Has anyone else noticed themselves switching to Apple products as they become richer, more successful in life/career?

has anyone else noticed themselves switching to Apple products as they become richer, more successful in life/career?

fuck off forever

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It's okay friend, we all make mistakes!

Everyone does. Even Linux people that have money have switched over to macOS.

As soon as you get money, you buy Apple shit.

this post is lower quality than op

Nah, I made the switch when I was still a poorfag. Eventually getting another piece is just reasonable given the superior eco-system and the price argument doesn't really exist unless you buy new shit every year or the really expensive stuff like trashcan or imac pro.

Major thx to niresh! Bringing Apple to the masses

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>shilling this hard
are you fucking serious

Have 3k a month is disposable cash. Buy an apple product once every 3 years.

Sounds more like fanboyism. Which you'd understand if you had Applel crap. It makes you stop and think about how far tech came.

It's probably saved me money tbqh

Still using my laptop from 2011
Still using my phone from 2012

If I got a Dell or a Poordroid they both would have shat the bed by now.

summer never ends

Linus uses a crapbook too, fucking contrarian sellouts.

>Iphones lasting more than one update pass the release of a newer model
Either your phone is slow as fuck or you're lying out your ass.

Not him but I know dozens of people with 5, which still runs pretty smooth for a phone from 2012 with newest updates. Obviously it's noticeably slower than newer ones but for what it is, it's pretty damn good.

The biggest issue for the people is the crappy battery life.

>Not him but I know dozens of people with 5, which still runs pretty smooth for a phone from 2012 with newest updates.
>Obviously it's noticeably slower than newer ones
this all seems a bit incompatible to me dont you think? iOS devices get gimped along the way unless you host block yourself from the update server as it'll automatically download the updates over and over until you finally decide to give in.
>t. owner of an iPad 3 stranded on iOS 8.4 and an iPad Air that's on the chopping block.

>Android user never experienced a software update so he has to guess what it's like

Like the other guy said, I've seen people using a 5/5S daily. My own 5S runs on the latest OS and isn't lagging anywhere except on bloat shit like th Facebook app, but that's not an Apple fault.

>and isn't lagging anywhere except
anything beyond this point is horseshit. It lags, you're just making excuses to rationalize for the updates slowly but surely making your phone slower in 2D and animated sequences. Performance in 3D vidya and benchmarks either stays the same or increases on iOS but the phones bog down, every update cycle a little bit more. Isn't the iPhone 5S already deprecated?

No, but I have noticed that I buy more apple products as I continue to suck more and more dicks. The more dicks I suck the more I buy.

Why? It's given that a phone from 2012 with 32bit CPU and 512MB of RAM won't compete with modern stuff at speed. Even the 5s from next year is almost twice as fast. Just given that something that's ancient in the world of tech is still perfectly usable with the newest updates is pretty impressive.

It's a lot different with iPads AFAIK since they were really aggressive at cutting off the older stuff. Though I guess it makes sense with their focus on making it a PC replacement with multitasking and the likes, making their previous RAM sizes inadequate for it.

They do indeed make slower animated sequences (or speeded them up in iOS 11 for muh feelz) but lag itself pretty rare. Which is a noticeable difference. A phone loading up something slower isn't as annoying as stutters.

LOL no, I find myself caring less and less about fancy new tech since old stuff and cheap stuff works just fine

Of course Apple purposely cripples their old devices to force users to upgrade

Dude, you absolutely can not bitch about an iPad 3 being stuck on an older OS....

It is a FIVE YEAR OLD device.


Android tablets from that time are pretty much nonexistent or stuck on a VERY OLD version of Android.

If anything that speaks to the longevity of Apple products, which can not be argued.

>cripples their old devices to force users to upgrade
I fucking wish. I am bored with muh SE but it just runs too perfect with iOS 11 beta and I have no excuse to get X. Though if they made SE X without camera bump, I'd prolly make the jump.

>muh iPhone updates
The number may say it's running the latest version of iOS, but they leave out so many of the features that newer devices get it may as well not even be the same operating system

The last stray was when my couple month old iPhone 4 got an update but no Siri. Apple claimed it was because only the 4S had the right hardware, but some guy enabled Siri for the iPhone 4 and it worked just as well as it did on the 4S
Got a Nexus 4 about a year later and never looked back

its time for bed kid

I've personally used older iDevices and they're not unpleasant to use, the RAM runs a bit short as you said. What I feel Apple should do is instead of creating idiots like these they should keep the old devices on old iOS' with only security updates. I'm currently using the iPad 3 as an e-book reader and music player with some light 2D vidya and it works fine but applications crash and stop receiving updates since "This Application requires iOS 9.3+" but that's not a big blunder, this *IS* a secondary use thing.

