How do I convince my mom that EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) from things like wifi aren't dangerous?

How do I convince my mom that EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) from things like wifi aren't dangerous?

It's a really hard thing for me to try and convince her of because there are so many sources online that will just make up whatever they want, and she can just cite any of them and I can't really disprove anything. She has a "professional" coming to her house tomorrow to "check the signals" to see if she's in any danger. I'm currently living with and taking care of her, so if she thinks that having wifi is making her cancer worse, all that means is I lose internet, and she gets to believe that the problem has been solved when in reality nothing's really changed outside of me losing my internet.

She has cancer, which is only making her more worried about this, but I really don't think EMF is a real thing to be concerned with outside of placebo effects. I don't think I'm being selfish, I just have no understanding of how EMF could possibly impact somebody's recovery from cancer outside of the psychological realm of things.

This isn't the first time I've struggled trying to get her to understand the fundamentals of this stuff. I know why these things aren't dangerous but I can't find any good sources or ways to explain it. Any ideas?

Other urls found in this thread: - Science/SBI3U - Plant design lab - cress seeds and wifi expt.pdf

If she has cancer (and isn't a complete bitch) you should probably at least pretend to humor her. Just hide the router somewhere where she won't find it (still plugged in) and she won't be able to tell it's on. Maybe rename the AP to a neighbor's wifi or something as well.

Deceive your cancer ridden mother user

But they ARE dangerous.
See: you're using your computer and shit often, and you're a retard. Is it a coincidence? I don't think so.

>Not just letting your mom ride the fucking placebo to her grave

If she recovers then you guys can have a good laugh about it along the line. If not, she'll die thinking she did all there was to do.There's not really any way for you to avoid this, and if she finds out (and she legit believes this bs) she'll be pissed at you. Just go without internet for however long it takes, it's a small sacrifice for someone literally dying.

they literally cure cancer by blasting you with radiation and hoping the cancer dies first, chemo is the same but with rat poison

1. Hide the SSID in wifi settings.
2. Hide the router box.
3. ????
4. Profit.

This way she won't see your strong local wifi signal if she checks with her phone/laptop so will get full placebo benefits and you get to shitpost.

Here are some reasons it's safe:
>The inverse square law
>The ionization work function/photon energy
>The FCC

Here is how much that will help change the mind of non-technical person who is worried about their health:

Why do people reply to stale copypasta?

Just use an Ethernet connection.

Does your ISP supply modes that have some wifi router built in?

I know some ISP's have these (optimum, xfinity, etc) and you CAN NOT disable the router half of the unit.

Get your ISP to send one, maybe toss electrical tape over any light symbol vaguely wifi looking.

Deceive your superaids mother and tell her the ISP said your old modem wont work with upgrades in the area and you must use that modem or the phone and tv wont work.

i forgot to add, the best part of this is all the isp's I've seen do this don't charge for the router, or even shipping. If it fails its no financial loss.

Just say it showed up in the mail and you called them, and they said it needs to be hooked up by the end of that week or all your services wont work

But they are you fucking retard

show her this

>Immediately bans bananas and makes user sleep on the roof to reduce risk of radiation.

They are nonionising.

>sleeping next to someone
Literally how

> all that means is I lose internet
Get an ethernet cable.
Also she will die soon anyway, so why bother.

potassium, man. it gets you.

>he thinks he can connect only through wireless
you deserve to not to have access desu

Tbh this user, it might seem scummy but just stick the access point where she wont find it and say she's convinced you

>The FCC

Same way the FDA allows aspartame and high fructose corn syrup, right user?

Both of things are perfectly healthy to ingest. Though ingesting large amounts of high fructose corn syrup is unhealthy in the long run (just like any other large source of calories).
I'm particularly tired of the "aspartame causes cancer" meme, please stop.

If you cant hide it, this might be stupid enough to work

radiation treatment == shotgun surgery

>EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) from things like wifi aren't dangerous?

Don't let her read the warnings included with your wifi router's manual or cell phone's manual

You absorb more radiation from the sun than you do from the router.

