Please anons, can someone confirm me if you see this same message as I do?
I think government is taking down all catalan nationalist webpages.
Spanish government forcing ISP's to block Catalan referendum domain
Other urls found in this thread:
Great if true
Catalan politicians are pedophiles and their politics in general are cancer
Go back to Sup Forums please.
The normal website works for me (Finland). Wouldn't this censorship be actually counter-effective to the Spanish goverment? I imagine it would just fuel the fire for Catlaonian independence.
This, so much this.
Lets say that spanish goverment politicans aren't the greatest minds in history.
Only blocked inside Spain, use a vpn
Good. As a Canadian I know exactly the shitty cloth those Catalans are cut from, same as the dirty Quebecois, trying to have their cake and eat it too
>fasces in logo
Is that a real logo of a Spanish government agency?
yes it is
Search for "guardia civil" logo.
Spain never leaved the dictatorship
Nevermind the politics, I'm more interested in how this being *blocked*?
DNS or some sort of IP redirection?
even if you do not agree this is a dangerous precedent to allow a government to censor things, what if the roles were switched? you would be screaming free speech.
Most people are like this, what's that weird effect called where you try to hide something and that makes people want to find out about it more and more?
I use Google dns (inb4 >botnet) and it's still blocked.
Spoiler: Not all governments are run with the US constitution.
It does not allow me to enter via IP.
Neither i can ping the dns. It is some sort of redirection.
Streisand effect
free speech is a human right, it's time to give these spaniards some democracy.
Free speech is human rights. Human rights is signed by all eu members. Spain is en EU.
Croatia here
What IP does google DNS returns? DNS resolution returns a cloudflare IP for me, in the states. So it could even be CF who is blocking this particular DNS?
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
This is my tracert.
Spain is still a thing? Here's a question how come it's full of Mexicans? Did those shitlords have a return to the motherland movement where they actually went back? Why are black people so lazy?
>Here's a question how come it's full of Mexicans?
Do you know what Spain is?
If free speech is a human right then why is holocaust denial a thing and why does Spain have the highest penalty for it?
Inb4 pol
NVM, forgot I disabled it. Loads fine with Google DNS
>why does Spain have the highest penalty for it
What? When? I've never seen anybody being judged for denying holocaust.
The only preach "forbidden" in spain is injuries to the crown.
I've actually heard of more cases of Spaniards going to Mexico and other latam countries to work than otherwise because the commies really fucked Spain's shit up.
Is there a site that measures the accuracy of googles DNS over time?
Reading their reports of what lengths google goes to prevent all kinds of DNS attacks, makes me think they really to provide the best, most accurate service:
Then again stuff like TDS happens where it looks like the exact opposite.
Well I was going off of memory and it looks like they changed the laws to make it legal in 2007. They had the highest minimum sentence out of every country. I get the age of consent confused with it but I want to say it was a 14 year minimum sentence.
I won't click on that link nigga, but good luck to catalans
t. cuck
>implying free speech truly exists in Europe
*get sent to jail for "hate speech"*
Yes it works for me, get a bunch of pictures of rail roads.
Que te jodan por intentar independizarte
>si yo no puedo estar bien se deberán de joder los demás
Putos manolos de mierda.
I wonder why they want to leave Spain...
The Spanish Inquisition strikes again!
What is the problem being in Spain? Barcelona tries to be the next Monaco, but will fail miserably if the government let them go. You got already enough autonomy so nobody cares.
Tranquilo Paco
Too much delicious food?
posting on Sup Forums as we speak
first time I am happy of Internet censorship
It is ironic considering that all the good food from spain is either from Galicia, Asturias, Pais Vasco, Catalonia or Valencia.
Mudslimes destroyed Castilla. Can't be helped.
If human rights exist why does North Korea?
Protip: oppression doesn't invalidate rights, it represses their practice.
i Hate Sup Forums but it seems that internet censorship is not so bad. Fuck you spain you killed my ancestors. True lenca speaking. I have 0% spanish blood I am pure.
thanks for showing your true colors.
nazis only care about free speech when it suits their interests.
>i Hate Sup Forums but it seems that internet censorship is not so bad. Fuck you spain you killed my ancestors.
Nigga it's not the Manolos getting fucked, it's the Catalonians who can't even access their own propaganda sites.
never heard of it, so I find it very interesting
congrats on staying pure, lad
Free speech is for faggots. Nobody wants American """""""""""""""""""""""democracy""""""""""""""""""""""""""
It has never done anyone any good.
Carrega sense cap problema a Dublin.
