Why have you not migrated to primarily console and ncurses based computing? Do you still need the crutch of a "window?"

Why have you not migrated to primarily console and ncurses based computing? Do you still need the crutch of a "window?"

because computers are cheaper than consoles for the same perfomance and their few exclusive titles arent good enough to justify the purchase



i like to browse the internet and look at pictures


links2 -g

>Links2 is a web browser which is based on 'links' and can be run in two modes. It will display web pages only in text when run in console mode and renders images in a variety of graphics formats such as PNG, Jpeg, Gif, Tiff and Xbm when run in graphics mode from within a X window system.
>when run in graphics mode from within a X window system.

Well what the fuck is the point then? If I'm gonna boot up an X environment I might as well just use a normal browser.

because I like hardware accelerated rasters, thanks.

>If I'm gonna boot up an X environment I might as well just use a normal botnet

that's all well and good until you consider fingerprinting
enjoy being 100% perfectly tracked by every site you visit because you use a browser only 12 other people use

>not triple encrypting all your outgoing data

Not that user, but I've been using links2 as my main browser for about ~2 years now, and there are a variety of options that allow masking. The HTTP headers can be faked to look like firefox, there's even an option for it! However, to keep up with the lastest headers, you must recompile it.

I'm so sick of Vim users who insist on doing everything through a hodge podge of ncurses applications they found on Reddit when the software is blatantly inferior. You don't even get the benefit of having a consolidated suite of tightly integrated software, as with Emacs. See: Cmus, which barely has the capacity to sort music by metadata, making it an inherently worthless dedicated music player.
What the fuck did you expect? And to answer your question, emacs, mostly. Otherwise, there is no reason.

>implying I don't use emacs console version

>vim users
what in the flying fuck does a music player have to do with what text editor you use? why would you need integration there?

ITT: X babbies need their purdy pictures

>blatantly inferior
ranger, irssi, ncmpcpp, ncdu are all pretty good



apt-get install w3m

Oh, by the way I just installed ranger and w3m-img. The problem is that w3m doesn't clear the background when I preview an image, I just stacks on top of the last. Is this normal?

Because Emacs wouldn't put up with that bullshit unless they could assimilate it into Emacs

There are Emacs plugins that emulate everything you just mentioned.


How does it draw such small blocks for pixels? Or is it just in framebuffer.


it finds the terminal then draws the image over it.

havent seen it do that before. but its not the best program anyway.
w3mimgviewer in ranger leaks memory whenever it draws an image and needs to get killed every so often,
and it just stopped working for me recently and ranger uses an img->ascii thing instead now.

Yes. But you can also render the image through rxvt-unicode, if you're using it, which works a lot better. However, I find that the ranger plugin for Emacs works incredibly well, if not better.


Name a text based browser that supports JavaScript and works for popular sites please.

>1505686633 seconds since Jan 01 1970
>still using nonfree javascript


Because Linux console applications look outdated even for the time, when the text mode was still relevant.


>it finds the terminal then draws the image over it.
You mean the Linux console or can this somehow be done in X?
Also, rate my console video player.

The one on the right actually looks pretty modern to me.

Sorry, but I have to work for a living and UNFORTUNATELY have to use a web browser to do many things.

ooh, bright colors. how advanced.
sc has those too. the defaults are pretty shitty though.

yea i was talking about X. im not too familiar with how it works but its pretty neat
i think it has a way to do it for console too




ncurses is a piece of poop, why do people pretend its good just because its le epic terminal

this definitely
its not like all these shitty cli applications are actually good, fast, or effiicent JUST because they use ncurses, most of them are really really bad

>X fags this deep in denial

>ooh, bright colors. how advanced.
Don't act dumb. You know what I am talking about.

>durr he's right but I'll make vague statements and try to make him look dumb

>all that greentexting
Guess which program a random person is more likely able to use without preliminary reading of help.
>inb4 hurr durr you must always read mans before you use the program
For a spreadsheet calculator? It's not some hacker tool so it compensates its unfriendly interface with power features.

>basing your choices on the fee fees of some rando

Grow up

>that attempt of changing the topic
It doesn't make sc suck less because of its bad UI.

There's a difference between using a piece of software because it's good and using a piece of software because you associate some of its superficial qualities with "efficiency" or "robustness" or whatever buzzwords you want to throw at it. I don't deny the value of an ncurses app like Mutt, because I actually use Mutt, and it's incredibly good. But an application like Cmus is a fucking insult to music players and the reason why GNU/Linux is the laughing stock of the creative world, because so many people can't get their head out of their ass and demand for a piece of software that's actually good without the fear of being ousted as a "newbie" for being "intimidated" by the command line, as though interfacing with the command line is some kind of amazing feat, rather than a means to an end.

Ncurses is in many cases form over function. It just happens that said form kitschy and superlative and generally touted by vain wannabe "hackers". Again, I have nothing against term apps in themselves, but I do resent people who will actively seek out shittier software just for the sake of that interface. And I resent people who think that inconveniencing themselves is something to take pride in.