You get a break from the sun. A router maybe not ever especially if you're in the house a lot and ill trying to recover.
I'm not going to say I think it does or doesn't but I did get a burn from a cell phone in my pocket that triggered some autoimmune reaction. It tooks months to heal and I stay the hell away from my cell phone and use an earpiece so it's far from my head. People are different. If it bothers her, try to help out and work with her. It's arrogance to think that just because a link hasn't been found that there is no link. Plus the intent can help heal your mom if show you care more about her than your beliefs about science and trust in market research. If she dies of her cancer and you just were obstinant, you will regret it. It's not a lot of work to comply a bit.

there's different opinions and then there's verifiable facts, user. not that you should be an asshole about it, but it's not going to cause cancer.

Do you think acting against modern science is a sin of some sort? Will you go to science hell?

>man these cellular radiowaves must be fucking me up
>better use bluetooth radiowaves instead

The mobile industry is worth tens of billions of dollars you bet your ass there will be cover ups of research that show that wireless devices are dangerous.
Human bodies are made to deal with a broad spectrum, not multiple giant spikes at 2.4GHz, 5GHz and a few mobile bands.

Not dangerous my fucking ass, just look at a fucking microwave oven, and tell me radio waves (non-ionizing) radiation cannot be dangerous,

On the phone

A microwave has so much energy that it literally cooks food though.
The only warmth a router produces is the one from the electricity in the wires and processors.

Stop phoneposting dumb fag.

so are microwaves

>comfyposting in bed, warm sheets and a cup of tea
As oposed to
>sitting in a squeky chair im sick of, huch backed in front the keyboard again after work
You do you, user

but it does

Murder your mother and shitpost all you want

You should tell her it's just like radiotherapy (EMF ;) ) which is like super wifi that kills cancer.
So normal wifi is to x-rayfi as curing a hangover with an IV drip is to destroying your tumours with a chemo drip

Woah, you're right!

but it doesn't

Tell her she can't escape EMF and that the only solution is to protect herself with a tinfoil hat.

If you are a good child, make the tinfoil hat for her.

They don't cure shit... Do they reduce the number of cancerous cells to a acceptable level for the body to finish them off? Yes.
Also radiation therapy is being slowly omitted as a therapy method because it causes more tissue damage than it does good. They prescribe more chemos, especially the new "guided" kind since it's showing better results. But chemo will still be shit until nano technology comes along.

rad infographic dude

How is this an excuse to phonepost? Just use a thinkpad, probably X200 or X220, for comfyposting in bed. Hook it up to ethernet, of course. Bam, problem solved.

>so much energy that it literally cooks food though.
>The only warmth a router produces

So microwaves are safe as long as there's not enough power to warm you?

>all forms of radiowaves are the same thing, thats why they have different names

It doesn't, it's literally one of the most studied food additives
You fell for the lies of big sugar, congratz on reaching lemming status, I bet you also think fats are bad for you.

Gluten on the other hand, that shit will make your dick fly off

All matter radiates EMR.

People radiate mostly non-harmful EMR (read: not highly energetic EMR).

Matter of an exotic characteristic can radiate very harmful EMR (quasars, plutonium, etc).

Here's the only human study referenced in that article you linked. It's a good study. It also happens to reference the animal study that was mentioned in that link.

This has show a positive correlation between the two variables i.e. cancer (NHL, multiple myelomas) and diet soda intake.

If you read through though it's far from conclusive but provides solid grounds for further investigation - which is the point of epidemiological research like this.

The large majority of other research to date has show very little to support the negative health effects. Certainly not with people consuming fair amounts with sound diets.
There are obviously a lot of confounding variables here but there seems to be some association between the two that at the very least provides incentive to look at it more closely.

So the jury is out, but as-is it's inconclusive. Closer to neutrality than a positive claim to its malignancy.

You should read what you post more thoroughly speed reader kun

Short version: you can't. She is convinced that they are dangerous, so any information on the matter presented to her is viewed through a lens of "this says it is, so this must be right, that says it isn't, so that must be wrong". That belief supersedes any critical thinking she might otherwise do when evaluating which of two opposite arguments has more merit. (And one of the things about diseases like cancer is that many people can't just accept "shit happens, you had bad luck on this one" and need something to blame. And in all likelihood even if anything *is* to blame, they think "well it can't have been from that because all these other people are around that all the time and *they* don't have cancer". Mobile phones and WiFi are commonly blamed because they're new and not well understood by the layperson.)

