Java killer


Other urls found in this thread: Koans/Introduction/Hello, world!/Task.kt

kek, what a piece of trash

>I have no idea what this is

apparently its brand of Polish ketchup


only 5 days until Java 9 kills Kotlin

+/- the 15 years it'll take for Java 9 to be usable on Android

>Real Java Killer

What a time not to be alive.

app development is moving into a javascript-centric ecosystem across all boards

I really want a new language to use but they're all trash

I want it to be as quick as developing in nodejs
I want it to have the static safety as java
To be clean and readable syntax like python
And of course a good ecosystem

>inb4 c/c++
Im not a child anymore, i have actual work to do

No one is taking react native seriously if that's what you're talking about. Also with web assembly js will pretty much be obsolete

Thanks, I was going to not kill myself tonight but I guess you're right and life is only going to get worse from here.

Goodbye, world. Goodbye, Sup Forums. I'll always love you.


It's better than Java, but I don't like the way it handles nullity. They should've opted for the Option monad.


>Kotlin still on version 1
>meanwhile Java 18 comes out in march
is jetbrains even trying at this point?

Ebyn ::DDDDD

Yeah, but Kotlin is so good even Steve Yegge took a break from his personal life to shitpost about it.

What's the issue with React Native? I've used React for web and Electron, and I thought Native was getting a fair bit of traction.

nothing. it's just autist neckbeards dismissing anything remotely web-related on sight and role playing that everyone else does the same

It just doesn't get any attention. Android support is nonexistent and ios needs a lot of work too. It's great for web and would be nice for mobile, it's just not there yet and doesn't look like it will be there. Not hating on js but I don't see why use it after web assembly will let you use any other language you can think of

I've been a web guy for about 15 years, suck a dick

>a web guy
into the trash

It's a decent one as well.

I don't know about the language, though. I'm not interested in Java, and I don't think I'd find much use for it.

Android doesn't get as much support for a reason.

>pajeets and neets dont have money

Is Kotlin to Java as Swift is to Objective-C?


modern javascript

>I want it to have the static safety as java



modern javascript + flow/typescript

More like how ts is to js, every java code is valid kotlin code

you explain what did you mean by that analogy

only ketchup that compiles to java bytecode

IQ has, by definition, an overall average of 100
what population was tested in that chart?

Typescript or just suck it up and use java

>more modern
>interoperable with java on android
seems like a perfect analogy, how is it wrong?

Afaik objc code is not valid swift code, is it?

Is Kotlin a Russian botnet just like every other JetBrains product?

>inb4 JetBrains is a Czech company -- more than half of the R&D work is done out of their Russian office in St. Petersburg

how is any of jetbrains products "russian botnet"?

They normalized the IQ scores over the years to 1990's 100-level to quantify the "Flynn Effect."

There are some criticism of the method used, but they're saying 100 IQ in 1920 would get 76 IQ if tested in 1990.

I think they're being disingenuous in an effort to reach findings which support their political views. This notion is consistent with the common worldview that we lived in a sort of dark ages where everyone was an idiot with backward, racist, etc. ideas about the world, when in reality I believe most people in the past simply took objective truths for granted and didn't spend much time debating them. It's awfully convenient to imagine that everyone back then had an IQ 76 if you have the above outlook. It also implies that we somehow evolved cognitively in an extremely short period of time, which I find dubious at best, but which is totally consistent with this idea that you can increase your IQ somehow through your environment (short of things like famine, FAS, etc., which are a given). IQ is widely accepted to have a heritability of about 0.8, so, like I said, I'm suspicious.

>Sup Forums snowflake gets triggered by study result published nearly 30 years ago

>being skeptical of findings makes me loyal to some random Sup Forums board and also triggered and muh current year
nice memes i guess

everything is a botnet from somewhere

t. Sup Forums

You basically said you're skeptical because it contradicts your preferred narrative of "past when niggers couldn't ride in the front of the bus was better" narrative.

Go back to your containment board.

No, I said I'm skeptical for a variety of reasons which I stated, dumbfuck

yeah. I don't know why I always assume a person wants to have a serious discussion even though their post is one meaningless sentence with some meme word like "botnet". I should just filter that shit

but i thought web assembly is usually compiled from js?

it's because pirating on android is really easy

Don't say that :(

I don't know why people are looking for a java killer if they kill them self always

the aristocrats

WASM can be compiled from basically anything, which is the point. JS isn't getting any faster than however quickly V8/Spidermonkey/WhateverMSisUsing can JIT it.

Which means nothing because IQ tests are based on a French elementary school placement tests and Goddard was a stupid hack

you're part of the problem
if you call everybody Sup Forums then they'll never leave this board

sorry but companies don't want to spend 3x the amount of money developing the exact same app for 3 different smartphone platforms

which is completely reasonable considering the multi-platform capabilities of desktops vs phones

Are there any good ressources on kotlyn out yet? Im coming from embedded C and want into faster development with a static type system. I have no idea about OOP. Should I learn Java first?

Kotlin web site has an interactive "code along" tutorial that's pretty good. Koans/Introduction/Hello, world!/Task.kt

Java code isn't valid kotlin code either...

>WASM can be compiled from basically anything
What? Only C and C++ for now. And it doesn't have a GC so that rules out Java and other high level languages unless you port over the GC to WASM as well.
Imagine all the js developers having to program in a nonGC language to stay relevant on the web. It'll be beautiful

I like Ruby for web dev, but still need a decent language for general purpose.

Everything you asked for you gave examples of languages that are fucking horrendous at.

Is what Swift is to Objective-C but to Java. Less drastic because Java already has managed memory.

Java, java 9 is introducing some neat stuff. Or Kotlin desu.

Is this just another rewrite of groovy?

It's the future for sure

I don't want it to be a Java killer. I want pajeets to keep using Java whilst the white people moved to Kotlin. We need segregation.

What an awful name. It sounds like a disease.

That's not what he said at all. He said he thinks it's unlikely that average IQ has increased by 25 points in the last 100 years because evolution doesn't happen that fast.

>your preferred narrative of "past when niggers couldn't ride in the front of the bus was better" narrative
You're just as bad as Sup Forums if you get this triggered and assume everyone is a nazi racist.

want to personally thank you for being such a retard. 10% of the country supports us because you're so insufferable.

java is slowly dying anyway it will still be here for a long time though

>tfw no spicy ketchup

You are right of course, but there are universal app development frameworks in many other languages than javascript.

>there are universal app development frameworks in many other languages than javascript
name some relevant ones

Sounds like you're describing Rust

>blyadistani botnet
No thanks senpai

overcomplicated and ugly piece of shit

>Imagine all the js developers having to program in a nonGC language to stay relevant on the web. It'll be beautiful
won't happen. nongc languages are a thing of the past

[citation needed]

How can you kill something that's already dead? C# killed Java years ago.


it's the one on the right, "Pikantny" in polish is "spicy"

>using shit on top of the glorious jvm
I would kms way before that happened