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Why on the AMD side is so much of the load being put onto the CPU?


ah so AMD sucks, I see


amd's driver overhead

fucking nvidia didnt render that bald dude...

also, look how many fucking cars the AMD rendered...

jesus fuck, this benchmark is shit

>800mhz vs 4001 mhz
>same performance


>What is HBM2 for $400, Alex.

Why does the grass look like a Simpsons map from CS?

It's how nvidia benchmarks work- the drivers turn down the settings.

Alex what

pajeet please leave

Because the guy has a retarded postprocessing shader mod installed. GTA 5 looks just fine without it.

>Trusting literally-who youtubers

The vermin of tech journalism who would kill their own mother to get sent free shit by companies.

it's the same CPU on both sides though.

Yes, this pile of shit 2011 console port with garbage mods installed is truly the best way to judge the performance of modern GPUs.

pick one


Nvidia do this for years, but lol gayming

where's the "uarch improvements disabled" and "17.320 branch drivers" shill? I bet he's going to eventually post here