If there weren't "experts" and websites with plausible-to-the-layperson reasons out there, you'd stand a chance. But there are, so you don't.

So your options are to humour her and use old-fashioned ethernet cables for internet access, or lie and hide the WiFi router. Or both.

My mom also has various psychosomatic illnesses, including EM hypersensitivity, loads of allergies, etc.

I don't think there's any helping her. She blows up if you question her at all.

if she has em hypersensitivity then it probably is affecting her

what are you saying, that EM hypersensitivity is real? If so, include proof.

shotgun surgery == best surgery

nah i just figured that he wouldn't bring up something that would go against what he wants

Execute yourself.

Stop trying to argue with people, even if you're right and even if it's your mom. Only a select few will be convinced by reasoning to change their opinions

>How do I convince my mom that EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) from things like wifi aren't dangerous?

Ask her if she thinks other electromagnetic frequencies like radio waves (wifi is a type of radio wave) are dangerous... Wifi signals can not pass the skin because the wave lengths are too large (6-12 centimeters)

If she opens her mouth then it might hit her teeth and might cause interferrence (see picture related) when the waves bounce back) But regular light is much more dangerous. Some parts of sunlight have so small wavelengths that it might penetrate the skin and the sunlight also have a much higher amplitude (intensity). So if she is afraid of electromagnetic frequencies like wifi then she should be even more afraid of electromagnetic frequencies of the color yellow or red. Because it's literally the exact same thing with a different frequency and wave length.

Being afraid of wifi and not being afraid of the color yellow is like being afraid of a slight breeze, but not being afraid of a storm.

I don't understand what you're saying. Yes, the psychosomatic illnesses are greatly limiting her life to the point of being almost completely isolated and eating the same thing every day.

You can't convince her. She obviously doesn't give a shit about you and trusting random "experts" on the Internet is the #1 indicator of low IQ.
Your only choice is to take charge and overrule her cretinous decisions. It's time to become the parent, OP.

Don't be a dick user, I'd have loved the chance to be nice to my mom before she died of cancer.

>>It doesn't, it's literally one of the most studied food additives

>Aspartame has been used in the United States since the early 1980s.

So there's no data on what happens to people who have been exposed to it for 40 years, or what happens after 40 years of consuming it a lot?

Can you see into the future on what effects continued aspartame consumption will do to someone in their 30s, 40s, or 50s?

You can make this argument about any number of things.

What if constant exposure to plastics actually kills people?
What if constant exposure to cellular RF actually kills people?
What if constant exposure to ibuprofen actually kills people?
Shit, dude, what if constant exposure to the fucking Internet actually kills people?

The point is, people have been eating and drinking aspartame with no noticeable side effects for nearly 40 years.
Could it turn out to be bad for you? Sure, I guess. Maybe you die earlier if you eat it your whole life. Maybe it fucks with your liver on the 50-year timescale.
But all those are highly unlikely. And if you care about your health, there are more important things to worry about than fucking aspartame.

You simply needed to search for "the difference between a Banana and uranium". Don't tell me you can't even be bothered to read it

Also, excess Potassium-40 is eliminated from the body through homeostasis. Uranium on the other hand....

>But all those are highly unlikely.

Why do you think they're unlikely? Because studies of 1 or 5 year effects of it haven't shown anything bad?

You are the one claiming it doesn't cause cancer. I'm not making the argument for anything, other than there's not nearly enough time or research to prove conclusively that it's healthy.

Jesus, okay, you've made your point. We don't know for sure it's healthy. I'm just saying we don't know for sure anything is healthy, so beyond making you sound like a sensible, intelligent, moderate and forward-thinking person, your argument is worthless.

i wanted to imply that despite being nonionising microwave definetely can have biological effects, by heating water by putting the water molecules in resonance.

a cellular antenna near the ear on the microwave spectrum indeed will heaten the ear and the tissues near it.

inside a cell water is importany, both by being a solvent and by being fondation part of many enzimes and chain reactions. there are even water channels inse the cell walls.

i really dont think common wifi or phone antennas cause cancer, but they could definitely have some biological effects of some kind

Sorry, friend, but you got conned by a snake-oil salesman.

2 tired 2 post studies after my botany assignment, so here's this instead.

