Linux is already the most popular desktop


>Linux is already the most popular desktop
Linux is already the most popular but* desktop

>Android is a bloated piece of shit Google forces every smartphone manufacturer to ship with
>But it's based on Linux, now look at my market share
>who's laughing now aha

The linux kernel is.

Android is so far from GNU/Linux all it will take is for Google to fork under a proprietary license.

Android isn't a desktop

The OP is still technically correct in that respect



You are not that smart it seems.

In an age when some people use a """phone""" as basically a general computing platform, talking about "linux on the desktop" and android are not that distant aspects anymore.

Chrome OS is, and when the phrase "linux on the desktop" was first used phone were literal phones, now they are used as general computing platforms so the lines are blurry.

>Chrome OS is
Chrome OS is forked from Gentoo
>The lines are blurry
No it isn't. A smartphone isn't comparable to a desktop. Are you blind? The historical meaning of the term means nothing. Also, good job bumping this shitty thread.

>Chrome OS is forked from Gentoo
Yes. So it's Linux. Which would mean Linux actually stands a chance to be the dominant desktop OS

desktop and mobile are separate entities regardless of how you use them retard

Manufacturers are free to make their own OSes, nobody forces then to use android. Look at sailfishOS.
Business wise it's just obvious to choose the already existing and free OS instead of making one.

Linux can be quite popular without GNU.

That wasn't my point at all. I don't know where you got it into my head that I was arguing about the viability of GNU/Linux on the desktop. Your reading comprehension is clearly very poor.

>Windows is a bloated piece of shit Microsoft forces every computer manufacturer to ship with

How can people seriously use a phone as their main computer?

Toenail eater btfo

>the only way a Free system can become successful is if it is shackled with shekelware kikery
Sad state of this terrible timeline

>good things cost money
I never would have imagined

Freedom must be free, by definition

Turns out it's not.

Connect it to a screen

>fork and make proprietary

Richard "GNU Public Lynching" Matthew "Free as in from kikes" Stallman made sure that this is not possible.

Android is shit though.
GNU+Linux desktop is awesome.

Opinion discarded unless you run Android desktop.