


Fuck you you fucking Amerifats

Stop snooping on us Europeans just because you're jelly


signit intercepting signals, who woulda thunk it

People live in this fantasy that mass surveillance began only when they first learnt about it.
In reality it has gone on for decades. The internet may have radically transformed its nature, but the infrastructure has in place since at least the 70s and programmes have existed under different names since then.

Give us all your croissants!

>no offense to Britney Spears intended

Gonna fire up tor to read this. Can't be too safe

I hope the NSA enjoys the anime and JAV videos they've seen me download.

Go to hell.

I do, thanks for the recs

MIRD-150 is pretty good.

Hitomi disgusts me, she's like a fucking cow with breast tumors. Only Anri could save that freakshow.

>used limewire
I am safe!!!!
Fuck off Muhammed

>not wanting giant tits wrapped around your dick

k bud

Anri's are giant and would suck all day long, Hitomi's are just disgusting tumors. Like everything in life you gotta learn where to draw the line.

I wonder if the NSA thinks my mother has great taste in music since she's been pirating music since the late 90s


>implying there's a line to how big tits can be
p e r s o n a l p r e f e r e n c e

Anri's tits are also fake btw. meanwhile Hitomi's are natural. too bad she was ruined by yakuza niggers.

Woah, the nsa could hide spyware in weebshit torrents that they host! What a surprise!

>Anri's tits are fake
yeah ok buddy, you just went off the line again

Tell me what they haven't spied on.

Look closely in any JAV where she lifts them up, you can see the enhancement scars at the seam of the bottom of each breast

They even turned frogs gay
>source. Alex jones.

Ipfs is not an early file sharing network, you fucking moron

>NSA monitored your limewire/kazaa downloads

>>source. Alex jones.

>wage war on piracy for the last decade
>imprison people that did no wrong because the media jews told you to
>accuse americans of being jelly despite them being the last thing standing in the way of drm on everything
go renew your tv license fukboi

NSA didn't as such. GCHQ did, via a firm set up through the MoD-backed QinetiQ - I think it might've been called Overpeer or something like that?

Note that you never had to be the NSA to fuck up KaZaA and eDonkey2000. Plenty of private actors did the same. They used modified versions of MD4. MD4 got absolutely buttfucked by Dobbertin, and later even more by Wang Xiaoyun and Leurent.