“The Cell Phone Poisoning of America”

The sun is more intense and releases UVs, certainly not comparable to the fucking wifi.

Could it be that these articles your mother has cherry-picked, have something worth of note, but you couldn't be bothered to have a look?

The great thing about this experiment is that you can try it yourself. - Science/SBI3U - Plant design lab - cress seeds and wifi expt.pdf

No, the great thing about this experiment is that it's worthless because I'm not a bunch of seeds.

heat isnt a biological effect, even if it's the result of radiation

>How do I convince my mom that EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) from things like wifi aren't dangerous?

We actually don't yet understand the risks. Apparently, there's no risk, but repeating sections in our DNA could work as fractal antennas and exposing ourselves to these signals could trigger unwanted behavior in our cells.

Again, we aren't sure about the risks, though no negative effects have been observed so far.

Two negatives makes a possitive

just reread my post. you missed the point. also look at how the glicolisis pathway works for example, or other basic metabolic cell pathway.

or look at porine channels and how they are designed to halt proton jumps by the grotthus mechanism.

making all the water molecule retardely vibrating inside a cell has all the basis for resulting in some biological effect, probably on the sub cellular scale, but still..

But they are dangerous, user, the early 2000s scientifc consensus on this topic has long been reverted and epidemiological long term tests are being conducted. Are you living under a rock?

Why aren't you using a superior wired connection anyway? Switch to that and it's a win-win for everyone.

dropped, they mix too much valid points with unfounded ennuism
ex multis, dental woo is real -albeit the danger comes more from the disposal and from the removal procedure, but it was NOT safe to begin with as they suggest openly, and this is a fact- and chelation therapies are used in "mainstream" medicine
they are the ultimate fedoras, cite the sources directly and critically or abstain


Show her this guy:

aren't gamma waves or ultraviolet ones capable of really harming you? the radio waves you get from a phone or an access point, even if they had massive amounts of power, would only heat you up.

You can't. It's worse than dealing with believers.

Cellphones were designed under the assumption a 200 lbs male would be using it for only a few conversations per week.

The US required manufactures to put radiation levels on their phones but most consumers never look at that "feature" when shopping for phones.

It's undisputed that cellphones near children/undeveloped heads is extremely dangerous. To the point that some countries outside of the US required headset/earpiece to be sold with the wireless phone and even restrict advertising that can be directed at children.

If we KNOW it's harmful for children it's probably not the best for adults with extreme exposure. But you can test that out.

And yes, Bluetooth waves use significantly less power than cellular.

Doctors use to endorse cigarettes. You all believe what you want. Aspartame diet soda drinking fat fucks. Surely the corporations who write the legislation that American legislators vote on would not mislead you for their personal gain.

>Sleeping next to someone (0.05 μSv)

Thanks god being a virgin loner saved me some cancer.

Everybody dies
Everything gives cancer
Better enjoy things while you can

>It's undisputed that cellphones near children/undeveloped heads is extremely dangerous.

mind providing some source, friend?

aspartame literally kills brain cells.
you autistic Fuck. it's a Neurotoxin.

Woah there.
It's one thing to say it's associated with tumors, another one is saying that's a neurotoxin.
Mind saucing?

I'd like to see some articles on that topic.

It's UNDISPUTED. Have trouble reading? You don't need a source for that.

Further reading for those with trouble Google searching: basically it's known to be harmful with undeveloped skulls (children). What's disputed is HOW harmful it is to adults. There is a decent amount of discrepancy in adults between industry funded and independent studies. The American population IS the main test case currently.

I didn't read any of these. If you need more sources I hope you can pick it up from here. I just Googled your search term for you.

>I didn't read any of these.

wow thanks retard, really convinced me that you aren't talking out of your ass, sounds like your parents kept their phones right next to you as a baby

Why would I need to read random articles about a field I have my masters degree in? You asked for further reading - I didn't need it since I was already informed. Are people really this ignant or is that just the typically g neckbeard?

yes, its UNDISPUTED that you are a flaming homosexual, you dont need a source for that, you better believe it and accept it

>asks the other user for sources
>user giveth
>thanks retard xd but i actually meant i wanted you to give me an argument
>everyone claps
>le epic troll xD