Sup Forums Space Program /4sp/


Our goal is simply:
To see the stars,
To see if we can,
To see if we can get away with it

We are going to be the first team to launch a frog in to the stratosphere and bring him back.

We will livestream the process with onboard cameras.

There are many questions on everyone's mind: Will we see the curve? What if we hit the dome? Will our brave froggo live?

All will be made clear as we reach for the cosmos.

We have many resources on Sup Forums that we can pool from. Like-minded people who can help us do the impossible. We have the numbers, we have the intelligence, we have the combined knowledge to make this happen. We will achieve the impossible.

Discord: EfH7jPj

So far...
>3D models of weather balloon payload have been made.
>/comfy/ness for froggo being discussed.
>Raspberry Pi Debian OS being used for controlling livestream of balloon flight.
>Logo and patch designs being made.

More details and realtime list of what YOU can do to help can be found in the discord.

4chsp: Leaping in to the space age

Other urls found in this thread:

this is good joke
very funny

not a joke
we are working on it.


>logo and patch designs being made

can't be missed

We're already at level when logo-designers are bored and make backstory to it, lmao

you can do it brave frogo ;_;7

you should 3d print a space suit for your froggo

might want to get some very miniaturized life support system going on in future launches if frogo doesn't do well.

hold on someone's already drawn the logo
what else is there to do?

Fair warning to anyone doing this.
There are strict regulations regarding sending stuff to space.
You will go to jail if not cleared.
There are only handful of places in europe that allow sending stuff to space.


Hi Sup Forums
Now fuck off

That's why you go in boat and launch from international waters like those Dutch nuts

Truthaphobic faggot detected.

Si flyyyyy

We have to make PEPE an interplenetary species

>Sup Forums makes space program
>Intend to send frog into space
>It becomes a reality
>On the day of launch
>Send up rocket with frog
>Russians detect a launch
>Think it's the Americans sending nukes
>They retaliate
>mfw Sup Forums accidentally starts the end of the world with a rocket and a frog

>Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

>another shitty general on Sup Forums
>"we're going to put a frog into space because peep le toad ebin"

Take your autism to /sci/, this is in no way related to technology.

Hidden, saged, you know the last one.

This is the second stupid space program thread I've seen in the past 5 minutes. End your life.

99 red balloon

>Sup Forums project succeeds

Going to the stratosphere is not a space program.

Stratosphere is weak. We should at least be aiming for mesosphere

You should ditch the faggy OP and be serious about launching a satellite or something for porn related communication purposes.

Id be up for helping if it wasn't for the frog

list of Sup Forums successes
>nyaa pantsu

>implying that wasn't the ultimate goal all along


In case it is not obvious to you Sup Forums is free as in freedom and we don't use Discord. If you manage to set up an IRC room I will be there

But user, discord has built-in memes to greet and comfort you. How could it not be G/ approved?

(Pronounced see plus equality)

I believe.

how are you planning to get to space?