Is she /our girl/?
Is she /our girl/?
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What goes in the box
her collection of authentic SS memorabilia personally signed by Himmler
Sign me up
Its called attention whoring
>dumb whore pretending to know how to use javascript
wow that's certainly impressive
Misogynists? On my board?
>tfw you will never pair program with klossy
why is reality so cruel?
did you get triggered?
Is that a thinkpad?
>no taller-than-me good looking blonde gf
Why even live?
This girl is pretty. I hope she learns how to use computers and has lots of fun.
I feel like I'm wrong for not finding her attractive, given how rare it seems to be. Anyone else feel the same way?
relax they both got dubs
nah it's all about personal taste brah
like i said, I like tallies
I also like blondes
I also like that she has a slight asian/mongol features
I like all of that shit, but I can totally understand someone not liking them her
Don't let memes control you brah.
Your dick > others' opinions/memes
No girl will ever be your girl.
Women need to be banned from programming.
They LITERALLY can't do anything without attention-whoring.
LITERALLY nothing.
Why does she hold the box?
awe, did your mommy not make you a sandwich because she was too busy fucking the milkman?
t. Roastie
because you wanna """program""" with klossy
She's taller than 99% of Sup Forums. That's why nerds are bitter; they're intimidated by a REAL woman.
Roastie go and stay go
Another roastie pls go. Or head to
>cd code
>cd ..
>cd code
>cd ..
You should prob head back to
let's admit it. we've all done shit like this once in our lives. we're just not Chad enough to post it on Instagram without giving a fuck like Klossy.
>not denying it's true
We all know it dude
You probably don't know the meaning of roastie, so you're spouting Sup Forums. Fuck off.
Where exactly do you think you are?
upreme overlord patrician alpha white male gf is blonde supermodel who is taller than you
some cunt that looks like an arby's sandwich.. you should still head back to
>Being proud of posting on /r9gay/
>meme from R9K
>go back to Sup Forums
>implying there's a difference
It's like watching two retards fight eh? (Oops doxxed myself)
>Implying you would know
>I understand the subtle nuances between Sup Forums and/ r9k/
>he's actually been to /r9k/ AND studied it in depth
>trying this hard to white knight a girl he'll never meet
Lmao these are the people I surround myself with?
someone post her """rectangle"""