Time for an ARM macbook

So now that Apple has surpassed Intel in IPC, how long until the death of x86?

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Please back to architecture computer or numerical methods course.

2020 it'll be a reality
must suck to be a x86 cuck

I doubt any ARMv8a derivative architecture is going to go head to head with modern X86 across the board in SPECint. It probably matches it in some metrics, but I heavily suspect its still far behind in others.

Geekbench was never a good test metric.

A9x was already competing with Intel in IPC and since then apple have had a high generational IPC gain then Intel's single digit gain.

You just posted a picture showing exactly what I stated. Try actually looking at the results.

>a9x can barely punch a core m in the face
>hahaha x86 is finished
how about no

The results show the A9X is ahead in some metrics and behind in others, but for many people the power consumption is a bigger deal than number crunching.

If you made a laptop with the A9X you could have a couple dozen hours of battery life.

why do we have so many x86 fanboys
mad you're going to have to actually update?

Intel's been sending smelly third worlders here to shill for its shitty products, it's convinced me that I should never buy another one of their products ever again.

If their shills are such shit why would I assume their engineers are any better?

Right, and we know they're spending a lot of money trying to influence public opinion so they continue having a death grip on computing.
Glad to see their era is coming to an end.

Goddamn why is it that all Applel and Intlel shillboys are tech illiterate and keep spouting "MUH IPC"?

I have a theory about shilling, especially mass shilling. Some shilling might help to create a buzz and such, but shilling the shit out of every single site 24/7 actually redpills people on shills and makes them resent it. I think this is part of the reason why Hillary lost - the shills were just everywhere with their smug faggy shit.


Take this story, maybe a clueless boomer faggot would fall for it, but anybody with a brain would seethe at such an inept attempt at brainwashing. You're right, it signals desperation.

ARM doesn't have the instruction sets commonly used in pc's, in other words good luck trying to get an ARM processor to work in anything other than phones and tablets.
Also, geekbench is a shit benchmark.

>modern OS's use multiple cores if possible for mostly everything these days
>developers use multiple threads
>single core performance increases have stalled for years
oh gee i don't know

>in other words good luck trying to get an ARM processor to work in anything other than phones and tablets
Year on year ARM performance is increasing at a much faster rate than Intel especially in the consumer-focused device market, and you're a brainlet, anything you can compile on an Intel machine will work on ARM unless you're relying on assembly language instructions.

Normalfags have been happy with machine performance for years now, and ARM has surpassed the Intel laptop-focused CPUs of just a few years ago now.

If you didn't just blatantly lie your shilling might be more effective, just so you know.

Excuse me, who am I shilling for?


You know who, Pajeet.

and also no software unless you're running linux, which isn't much good for the average person

no software... yet
that'll change exceptionally soon, and that's not even counting emulation

>Just another thread from the annual geekbench wanking
It's funny because geekbench is the only benchmark that puts ARM in the same league as the desktop architectures.

Think about It, if ARM really did outperform x86 to the extent geekbench implies, wouldn't the entire server market have migrated by now? What do you think is more likely, that Google buy AMD and Intel chips as part of a conspiracy or that geekbench really is as shit as everyone says?

Y-you don't know why Apple switched to LLVM do you?

So you're a pajeet and a millennial.

>we made our x86 laptop throttle so horribly it even gets outperformed by a phone.

>this is totally the x86 CPU's fault and not that of our overheating piece of shit.

Wew, iLad.

>wouldn't the entire server market have migrated by now?
You do realize that 'entire markets' only participate in slow gradual shifts?
What's more likely, you (a random useless user) not knowing a damn thing you're talking about, or geekbench being utterly inefficient... hmmmmmm~

Is this a meme or are you actually using appeal to authority on geekbench of all fucking things?
