What will it realistically take for Linux to be the top OS?
What will it realistically take for Linux to be the top OS?
>try to install steam game
>additional driers are required, see console
>no console open
>want spotify desktop app
>have to go through 900 steps in console to download it
the list goes on. windows just werkz
Easy to install apps. PDF viewer that isn't complete shit.
Make it so updates don't randomly break important shit like DEs.
We have winrar!
Linux doesn't need to be "TOP" you really don't want that, the thing that linux needs is more software and some extra hardware support, if i would have all that professional software running natively i wouldn't even mind if some parts takes time to configure
Dell and HP pre-installing it
>Mint chooses for you safe updates what are least likely to break anything. Mostly chooses security updates.
>But mint still lets you to choose more risky updates.
Well i think mint got update stuff almost perfectly.
The only things what doesent let linux take over windows is software/hardware/driver compatibility.
If you will be able to run any windows app on linux without any problem... Well. Linux will win.
The better question is, if whole linux community decide to make one os standard and deprecate all others and all upcoming can be developed but must support binaries and other things all of that os so that no porting requires only difference maybe in how it looks.
so which os would Sup Forums want as that standard os?
AppImages for everything. Sadly, I bet not even you, OP, know about AppImage.
A time machine.
Its ded. develop redox is or freebsd
More user friendliness.
Less bullshit problems like needing to setup your own wifi if you're unlucky.
A less hacky version of Wine. (Those workarounds are ridiculous even for popular programs)
Stability. The average user will need to reinstall everything multiple times because they will keep fucking something up.
Linux is the ultimate garbage
Of course I know what applemage is, idiot, it's is a format for distributing portable software on Linux without needing superuser permissions to install the application.[1]
This and only this. I dual boot, using W10 for games, and Linux for everything else. But I only do that because I despise MS. Most people don't give a damn.
needs to become retard friendly
We need a universal package installer so you don't have to type console commands to download a program.
Wine is less and less necessary these days. Nobody writes any of your vidya with directx so basically everything can be multiplatform, which valve is also pushing for sort of. And console manufacturers. And basically everyone.
I had fewer problems with Mint & Xubuntu I've installed on family computers than I had with Vista or 7 in the past. Now when I visit I occasionally run update and I've touched nothing else past two years.
Linux is really good for old people that don't use computer for anything more than using browser and Skype
Any arguments? Of course, no!
By trying to fixe everything in this picture.
Vendor support. If you put Ubuntu on a bunch of low-mid range laptops, normies wouldn't care. They just use what comes with the system
Needs moar users, plain and simple.
And I mean regular joe users, not fucking supercomputers and server farms.
Bill Gates death
Why even bother?
Most people just have common sense.
This. Vendors being compliant with hardware standards too, so we dont need specialised drivers for things like power and volume buttons on some laptops.
As much as we love to shit on Ubuntu, we need to realize that it has value in that it's ideal for acclimating normies. It's a great gateway drug.
There are 3 lines of code to install Spotify
what the hell
True, but it makes you go deeper because 16.04 is shit.
I still use ubuntu but have recently considered moving to a rolling-release distro.
Ubuntu has been excellent for me over the last 2 years. I enjoyed Unity DE a lot, and I'm pretty excited for canonical's take on gnome 3. Especially since canonical's modifications will be pushed upstream.
Try manjaro and start with its xfce, and if you want something a bit heaver on your ram, try kde.
They're cutting Unity lose, which is the best decision they've made in years. Gnome is plenty for normies, especially with the android/iphone-esque application menu
Make it so that you don't need to open a terminal for many tasks.
This. Manjaro is Arch without the required autism. It just werks(tm). Go for xfce, KDE is buggy as shit
macOS released as a free distro
Yeah. Already running manjaro xfce. It's really great. But i plan on switching to gentoo or void (xfce flavors ofc). Systemd backdoor n shiet...
The apocalypse
>people discussing even the slightest possibility of Linux becoming a relevant desktop OS
No its literally one command.
Make it the preinstalled OS on almost every computer. It's basically the only reason why Windows has a monopoly.
This is correct. Normies don't care about hand-picking an OS, they just want something that works with no fuss. Any distro that Sup Forums regularly shits on would make perfect pre-installs.
None is fit to be the standard OS, you would need to make a distro that combines the best traits from every distro.
>UI that is actually intuitive without having to enter a fuckton of code to make it that way
>not having to enter commands to do nearly everything on any distro
actually, commands should be optional only for advanced users who want to mess with the OS. Normies should be able to install things with a few simple clicks just like in windows.
