*goes back to using youtube, browser etc at the same speed*


my dude, the jsfags are making browsing a less smooth experience by the day.

It's quite impressive, call me when there's something you can actually use it for.

Yes, there is...

That looks gay and about as impactful as that tech demo they showed off back when they introduced metal, except less inspiring because of said precedent.
Serious gaming on mobile is dead, as it should be, controls are important. I meant call me when the A11 or a variation of it is being used in a console or computer or somehting.

>Augmented Reality
>implying that AR is for the Gayming meme

neck yourself

Not even the same version of the shitty benchmark.

>Augmented Reality
>anything other than a meme

And it's only clocled at 24MHz

Wait until that baby hits 30MHz

What good are better cores if you can't use them because you can't unlock your phone?
>le facial recognition maymay xD

This shit is faster than a dual core i7, really amazing. ARM is really the future, since the A7 I see that.

I wonder how that Apple GPU performs against Intel's graphics.

A clock so slow with so much IPC...
How come Apple have not destroyed the cpu market ? They could launch an ARM laptop with Mac OS with god performance at this point

just use the passcode like any real men would

>ARM laptop with Mac OS with god performance
That's what the iPad is slowly turning into. I give 5 years until iOS fuses with MacOS

Since I'm such a sucker for bait
>risc vs cisc


> implying the A11 is RISC
git gud lad

My wifes bf loves AR, can't wait to show him what my X can do.

False image. The test wasn't set up properly for the iphone x. I love iphones so I'm not shitting on them, it's just a false image.

Are you running a benchmark right now?