Perfect keyboards don't exi-

>perfect keyboards don't exi-

No 10 Key means you don't do real work.

Just get an usb one

its not ideal but you can use scroll lock to activate their numpad
it sucks though

10 is for pussies. Never move your hands from the homerow with this kb

Too bad literally no motherboard has two ps2 contacts anymore

looks like you got some bacon stuck in the middle there, really bugs my OCD lol

>having redundant keys instead of learning to use the top row efficiently

>eating bacon
Get out of my thread goy

>ugh cables

been using this guy on the desk and couch and bed for 10 years... perfection... will buy another soon for spares... i expect to keep it going into the 2030s

>What is a USB adapter

>clit in non-laptop keyboard


Welcome to the club. Get a soft rim already.
I dont think there are USB rt3200s.

What is with the massive silver chin on the bottom

I had one. It has very poor rubber dome keys, and PS/2 means that you need USB converters for modern computers, which means the TrackPoint is no longer a TrackPoint but just a generic mouse. It'll work, but one issue is that you won't be able to use the proper TrackPoint driver in Windows, and as far as I know you can't get center button scrolling. In Linux I believe you can do it regardless, but I don't think I ever tried.

>all that bulk and not even a numpad

No, a separate 10key with a usb plug.

Then you're getting ripped off, because every motherboard under the sun supports it

Oh. I just use the pad on my G600.

>piece of shit rubberdomes
kek... fucking low IQ plebs.

t 200 hundred dollar keyboard with 90 dollar cap

lol, only a small subset of jobs need a numpad

TIL mindless data entry is "real work"

I just got a spacesaver unicomp for $20 off Craigslist. Feels fucking good lads.

>fucking rubberdome
All IBM rubberdomes besides the model m's are just ass shitty as the shittiest logitech. Don't let the logo jew you into buying that dusty IBM rubberdome off eBay or your thrift store.

Too late. It feels fine. I just wanted the trackpoint.

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