Call Rogers to ask what pricing they have for phones on the plan my family uses

>Call Rogers to ask what pricing they have for phones on the plan my family uses
>Give them my first name and then the account number
>"[Brother's name] or [Father's name]?"
>I repeat my name
>"What phone number?"
>Give him my phone number
>"So, is it [Father's phone number] or [Brother's phone number]?"
>Repeat phone number again
>Have to repeat first 3 digits after area code twice
>None of us have the same first 3 digits after the area code
>Have to repeat the last 4 digits again
>End up repeating the whole phone number another two times
>"You're not authorized to make changes to the plan"
>Yes I am, I'm the one who fucking negotiated our current plan with them
>But even if I wasn't, it wouldn't even matter because I'm not even making any changes to the plan, I'm just asking what pricing they have on certain phones FOR my plan
>"So, which phone number?"

Is this just an advanced form of laziness where you aggravate your clients to the point where they give up or are they just that fucking stupid?

Other urls found in this thread:!/BYOP

I think you were just phished, user

1. I called them, not the other way around
2. They never asked any identifying information like birthday and whatnot, just phone number and first name.

Also, if they were fishing, why would they already have the information on both my brother and father?

I don't have this problem with my 1Gbps slavic ISP.

Rogers mostly outsources customer service to third party companies. I can tell you first hand that a bunch of retards work there.

You have to either be the person who originally started the account or have your name listed as an authorized user.

Renewal pricing is usually based on your current plan, so the prices could be account-specific.

Stop complaining bitch

Rogers employee with shit reading comprehension detected.

so you're either lying or leaving out a huge chunk of the story
pick your poison

I have never had this issue. I only use shit that has prices front and center.

Why are you using a service that doesn't display all their options online? I mean, my health insurance manages to pull this shit. Why can't your cell phone service provider?

>Thinking there are real options in Canada!/BYOP

I'm literally going down a list of Canadian Cell Phone Providers, by the way.

Now check their coverage, dumbass. Canada is large and sparse.

They even have plan prices on your network:

Not like I can do much without knowing where you live.

>or are they just that fucking stupid?
They don't get their jobs due to skill. They get the jobs due to how good they are on interviews where they don't look at technical skill.

ISPs in Canada are tyrannical.

>tfw don't have slavic internet

>call Rogers because my 12 month promo is expiring
>rep offers me another promo that has slower speed and higher price, but still slightly cheaper than advertised price but higher than competitor (TekSavvy) price
>ask rep to match competitor pricing
>immediately offers price $1.50 less per month than competitor price

The price discrimination Rogers/Bell/Telus does is insane.

Virgin Canada is owned by Bell, Fido and Chatr are owned by Rogers, Koodo and Public are owned by Telus.

On top of that, Bell and Telus share towers and even run off of the same antennas in many areas.

The appearance of telecom competition in Canada is completely illusory.

It literally doesn't matter. ISPs in Canada are in bed with each other to stifle competition and keep their prices static so as to fuck everyone in the ass equally throughout the country.

>Virgin Canada is owned by Bell, Fido and Chatr are owned by Rogers, Koodo and Public are owned by Telus.

>On top of that, Bell and Telus share towers and even run off of the same antennas in many areas.

>The appearance of telecom competition in Canada is completely illusory.

That's all well and good, but has nothing to do with finding pricing.

Doesn't matter if they're owned by the same company when you get access to the same network for much cheaper.

The rep was totally useless I agree, but the ISP problem in Canada is much worse than your customer service debacle.

Don't worry, 1Gbps will come to you as well.

So was OP. You can find pricing on every provider I've looked for.

>Call Rogers to ask what pricing they have for phones on the plan my family uses
just look it up you fucking retard

Hi. OP here.
I wasn't look at the prices for plans, I was looking at the prices for devices on the plan we have. Look at the devices section. When they advertise the price for a phone, they show it based on, typically, the "Premium+ Tab", MAYBE the "Premium Tab". You can't filter just based on the exact plan you ACTUALLY HAVE, you can't sort by price and you can't even search by operating system. You can only search by company.

Click on the phone you're interested in, and then click on Premium+ Tab, Premium Tab, Smart Tab, Talk and Text Tab, or No Tab to get the price.

For example, I know that a Samsung Galaxy S8 will cost you 1299 to buy outright.

Having to select each phone manually is fucking shit. That's the whole point.

Start with the phone you want most. If the price isn't acceptable, go to your second choice. Rinse and repeat. Still quicker than waiting on an idiot customer service rep.

Stop acting like you're 80 years old.

The customer service rep should have a list with all the prices for all the different "tabs". Clearly, my mistake was operating on the assumption that they wouldn't be clinically retarded.

I've worked as a customer service rep in the past. For Cabella's. We use the exact same website as our regular customers to check pricing. Our order form is a bit different, and we rated our customers on a star system (people who spent a lot of money regularly got the "Red Carpet Treatment."

But regarding phone prices, over 90% of customers are better served just using the website. If you're outfitting an entire corporation, and paying tens of thousands of dollars per year, then you'll be better off with phone service.

Cabella's doesn't go out of its way to make everything as obtuse as possible to obfuscate how much people are actually going to end up paying. If I go on their website looking for a .308 bolt-action, I can search by action, cartridge and then sort by price in seconds. I don't need to go into the Savage section, look at all their rifles individually, completely out of order, to pick out all the bolt-action rifles, then manually select the .308 SKU for each one and then sort them by price.

Then choose a new phone provider. I don't know what you want. They are gonna use the exact same website as you. The length of time you've been in this thread, you could have whipped up a spreadsheet with literally every phone, and every price, for you to compare.

It's not hard, just tedious.

>Blaming the client for the vendor's shit being fucked

They probably have a support ticketing system that requires them to enter a valid phone number and only provide support to the owner of the number
You're basically sperging out because a wageslave has no control over the system and can't help you even if he wanted to.

Not at all. Blaming the client for thinking that whining about his problems is gonna do anything about them. Learn what is inside and outside of your control, and spend time on what you can control, while just getting through what you can't.

Do you really think I came on Sup Forums to solve the problem? I posted it here to vent.

dumb blogposter

Why? Did you mistake this board for your group of friends?