What is Microsoft's endgame with this?
What is Microsoft's endgame with this?
to improve their shitty image among developers
designated shitting coder
to try to become less hateable
With inducing more hate.
only /dpt/ fizzbuzzers hate vscode though. everybody else loves it, it has great adoption rate
how's telemetry an endgame?
How so?
> Everyone else
> The opinion of pajeets, nu-males and little faggots have any importance
top kek
pls someone make a good vim plugin for this.. there are currently 3 of them, and all 3 are shit
What makes them shit?
Contrary to your belief, yes. The opinion of a handful of neckbeards on Sup Forums is irrelevant.
more importance than yours, that's for sure
I haven't had any major problems with the official one. have you reported your issues?
If you are not using VS Enterprise, kill yourself.
Destroy the world. Electron apps are crime against humanity.
unlike you they breed, so yes
It's a completely different product for a different purpose.
i'm pretty sure they know about it. all the issues are mostly multicursor related...
right now I'm using amVim, because it has working multicursor. but it seems the developers abandoned it and it lacks some other features..
sublime multi cursor / vim mode is god tier. I should probably go back to sublime.
but that's not even vim-related
Why? It allows for quick, easy, and flexible UI development that's consistent across all platforms at the cost of some extra resource usage. Obviously everything shouldn't use it, but it's really not that bad.
>download gigabyte visual studio setup file
>use up 10+ gb of space on hard drive
>use it to edit HTML
yeah, its native vscode functionality (which is not as smart as sublime's), but the most popular plugin fucks with it and it becomes pretty much useless..
using multicursor + vim commands is very powerful.. ..when it works properly
>Doesn't know what he's talking about
vscode is not visual studio lol.. its an electron app. so its 200 - 500 mb tops.
TypeScript everywhere.
wrong vs babe
Even if we weren't talking about VS Code you'd still be wrong. The new visual studio setup gives you a ton of control of what you install.
As said
The installer for the Community edition is 1.1MB, and my installation of the Enterprise edition with almost all of the C++ and C# features installed doesn’t even exceed 2GB.
If you're using multicursor in vim you need to go back to vimtutor and pay attention to macros and visual mode
it feels like an atom ripoff, and i fucking hate atom.
it's like atom but good
MS started developing VS Code long before Atom and Electron came out.
They were planning to do in-browser web IDE type shit, but GitHub open-sourced Electron, and MS decided to do an Electron app instead.
Indeed. I was invited to try it out when they first put it up for testing. Browser app, local storage objects, the whole shebang.
Now if only the Microsoft Development Environment had native GDB integration...(no I'm not getting wingdb!)
It's a ploy to get people to use Typescript, then EEE.
this isn't 1998
All actual development work are done on macbooks.
all actual developers are faggots?
They're doing pretty good. As a developer on Linux, doing my work on Windows has gotten about 30% more comfy with the Ubuntu bash subsystem they added on Windows 10. Unfortunately, it still runs on top of Windows, which just gets in your way if you have to do any serious work.
Love is the endgame.
Microsoft won.