Daily reminder to be nice on blizzard games or you'll get muted for 92 fucking days.
Daily reminder to be nice on blizzard games or you'll get muted for 92 fucking days
why do you feel the need to be edgy and rude to 10 year olds playing a video game?
Im not. I'm simple an adult that misses the old days of trash talking during quake.
There's a difference between trash talk and the shit we're muting people for.
Stop trying to make this sound like some slippery slope bullshit, a lot of the shit you guys say goes far beyond "trash talking".
You want a good example? Look at the work we did on HoTS. It cleaned the community up a lot. And clearly you guys aren't doing too hot a job not acting like 10 year olds.
Daily reminder that video games are not technology
>>Sup Forums
>replying to yourself
Nah bro.
I was muted for nothing more than being competitive and doing trash talk
Uh oh
Kill yourself, dipshit.
play quake then, or counter strike, or any other mature rated game
Nice photoshop dipshit
>lying on the internet
How'd you do that?
You know I'm right and I'm so mad right now I could slap you.
Lol jk I don't give a shit, but seriously bro you photoshopped that.
Go fuck yourself faggots
> tfw you report people that shittalk just to get them muted
I don't care I just enjoy knowing the guy being a cunt is going to get angry when he gets hit with a comms ban
I took a picture of it
>you guys
Fuck off to whatever cesspool you came here from.
Have you ever tried just not being a faggot? For once in your life?
I literally spammed endlessly in every single overwatch game I played and I got muted once for like 24 hours
the best part were all the reddit users who clearly never played a blizzard game before in their life who somehow got the idea that blizzard has a reputation for banning players who act out in their games
>people actually pay for this game
Now all those redditors and normies work at blizzard
He's literally been whining about this on Sup Forums for more than 92 days.
You can't treat people like shit and expect flowers in return, you got what you deserved get over it, faggot.
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
I got banned for spamming obnoxious smileys. Pretty sure it was collateral damage because it happened when they banned all the people using that autohotkey tiggerbot and I was using autohotkey for chat binds.
People still play this in the year of PUBG?
i'd be more concerned if my kids were playing videogames with thirty year old weirdos
if you're over 18 and still play video games it's time to grow the fuck up
what a faggot
>Playing video games
>Abusive chat because words hurt
Just do what Halo did and let users pick between polite, aggressive and silent.
sage for non-Sup Forums
"people" like you deserve to be burned alive and buried in a landfill with the rest of the garbage
> be 13 get CS Source
> never played online game before
>join game server
>standing on some random platform holding awp
>instantly get shot in the head
>I say sorry
> I was hooked
>No rules.........completely free
> I kept getting better
>Get so good I earn the right to talk shit
> Make everyone laugh as 13 year old me tells adults to go fuck themselves after I no scope them.
>grow up play games on occasion
>everything has turned into some politically correct hellhole.
>talk shit in cs:go get banned
>talk shit in overwatch get muted
fuck this shit I am done. Let these Nancy's live in their global safe space.
Bump for announcing your sage
Well that settles it.
This. But text on Quake 3 Arena. On a map where anything that jumped off any springboard anywhere was instantly railgunned from every direction.
I miss steep skill curves and shit talk. I don't know why SJWs are bent on turning every game into the set of Blue's Clues, where everything is a pastel-colered coddlesome padded cell.
Wrong board dude.