>not using a tiling window manager
Explain yourself.
>not using a tiling window manager
Explain yourself.
Other urls found in this thread:
>not using a tiling window manager with a launcher and defining workspaces with a name to switch easier to
Not mentally ill.
dotfiles pls
Babbies first arch install
you're not even doing anything you fucking mong, you're just sitting staring at some useless windows because you think it gives you Sup Forums cred
does it work on windows 7 tho?
but i do though
Let me show you how it's done.
>uses a tiling WM
>only shows off his screen when his windows are in floating mode
Copypasting from /fglt/
Hello guys! I've used Linux for years, tried Gentoo, Source Mage and so forth. I've always used a DE however. I'm finally thinking about switching to a tiling window manager, but I have a few questions.
Which one has the best mouse/normie support? Moving windows with a mouse would be a nice feature. Having window controls (Max / Close) is also a necessitiy (alternatively, I could create scripts and make them clickable via a bar?). I'd like other people to be able to use the computer too (mostly for internet and games).
Also, what else is necessary besides the window manager and a launcher (dmenu/rofi)? Especially if I want to easily switch between multiple screens (remove & add screens) and multiple audio devices and soundcards? Can I get an interface as friendly as the GNOME/KDE utilities, or do I have to create pulseaudio scripts?
Some of us have jobs.
TWMs are great for productivity, especially on laptops.
For one I would add udiskie (auto mounter) and dunst (notification daemon), both can be downloaded from the repos in most popular distros.
You can install i3 alongside a DE (minus window manager) for all the settings stuff. Or, well, you can with xfce and lxde at least, I don't know how well other DEs play with having their wms replaced.
>transparent windows without backdrop blur
every tiem
>Not mentally ill.
But I do
I used to think like you too. Then I realized that DE's have basically the same abilities. Even a shit show like Gnome...
> Super key
>start typing application name
>select application with arrow key
>Superkey + left/right arrow (reduces window and shifts it to the side )
>Superkey + up/down arrow (expands/reduces window)
It's basically the same thing, and based on what you have pictured, I could accomplish a more sensible workflow with something like termux or byobu. Using a twm also introduces a bunch of annoying shit that you don't run into with a DE using workspaces.
>not using stock i3
The only one I like is DWM and I'm just too lazy to set it up right now.
What does a tiling WM give me that GNOME doesn't? I can tile windows just fine in GNOME, and I can easily switch between multiple desktops.
well for starters it's not a slow and bloated pile of shit that loses features with each update
It requires an operating system that doesn't support Unreal Engine 4 and 3ds Max.
>using a tiling wm
>make all of your windows float
I don't waste my time pretending to be productive so I can fit in with Sup Forums neckbeards who don't do anything on their PC but rice and shitpost.
>loses features
>uses a TWM with zero features
that does not contradict what he said
i really like i3, but i find kinda complicated so i'm getting used to it.
and i love manjaro, best Distro ever use.
just because something it's popular doesn't mean it can't be good
I only use one full-size window at a time like a normal human being.
could you post pape pls?
So, if you don't care about features, and can get the same functionality from a DE that loses features, where is the con?
There you go gringo.
thx ma dood
no need to when i am, user :).
I bet you also use Windows 10 to prove a point to Sup Forums as well you filthy hipster.
I never have felt a need to move from KDE etc. to tiling window managers, works for me and I don't have time or interest in learning how window managers work.
>slow and bloated pile
Posted from my laptop with fifty applications open for no good reason.
That's exactly why it's good. It won't slow down with fifty applications open.
> no appointments
Right,because those applications stop using resources when they are opened in a TWM. TWM's are like free energy, guise!
I had my Ma' cancel 'em.
I like to click on things instead of learning a bunch of shortcuts.
Firing up Super+D and writing the first 3-4 letters of the application you want to launch is twice as fast as moving a pointer on an icon and double-clicking on it. Not to mention the fact that you need to have it on the desktop in the first place.
I have a mouse.
I'm a free and easy sorta guy.
That's not exclusive to tiling WMs.
Nothing wrong with some light unobtrusive ricing to make your stuff look nicer. My rule is to spend no more than 30 minutes a month changing looks around.
Confirmed for poor reading comprehension
No cult mind no culture bud
Confirmed for poor reasoning capabilities.
I use Windows®™©, and it has been tiling longer than Linux has been crashing xorg.
>babbie's first awesome install
why would you gloat about this? looks like shit, so much extraneous information I guarantee you don't use, transparent windows with no blur, shitty wallpaper, black as my soul
the amount of suck is palpable.
damn this is beautiful. You Linux artisans know what is good
out of curiosity how old are you?
What network manager?
>Forgetting your meme arrows and deleting your post and trying again
pure reddit
>shitting up the thread with double posts
Are you upset, redditfetch user?
with the mind of a 14 year old
i tried i3 in a vm, you guys are so fucking stupid for using that shit, it's bad bad bad bad bad. Maybe .01 percent of the world could benefit from using it. If you only ever run the same 2 programs for instance it would be fine. For a general use PC there is no upside and many, many downsides to a tiling wm.
exactly what i thought
you liked what he didn't like. es ist verboten.
It's not awesome wtf
Do I smell some damage control?
They are an absolute killer of productivity, I don't want to switch through 5 workspaces constantly just to do a single job.
That looks cool but 3 weeks later when I install a new distro or something I would lose all that work I put in customizing.
Awesome WM is the only one with good mouse support as far as I know.
Is that your defense mechanism whenever someone proves you wrong?
But i guess its only a problem if it stalls in QB. Fucking hypocrites.
I switched a couple weeks ago and I have to admit, it's quite comfy
Torrents can stall in any client, the issue with QB is that most of them do.
This except I am. I'm just not autistic enough
i rarely if ever need multiple windows open and in view simultaneously
>Not using a tiling WM on top of a decent DE
AwesomeWM has good mouse support. It lets you very easily drag and resize windows. It also has a floating window mode, for when you need it.
i do, and people always tell me my bar look like shit :'(
your terminal font gave me blindness
Actually looks pretty decent on my laptop screen, iunno. I kinda get that vibe if I look at screenshots on other devices, but this is just some shitposting thread.
>No tiled windows
It seems to me you don't use a TWM for anything other than to shitpost.
Looking at those specs I highly fucking doubt you use this device for anything other than to set up arch, install your memes and take a screenshot judging from that uptime. Enjoy your unreadable transparent terminal without a blurred backdrop.
Your bar doesn't look like shit, it looks default. No one gives a shit about your laziness.
Screenfetch says i3.
Learn to read.
And in what universe does that look like awesome even from a distance?
>seinfeld in 16:9
same, i just use stock dwm and chill
How did you add i3 to KDE?
That's the best way to use i3, in my opinion. That's really all you need.
Good for small resolutions if you want to conserve space.
I use one on my laptop.
Doubt I'd use a tiling WM on a desktop though.
Don't do that
He is a cluster fuck
Holy fuck that font I hope you're memeing bud
Why does everyone on Sup Forums have this same minim-autistic desktop?
They don't
whats the language the screenshot's name in, looks like cykablyat to me
The true retards actually post their desktop