DOCUMENT LEAK: GERMAN AGENCY BND COOPERATES WITH NSA AND GCHQ TO ATTACK TOR (a german news blog focused on politics surrounding the
digital world) today released a leak of internal emails and documents of the
Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND, german intelligence service). The BND has it's
own working group deticated to deanonymizing Tor users since 2008 and
cooperates with the NSA and the GCHQ. All three agencies run their own exit
nodes. The BND warned other german authorities not to use Tor as it's
anonymization is allegedly ineffective.

The BND developed a technique to deanonymize Tor users and gave a prototype of
it to the NSA, in expectation of compensation.

So if tor was already broken, why are they trying to break it?

>in expectation of compensation.
Idiots. I kinda doubt its effectiveness though.

Wasn't Tor developed by the navy?

>The bulk of the funding for Tor's development has come from the federal government of the United States, initially through the Office of Naval Research and DARPA.

the gov as was the internet yeah

Fuck tor. They are fine with drug dealers, assassins and thieves but not right wingers. I hope it gets taken out.

Yeah, remember that time they banned people with right wing politics from using tor? Me neither, but lets be retarded anyway.

You mean individuals.

Things that never happened for 500, Alex.

Isn't like half the tor nodes run by NSA?


are you sure?


This was well known ever since silk road was taken down.

> in expectation of compensation

What some people may forget when thinking about all this - this attack vector got described in the tor documentation really early, years before this stuff here happened.
If you control enough nodes and the ISPs, its easy to do so. Thats not magic or something, you just need to be not totally retarded to do so.

I think they are talking about the daily stormer

What are the best countries not in 14 eyes that have good internet/etc freedoms?

Tor is a invention of german intelligent sevices.

>no information in English
>can't even read about how it compares to the previous attacks demonstrated by academics
Must not be an issue then.