Office that doesn't sucks
Photoshop analogue
Manufacturers support
Possibly nothing. The year of the Linux desktop has been touted since the past decade yet has never come. At this point, it would be too optimistic to think that nix will ever defeat Windows.
Games to work and being preinstalled on the computers that are on the store's shelf. Everything else will happen automatically with a 100% certainty.
An easy way to install programs outside a package manager.
An easy way to update/tie-in a program downloaded outside a package manager to a repo when one does finally crop up for said program
That covers like 90% of the issues I have with linux. If I run into something that isn't available in a repository (or it is, but nobody says what the fucking repository is...) then it's like pulling teeth to get something working.
Aside from that, WINE needs some kind of default configuration that works for everything out of the box, and IOMMU/passthrough needs better support and development so it's more plug-and-play.
True that. If it is not available in the repos, installing it is a pain in the ass. On Cent OS, i just couldn't get a DC client to work. The dependencies were never satisfied no matter wut I did during building from source.
>current state of Sup Forums
Very close to happening if gpu passthrough and IOMMY can get sorted out and improved.
No way would this ever happen. Distro's aren't like 10 tools all trying to do the same thing. They are 10 tools each specialized for a different thing.
More vendors selling laptops with it
Normies buy chromebooks or iDevices with no gaems or software
But its just not common to be able to buy linux
probably if the entire fucking world ran it
oh wait... it already does, the majority of the internet is powered by linux
Better quality Sup Forums shills
To become something I dispise.
theres 0 to install it on windows
Pretty much these.
brain dead macfags who'd suck any linux advocators dick because it's cool
>everything can be multiplatform, which valve is also pushing for sort of. And console manufacturers. And basically everyone.
Apple and Microsoft to abandon the desktop when they've fully moved on to tablets with keyboard accessories.
Then Linux will be the 'best' desktop OS due to being the last one standing.
NoGNU/Linux aka Android has been the top OS for years.
Uh you don't even have to open the terminal. just install the .deb with synaptic or gedebi if cli scares you
It must be better than Windows. That's about it.
Stop being linux.
Bloated kernel - no good
X11 is shit and Wayland is worse
>if gpu passthrough and IOMMY can get sorted out
How would that help "linux distros" problems?
You already have 25% windows games, and all emulators and browser games. So the lack of games isn't really an issue especially when consoles are just better for games (that aren't FPS or RTS).
This would help. Canonical is doing this shit with snaps.
It's very user friendly already. You just need time learning it the same as you did with windows.
Everything is set-up automatically on Ubuntu and Fedora, and their forks. Only arch and gentoo have these "wifi problems".
Wine is fine. You can actually play vidya installed on your windows partition without having to install them on Linux via wine, if installation is where you're having trouble.
You will only "fuck up" the first few times you use it. The same happens to new windows users, don't act like it doesn't. I remember specifically fucking up windows several times a year and having to re-install it once a year or two. The difference is now you can do all this much faster so you only have an illusion of it breaking more often. That, and you already have enough experience with windows to have some common sense about the OS and know how not to break it. The same would happen to you with Linux if you used it just as long.
This could happen.
Manufacturers giving a damn
Consumers giving a damn
Commercial developers giving a damn
Linux isn't Arch
eyes = opened
You can navigate most distros without terminal, there are graphical application suites that deal with updates.
Normies can't install operating systems so the only way is for some big brand to start making linux laptops and desktop computers that just werk.
>that aren't FPS or RTS
or mmorpgs
or roguelikes
or mobas
Mobas are slimmed down RTS. There's nothing wrong with roguelikes on consoles seeing how they're mostly turn bases. MMORPG is a dead genre, but I agree.
I'm making all my games exclusively for Temple OS so normies won't even know about them. Linux is toast. (but I still use it)
>all these years
>still no mspaint clone
how hard is it?
KolourPaint kills ms paint. Ms paint is actually terrible and buggy. It doesn't support transparency and if you're zoomed in while resizing the image by dragging borders it will sometimes improperly resize it. The only purpose mspaint serves is pasting your print screen from clipboard and cropping it, which is a useless feature when Linux can out of the box screenshot a selected area and Windows can be configured to do it as well.
Linux has much better and more powerful/useful default software out of the box than windows. This has been true for a long time now.
>There is now a free and open MS paint clone.
