Daily reminder that somebody in Apple thought it was a good idea. And somebody else approved it

Daily reminder that somebody in Apple thought it was a good idea. And somebody else approved it.

The essential phone has the same thing you know, nobody complained then

>nobody complained then

either we are not browsing the same Sup Forums or you are just retarded. people shitposted about it and it triggered a good amount of OCD.

Yes we did. It looks fucking hideous no matter what company implements the top notch thing.

There's literally nothing wrong with the screen design whatsoever.
All problems are software related - how browser renders either side in landscape, how the status bar is displayed, etc.
Go be a retarded spammer elsewhere

Here's the fact: it's going to be iconic, instantly recognizable, the iPhone X has achieved an iconic look

that's the only reason for that notch instead of just having the bezel go all the way to the sides


IS that real? For fucks sake that's terrible

>the same thing

*cricket noises*

Unironically this. Not because this will be the effect but rather it seems to me to be their intention.

>do something retarded with your hardware that puts it at odds with all existing software design
>it's everyone else's fault that their software looks retarded on your retard phone

How is it not a good idea? It makes the phone stand out instantly. You won't confuse it with some glass slob. Also it takes care of the pointless space in the status bar.

The only issue is that the idiots couldn't cut off this part for full screen video but it should be easy to change with an update.

and it's working

people also complained about iphone 5 being too tall but everyone got used to it

Now this looks stupid, as if they remembered that they need to put in the camera in the end of the design process.

It's an app some guy wrote to make fun of the screen. Unfortunately it seems to be turning into the next big Sup Forums meme.

>poorfags are relevant
Applel is still making 90%+ profit of the ENTIRE market.

its 'someone AT Apple' you fucking poo in the loo pajeet piece of shit



>tfw Jobs would've literally thrown this thing across the room and fired the engineer who thought it was a good idea.

What's the next big tech company for quality products Sup Forums?

Because it's a fucking literally who phone

From poorfags. Most are bought with a contract, lease, loan, credit, ect.

>nobody complained
M8 people were shitposting about it non stop.

>all screen
>literally has 5mm bezels on every side
What did they mean by this?

they wanted to follow the apple watch design

Why wouldn't they just put the camera on the bottom?

this but instead why didn't they just move the bezel to the top?

>big tech
I would say Hitachi, but gooks and chinks killed them.

No he wouldn't have. It's made a HUGE marketing buzz, and he fucking loves that shit.
Do you remember old mac designs? Remember some of the iPods post-classic? Dude loved quirky shit. The giant gaping hole as a campus was his idea.

Why you guys are acting like revisionists now is so stupid.

It's worst than that when you're browsing...

Why is Cook such a yes man? He needs to slap them in the face and tell them no.

Because he likes what you wrongly (hopefully intentionally) unironically called him.

I'd rather have a full scale screen than a fucking inch of bezel on every side

Apparently their "Massagers" are good, but speaking from experience anything enterprise level that they make is absolute garbage.

>hurfdurf im illiterate
bravo juan



Even if you put the status icons below there you're talking about like 1/16th of an inch or even less. What the fuck were they thinking doing a notch cut like that?

yeah but now it looks generic

but duuuudee... thunk differont

yeah why don't they just make the camera, speaker, and proximity sensor invisible, right?

this thread is Sup Forums retardation at its finest, Apple has turned unused space at the top of the phone into a dedicated area for status icons and the clock, freeing up space for more content on the screen. and 1/16" does make a difference with the on screen keyboard in portrait mode.

But muh 10th anniversary "special" phone

>have bezels on all sides, including Vegeta themed baldness
>call it bezzeless

What did they mean by this?

>volume buttons on the left side
the fuck? Looks like shit

Kek, it could have been glorious

Somebody on Sup Forums unironically tried to defend it by saying "it's not bezel, it's the sides of the phone"

apparently the visible, non-screen area on the sides of the phone isn't bezel

It's oled so it will go black in videos. U guys are so dramatic

That adds disgusting black bars around the phone


this actually looks worse

>he didn't buy shares when Jobbs kicked the bucket

seriously this
with small oled display for status icons
would have been perfectly integrated, different and cool looking

FFS the status icons don't even look proper aligned with their retarded ass lip

You can tell who's a new reddit friend by the way they keep trying to push a meme.
That isn't how they work sweetie~

Unflattering selfies.