Segurament filtren via DNS, molt tipic a Spain. Usa qualsevol altre server dns com els de google (, i tirarà sense cap problema.
I, efectivament, en uns dies anirè a Barcelona a veure la senpaiília. I ja que hi soc, passarè per l'urna :-)
hey buddy your keyboard is broken
Gracies per confirmar. ||*|| Visca catalunya.
This. Sup Forums is pure cancer.
speak spanish or English you cretin
Spaniard living in Catalonia and im anti separatist.
This measure is pure trash and this shows me what i always knew about my government, we don't have freedom of expression and we are getting monitored on all levels, Spaniards act like they have a constitution but when ever shit goes down they act like pure dictators.
Based on our constitutional rights the government has to provide his population with a house (not even shitting you) but they completely ignore this part of our constitution and instead they focus on how they can extract more money from our souls.
Found the pansexual furryniggers.
>Writing in something that isn't even a proper language in a chink weeb imageboard
This is a whole new level of retardation
>muh free speech!! Sup Forums whining for days
>freeze peach!??! literally Sup Forums whines and bitches for days on end
>lol they deserve it
>we call you whiney bitchey faggots on your gay inconsistency
>only retort is "pansexual furry" because all he can do is project onto other people to invalidate his insecurities
grow some balls or neck yourself subhuman trash. no principles, courtesy, or integrity at all in you people.
You're trying to change the argument.
Protip: shoot yourself
>Implying the US has freedom of speech
*Gets arrested for being mean to Jesus*
>this is exclusive to nazis
Are you sure about this?
Kill yourself anti-freedom scum. Soviet Russia is down the hall and on the left.
Vandalism isn't free speech.
Sadly that's the only way to be. You can't let be free your enemies that want to see you dead
>implying humans have free speech in their natural state
>one article by some dumbass tumblrina snowflake from Canada means we must kill all catalonians
This is how they thank us for bringing them civilization. We should have killed more indiniggers like the anglos did.
>implying something is acceptable just because it's natural
>babby's first strawman
>babbys first conspiracy theory
Ridiculous; we've given Scotland a change to leave the UK. Cracking down on Catalonia will make them more likely to support independence.
Swing and a miss Europe. How gay are you guys?
*Gets arrested criticising the government*
we have nothing to do with you. Fuck your imperialist attitude, you disgraceful fool who does not realize the gold that was taken was sold to the Russians for shitty weapons during your last war.
Vandalism? He put a picture on Facebook that made it look like Jesus was sucking his dick. Do you know what vandalism means?
>people being retards means there's a conspiracy
sign me up for the SS
Was the CEO from the (((tribe)))?
show the account name faggot.
>being proud of your race
its kinda sad that you guys dont have anything else to be proud of beacuse you fat asses don't do anything lol
UK here - site works okay for me
>(((Sup Forums Nazis)))
I mean, what they're doing is onviously illegal, so good fucking riddance.
The "referendum" has been declared illegal by the courts, and the courts have ordered that the whole infrastructure be shut down. The web page has been shut down just like when the US shuts down .onion services
Of course, secessionists here took care of saying that it was "the government" who did it. Dictatorship, dictatorship I tell you!
visca la guàrdia civil
fuck those catalans and their SPESHIUL SNOWFLAKE attitude
the whole """""""""""""""""""""""""""country"""""""""""""""""""""""""" is like 4 blocks anyway
Catalan referendum is dangerous for entire Europe, kudos to Spanish government
>le Dismiss an entire political ideology as pedophile tactic
Sup Forums really needs to go back
Not even comparable. .onion services are shut down in the United States when they are revealed to be engaging in the distribution of pedophilia, illegal arms, illegal drugs, etc. The United States doesn't shut down websites of activists -- at least, not yet.
>"This Jew Wil replace You"
>"LOL Your Grandkids are Gonna be Brown"
>"We are Replacing You"
are obvious jokes and the reactionaries are incapable of humor. What a twist.
>"Kill Whitey"
I bet, more than anything, that this was photoshopped.
That's because they are illegal and against Spain's constitution
It's a good thing they are doing
I'm from the US. What's the TL;DR on this
>I bet, more than anything, that this was photoshopped.
ahahahahaha, sure thing
35% of Catalonia wants to split from Spain and be a country on itself
Instead of going the lawful way, the current governing party is following illegal practices
They decided to (ilegally) vote wether to leave or stay on October the 1st
The whole process is against Spanish constitution so the Supreme Court ruled the whole thing as illegal, and ordered to seize anything that promotes it
Works perfect here, Im using spanish ISP