F droid / alt apps for android

Well guys recently i started to use F Droid and i am really happy, lot of apps are very usefull but i need to ask for better use and recommeded steps.

For example:

twitter - twidere
youtube -newpipe
browser - Brave
launcher - kiss launcher
maps - ??? (any idea?)
store - yalp store
messages - telegram
mail - K9 mail
4 chan - clover

i dont know, any set up recommendations? insteresting apps?

Afwall for firewall, radiodroid and zapp for streams, tachiyomi for manga, document reader and mupdf and libreoffice and bubble cover every book and document format

OpenStreetMap works pretty well desu
There's OsmAnd on F-Droid

Is telegram legit

we had this thread yes

We need more love for silverfish, is the best launcher, true kiss design

thanks you i will use that.

I have a question with google play store and google servies. Can i unistall it? because i think with yalp is unecessary but i am not sure

live for today, forget the past

Can someone enlighten me on launchers. I'm currently using one plus launcher. If I run kiss launcher, aren't I essentially tunning a launcher on top of the previous launcher? Or would one plus launcher stop running and therefore stop using my battery
>Being this stupid
I know, I'm retarded

To uninstall google you have to flash a new rom, I use cyanogenmod

Would it be possible to override paid apps and work downloading through the yalp store?
Let's say you downloaded Nova launcher and the full version, would it work?

then the idea is not install gapps?

isnt cyanogenmod dead

Yes you want legacy os
can I get a keyboard that functions like Gboard but minus all of the G

Amaze - File browser/File transfer
DiskUsage - Storage cleaning

The clients are GPL but the crypto is custom. It's probably a good solution unless you feel really paranoid about their crypto, easy for normies to use.

>legacy os
Lineage OS

>legacy os

Once you go for legacy os to use gapps apps without gapps install microg

Whoops, meant lineage os

Why does anyone use twitter seriously?

Yes and get MicroG

I wanst sure if it was dead. I use CM too.
I have a Moto G (2013 falcon) it runs pretty well.

>rom yorking fine for a year or so.
>install yalp and broke my phone the last week.
>fresh rom install (same one)
>aizoban is not there anymore
>now manga reader broke my phone.
>install same rom again

everything werks fine.

not idea what happened.

follow lewd artist outside pixiv.

can I play muh gaymes on it tho?????

I played some games without gapps, not all but haven't installed microg so I suppose with that it can do anything

I'm using falcon too user.

So far I've installed LineageOS and AOSP Extended but the only rom that ran better was CM. I'm thinking in installing it again, do you think it is a good idea?

Really though I'm a huge Love Live! school idol festival, Fire Emblem Heroes and Pokémon Go fan, all I want are these apps. Is it possible to play these without GAPPS and with MicroG? I know MicroG isn't for games but still. The only thing I can find about Love Live! is an over a year old post about somebody trying to play it but it'd crash immediately. Please help me, user-kun.

>browser - Brave
>4 chan - clover
LMAO bravecucks can't even use Sup Forums properly (by visiting Sup Forums.org). They HAVE to use some shitty app.
>Be brave

I may try microg and play some games to test this week

Any good clock?
I would like both a stopwatch and gradual rising volume option.

All the the best non-PS apps are usually on XDA rather than on Cuck-Droid which is a bag of dog shit. At least on XDA I found the latest YouTube modded with ad skip, background playback, a downloader and much much more, it's still YouTube, just modded, compatible with Nougat and does not require xposed. FEELS REALLY GOOD.

Of course user
If it works...


NP is as dog shit as Shit-Droid's shitty app store

is there any benefit to using k9 over the default mail app on lineageOS?

i like them though

>legacy OS
Why would you?
Go for BeHe keyboard, it has a similar material as google keyboard but with more features such as the ctrl and alt functions. I stopped using it since it bugged on me a couple of times lol

android opens exactly one launcher when you press home button. Itll ask if you want to change your default launcher app when you press it for the first time