>fags here pretending this is ok
>after screeching about bezels for a week now

>it's all screen

What did they mean by this?

they were out of marketing gimmicks

The slow, sure slide into acceptance.

>It's horrible! Worst design ever, Apple is finished!
>It's pretty bad, but they can engineer around it
>It's bad, but the essential phone is def worse
>It's glaring at first, but gets less so over time
>I actually don't mind it
>I can't see imagine a phone without the notch
>Can you believe we ever doubted big brother...I mean, the notch?

>What's the next big tech company for quality products Sup Forums?

It's already here. All the good shit announced was already covered by Samsung.

In the past, Apple would take something everyone executed poorly and would refine the fuck out of it (MP3 Players, phones, laptops)

Now they wait to see what Samsung does, wait some more, send out some virtue signaling letters, and then they copy it after begging Samsung to sell them displays.

How many level of whatever that is are you operating on my man?

>Essential phone
>doesn't contain something as essential as a headphone jack

wtf I actually like it better with the notch now

(I'm not even kidding)


>He's actually defending this

>he's actually mad someone called out his retarded sense of humor

Who are you quoting?

>Nobody can post memes that aren't Apple Genius™ Memes

>tfw a literally who, from an autistic community, on a website for retard, comes up with a better design than fucking Apple

Holy shit, I really hope that this is how it will actually function.

I don't see the problem; It's literally top-notch.

This is even worse. At least for the iPhone they've got a need for all that stuff to be at the top. This phone just had a proximity sensor and a camera, or a ambient light sensor, whatever.

pushing 40 and still trying to fit in smdh

>not understanding this includes a billion people currently not able to poo in a loo

Do you even know where iShit is shat out?

You have to have the front facing camera lense somewhere you fucking pleb.

>mad because Apple did it first


Until they remove it you mean.

I'm surprised people still don't get why Apple didn't do this It would look too similar to Samsung, and that's the last thing Apple wants. They want their phones to be visually notorious, and not be confused with android phones.

no, Steve's shit was actually functional

he never would have allowed this mess

why not just remove the rear facing camera?

>actually functional

This is just a mockup from Twitter.

Fugly. The S8 did the top bar OK, or the Mi Mix. But this shit? Fuck that.

Maybe he's bottom?

I mean it's literally a refurb phone (SE), I don't think Indians can even mess that up. Also I would not bring up Samsung for comparison. They fucked the battery up, and the S8/S8+ screen control is also horrible (more or less red-ish). And now they are full on pussy mode, going with tiny batteries just so they don't explode (also the retarded lower resolution by default and so on).

> inb4 samsung hater
I use a Note 4 mate. But the Note 7, 8 is pure dogshit. Then 7 Edge was OK (but had the same faulty battery), and the S8+ had potential, but the fingerprint location is absolutely fucked up / horrible - and the screen is also fucked up.

Generic but not retarded

it would have been still "full screen" (Apple marketing) and had a new shape, a break from the previous looks... it would have worked IMO.

>Not just removing the front camera

Only retards need it to post their shitty selfies.

Uh, since when did the 7edge have the same battery issues as the note 7?

>Nothing wrong with the screen design whatsoever.
>big fat cutout on top
Are you talking about the iPhone X or a different phone?

Good design, fuck off.

I'm glad Steve isn't alive to see this

iPhone8 seems pretty good compared to iPhoneX
>slightly greater f-stop on telephoto zoom lens
>no faceID/animoticons on front camera
>no silly screen gimmick

>tfw you realize that all this gimmick was adopted just to allow FUCKING SELFIES
end me now


This is why I don't buy apple shit

>>tfw you realize that all this gimmick was adopted just to allow FUCKING SELFIES
>end me now

This thought just occurred to me today.

Massive engineering effort and compromises in the name of fucking narcissism.

>50% of those are still on an extremely outdated version.

With that bullshit they sell millions to boomer slime. Apple cucks and boomers will get the rope first and the Beatles are fucking lame