how do i get rid of this water mark permanently?
How do i get rid of this water mark permanently?
install gentoo
Delete system32
By activating windows
can't, it's not a legit version.
Go to Settings.
I think there is a hack tool called BonziBuddy
Activate windows with a generic key. There's some on the Official MicroSoft website that you can use. It'll get rid of the watermark, but every couple of hours you'll be interrupted with "PLEASE ACTIVATE MY FREN."
You can use programs to activate a pirated windows installation, you fucking retaerd.
>not knowing how to pirate an OS
neo/g/, everybody
i'll try this, brb
>pirating an OS
Both versions of Sup Forums are morally bankrupt
>paying for software
>paying for windows
Do you hire criminals to break your legs as well?
it worked, thanks Sup Forums.
There's plenty of activators out and about.
If you're not retarded, you might just find one that isn't infested with adware.
Good luck
Crack it like a PC game you idiot.