Useless yet fantastic
Imagine how easy would be to install games. CLICK AND PLAY
does it have color swapping with the eraser tool? or resizing with ctrl +? retards like you typically don't even know what mspaint can do. that's why the linux programs all suck dick. that's why no one actually likes using it.
>calls other retards
>uses ms paint
? It's useless software and you're autistic. But explain "color swapping with eraser", what do you mean by this? I haven't used ms paint since w7 because all Microsoft products are shitware.
you can select 2 colors, the eraser tool, then drag with right click to swap one color into your alternate.
linux fags think they know a program. swear it's not only super cloned for realsies but "actually better, bro". but it's never even cloned. this entire community has no clue what "clone" means apparently. your clones always lack basic shit.
That's why Temple OS is going to destroy Linux. Because it actually has great paint software.
>all Microsoft products are shitware
msPaint isn't even a microshit product anymore. nobody at that company has any clue what it does. the software is too old. all the poojeets are just building off windows xp.
>Click and drag to replace pixels of the foreground color with the background color. To replace all pixels similar (but not necessarily exactly equal) to the foreground color, such as in dithered images and photos, use a Color Similarity setting other than Exact.
okay you win, this is godlike. fuck microshit
Microsoft Office
windows 10 actually broke office assistants, fyi. since windows 7 you had to download a supplementary microsoft agent to have assistants, but as of windows 10, the functionality is broken. not removed, just broke.
muh image
Okay, now I know you're baiting. I should've figured it out earlier.
Games and software support. More games support Linux these days, but it's still not nearly enough. Linux also lacks AutoCAD, Solidworks, Photoshop, MS Office, etc... It can't even slightly compare to the competition in that regard.
If you want it to actually be the dominant OS you also need to have it preinstalled on computers. Retards make up a big portion of the market, and they have no idea how to install and configure an OS.
shut the fuck up you dumbfuck faggot arrogant piece of shit. how many memes have you made? exactly. Z E R O
about 48% more market share
>Using mint
>Restart computer a couple of weeks later
>Cinnamon crashes immediately upon logging in
>Look everywhere for a fix
>No one has this issue
>Have to manually remove the default DE and replace it with another one in order to keep using computer
This shit does not happen with Windows or Mac.
Self contained applications
Dependency fuckery turns normies off, particularly when they have to fix the dependency...
and it all comes to command lines- they get turned the fuck off
.deb system is a step up, avoiding the terminal, but still plays with dependencies, and when it breaks they don't know what the fuck to do, so they break more shit.
And then they break linux, and complain, and leave.
Particularly when they have to add apt-get sources via terminal to install wtf they want. Just let the fucker get self-contained. Fuck the harddrive space, it's cheap asf.
Self-contained applications... fuckers can delete the files of an application with 0 repercussions to the rest of the system- they bscly just delete the program off the system, problem solved.
It's straightforward and intuitive. Like how OOP is so easy to teach to pajeets.
Effective straightforward applications for common file types. To be fair, linux has a good few of these- gedit, a few photo viewers. They're nice and straightforward for normies. They're used to "open the file, it shows up in a viewer", no problem. Don't make them resort to a command line to open shit.
A simple fucking GUI to effectively specify command line args to what you're opening is MUCH more normie friendly. All those flags they'd have to look up when typing? No, it's got a fucking tickbox with words and possibly a short explanation.
Jesus, loonixtards always forget how much they know about the system they're in, they can't fucking appreciate how unintuitive it can be to someone completely unaware.
There are people who are difficult to teach wangblows, so why do you fuckers assume you can teach them everything into linux?
it's just got a long way to go because everyone that actually cares to develop it is caring about their own usage of it.
They have no recognition of how it comes across to someone not in that clique
It needs a unified desktop environment that's easy to use, lightweight, looks nice, and has modern features without that horrible flat look. XFCE comes close but it's ugly and lacks features. Gnome was supposed to be what I'm describing but it's buggy, laggy, heavy, and nasty looking with thick window title bars which are unintuitive and lack decent controls. There's also that retarded bar at the top that knows it isn't a dock but can't make up it's mind between being a status bar, an application menu, and a taskbar.
I hate every desktop environment that's out there these days and I've just gone back to using the IRIX desktop and Window Maker because they don't get in my way.
oh fuck don't remind me of that
like why the fuck can I have an application in a window, but then all the fucking options are miles away at the top of the screen?
who's smart fucking idea was that?
the human brain compartmentalises, bitches. Everything assosciated with the program should be in that window