? I don't want to register on their forums, I hate having 50 accounts for every dumb thing.

My daemon recently started failing and shutting down randomly and I don't know why, I'm kinda scared my CPU is overheating. But I run ryzen so hurt durr no sensor support yet...

Quick question for you anti-GNU fags
Do any of you not like systemd? Just curious.

I dont like systemd
I dont use systemd

and you also don't like GNU?


Interesting, thanks. I would have guessed that most of you would be systemd supporters.


>systemd supporters
Does such a thing exist? I always thought arguments were between anti-systemd guys and guys who just put up with it.

I wish. Some people seem like pretty serious defenders.