Haha, I get paid $30 an hour to shit post all day, fuck you.

>becomes a laggy useless piece of shit after 2 years of lagOS """""""updates"""""
>3 extra years of lagOS """"""""updates""""""" as a final nail in the coffin just to make sure


Im that guy and im buying the X as soon as I can to upgrade from my iphone 7 jet black 256gb.

Fight me.

The same people would complain about not getting any features then, as seen above.

The whole thing should be a lot simpler for Applel once the drop 32bit/1GB ram support completely.

Funny how I dont see anyone using a droid x2 from 2012 anymore.

Your argument is shit, and you know it. iOS devices DO outlast android by a far margin.

Because "they just werk" and thats what normies care about.

Honestly I'm surprised at how snappy those $100 android phones on Amazon running Marshmallow can be

2 rupees have been deposited in your designated shitting street Prakesh.

Nobody except the poorest of poorfags are using 5 tear old iPhones

Some people will literally not upgrade until they are forced to.

>The same people would complain about not getting any features then, as seen above.
Bully them into a different device, like they're doing right now. Dropping 32bit is necessary but 1GB RAM not so much, many "modern" applel devices use 1GB Ram, notably the 2013 line of devices and on.
I wont mate, do what you like with your money but don't shill for it on my thinkpad safespace without considering both sides .w.
I used a Droid Razr M for around a year as a back up phone, there's no discernable lack of smoothness or any feature lacking that I couldn't half-assedly implement through root. iOS devices can only look good if you disable literally any eye candy. I had this girl in my class abandon a 4s for an iPhone 5s, from the street to the loo I guess. It's pointless to buy anything other than Apple if your IQ is under 100

not now he doesn't. that was his last computer.

Have you tested them long term though? Android got performance degradation that makes Windows seem modern, as they addressed themselves in the O presentation.

Well, their 2013 line is probably getting the cut next year. It wouldn't make too much sense for Applel to keep supporting the stuff for longer than 5 years even though it's possible. Besides, they have a poorfag option with SE that will only get cheaper in 2018.

>It wouldn't make too much sense for Applel to keep supporting the stuff for longer than 5 years even though it's possible. Besides, they have a poorfag option with SE that will only get cheaper in 2018.
I'm on you there buddo, most people either move on after 5 years onto the next cheap thing or they jailbreak.

I've found that a lot of slow downs on a phone can be fixed by getting rid of the Facebook app, for both iOS and Android

Turns out Facebook is a poorly coded piece of shit

It's amazing at murdering the battery life too from what I heard. Weirdly enough the apps from the companies they bought run fine, so it's an issue with one dev team.

That's funny, because I didn't see you post this reply to the OP of any of these threads:
These threads are dumb anti-apple threads, yet you don't seem to have a problem with them.

my mom has always had apple computers. I used to be forced to use one and I hated it. despite my family always being so poor she seems to always have the money for the latest apple desktop. the things are glittered turds with a high price tag. I'll stick to linux.

I was using a Nexus 5 since release up until this summer when it finally crapped out due to an unfortunate beach accident.

My dad was also using an iPhone 5S until I got him a new phone (SE) this summer as well.

Overall both phones were still pretty usable, however I did notice that his phone got slightly shittier with every release, up until the point where he didn't even want to upgrade, regardless of new features, whereas I never felt like a new android version was ever detrimental to my phone.

A shame that I'm not a big fan of where the Nexus/Pixel line has gone though otherwise I would have kept buying them (currently living off of my work iPhone 6 until I get unlazy). It's the only android line where I just didn't give a fuck and it still kept itself nice and clean and updated whereas others I would always be hunting for ways to tweak the shit out of it.

But in general it seemed kind of a rare circumstance. Most people I know, including the rest of my family, tend to upgrade phones far sooner for any of this to matter. Biggest culprits are dying batteries and more recently failing speakers, and I'm definitely not spending time to replace components on a phone 2-4 years old.

Check out Motorola phones, their ROMs are almost completely stock and they even update them fast as fuck too
I remember when the next big version of Android, lollipop I think, was out on the Moto X a few days before it was pushed to a majority of Nexus 5s

Ahah! So true!

Ho-lee fuck I just came to a realization, Android vs iOS usually boils down to Arch vs Debian. Stale os vs bleeding edge everything breaks and fucks up on older platforms. It all makes sense now.

Which isn't very accurate for a good while now. Android dropped the ball on innovation in 2014 or so and were completely behind on encryption. It's closer to Windows and well, MacOS.

Maybe if you include different builds the comparison would hold some water.