How much technicall knowledge do you think Mark Zuckerberg actually has? Do you think he has done any significant work on facebook after creating what was basically just a simple website?
How much technicall knowledge do you think Mark Zuckerberg actually has...
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total actor.
Now he probably knows quite a lot. Back in the day? He barely knew php.
Doesn't matter. He doesnt have to. He hires top scientists and make them a wagecuck for him.
Technically I know a shitload more than MA music composer of equifax but I am a jobless neet.
>Musk was ousted in October 2000 from his role as CEO (although he remained on the board) due to disagreements with other company leadership, notably over his desire to move PayPal's Unix-based infrastructure to Microsoft Windows
Top kek, believing Elon fucking Musk is superior to the Zuck
facebook was essentially a babbys first php site except they saved logs of all the urls accessed by a given user/ip.
if he wasn't a harvard nerd with wealthy connections it would have just been a "college yearbook" senior project but the CIA had other plans.
never trust zuckerburg.
Zuckerberg is by far the most evil tech CEO out there. Bezos is a distant second compared to the horror that is Zuck.
>How much technicall knowledge do you think Mark Zuckerberg actually has?
Probably not much, though I can't really take Elon's opinions serious either.
Cuckerberg had his flcuckbook promoted by every university, from east to west.
He doesn't have any clue, why people use it... Other than it was force fed to them... Just like poultries force feed chickens to get fat.
Useless cunt that was pushed by a very wide network of academics and politicians.
Elon musk must be retarded to take the "AI" meme seriously. There's no "AI" in practical use today and won't be for a long while.
Neural networks and genetic algorithms aren't "AI". They're just algorithms for generating algorithms.
any program that uses an if statement is AI, my guy
Zuckerberg is researching how the Russians installed Trump using internet and social media manipulations among other things to become president, but won't tell Congress about it. It's pretty evil since he OWNS the social media.
Elon Musk thinks he lives in a sci-fi novel. But he's right. We need to look out for magic sapient AI we don't know anything about yet. It does indeed sound dangerous.
The only way I could give a benefit of the doubt to his point is if he used "AI" mistakenly to refer to neural networks, and is talking about the fact that since they require lots of computational power, that if they prove their utility, there will be a power grab for computational power as means of influence.
And the uncomfortable realization that most of the world's computational power is situated in China.
>I am aware of every technology that exists
Some of you talk like you're gods, but really you don't know shit.
>>Musk was ousted in October 2000 from his role as CEO (although he remained on the board) due to disagreements with other company leadership, notably over his desire to move PayPal's Unix-based infrastructure to Microsoft Windows
a man spends every single penny he has on his company nearly lead his to be broke
he succeeds
mark steals the idea of his former best friend
makes billions
spot the difference
Certainly more than musk, but he's still a pleb compared to most IT CEOs out there. Bill gates could shit out better code than him, and I don't even like gates
I think Linus knows the most about coding and he loves to do it even today.
>guy who built a website
>guy who literally helps engineer his own products
Sorry kiddo but musk doesn't do shit, he ain't the tony stark you thought him to be
There's a lot of speculation that he's going to run for POTUS, too. And it all makes complete sense.
If he does, do you think he would win?
Sorry to hurt your feelings, autist, but in fact he does.
I don't know about that, bezos uses an army of slaves whereas mark treats his employess pretty decently
not to mention amazon is a toxic corporation even in capitalistic market terms
>hurt my feelings
breh the only one seething here is you. Fuck off musk, don't you have some concept art to "reveal"
>sucking zuckerjews dick
and i wont even post the rest only those two changed the interent quite a lot
wtf are those links
Congrats, both links point to patents by other people completely unrelated to musk. Sure showed me.
Musk is a bigger jew than cuckerberg, the blatant shilling shows
>Musk is a bigger jew than cuckerberg
Musk doesn't collect everyone's data.
He collects everyone's semen though
holy fuck and you post on Sup Forums ?
no I post on Sup Forums,/fit/ ,Sup Forums,/h/ and /d/. there's no Sup Forums
>what are URL query strings
You must be socially retarded if you don't know why college kids would have wanted to join.
Now I know everyone here enjoys sucking off Musk but he is being egotistical here. Musk actually called up Zuck for help with AI since Facebook had started an AI research team and Musk didn't have one yet. Zuck invited him over showed him around and introduced him to some people he had hired. Zuck literally introduced Musk to the world of AI.
Musk then tried to poach everyone he met by inviting them over to see rocket ships and the model s when it wasn't released yet. Not a single one left.
I believe Zuck has a lot of technical knowledge because there is no way FB could have survived their dips and made it this far.
Source: Was an intern when this argument became viral and every week Zuck does a company wide QA.
elon musk is just eliezer yudkowsky for normalfags
Elon Musk is an idiot when it comes to technology but he is better than the kike
What about Larry Ellison?
>If he runs, do you think he would win?
This conversation belongs on Sup Forums, but no.
>would have to run as a Democrat
>Democratic party has major image problems now, internal division, lacks platform, lacks leadership
>if running in 2020, would likely be against incumbent Republican prez
>(((Zuck))) is "white" (in minds of non-whites), non-whites need a non-white face on TV to drive turnout
>is not even female
>Democratic party becoming so obviously anti-white that 2/3+ of whites vote GOP now despite not even liking the GOP much
The one trick he could pull that might work would be if he could make the Dem party platform all about gov't loans for anyone to go to skilled trade schools + get access to a new gov't bureau to help them find a job once done with school. Pointing out trades are "quickest, most reliable way out of lower class into middle-class" (actually true 2bh). With Trump's economic platform enabling him to steal the rust belt from the Dems in 2016, the Dems need a counter to it.
An ambitious trade school + jobs corps program would tap into the one core concept of all the Dem party platforms over the years: upward mobility.
I don't think it'll work, though. Trump's whole everything just causes liberals to double-down on racial/LGBT identity politics (witness reactions to his military tranny ban talk, DACA talk about ending chain migration, etc.)
That and Zuckerberg is just so autistic and awkward.
It will never happen. He's too autistic. Can you imagine him standing up to Trump's taunts?
>successful weeb entrepreneur
>welfare nigger
tough choice!
says Elon "working as hard as possible to perfect self-driving cars that will eradicate the single largest employment category in the world" Musk.
>Democratic party becoming so obviously anti-white
Hillary Clinton's policies, which were specific and detailed, (you can still read them online) would have overwhelming benefited whites--specifically working class whites in red states.
They voted against her for shallow, tribalistic, self-destructive, reasons.
The Democratic Party isn't anti-white. Rather, whites have a culture of entitlement and resentment and will reliably vote to cut their own throat as long as you stroke their racialistic egos. They are the easiest group to play, even an obvious con man like Trump was able to do it.
>Can you imagine him standing up to Trump's taunts?
Here's what I see, assuming Zuck takes my advice.
1st Presidential Debate:
>Zuck: ... and that's why we need a National Jobs Corps to turn the rust belt into the Tech Belt :^)
>Zuck: Donald Drumpf says he knows all about business. Well, I know a little about business, too. And I know about social networks, which we'll use to connect trade school graduates with employers in their area!
>Trump (scowling, adjusting microphone): Since you're the expert, let me ask you a question about social networks...
>Zuck: (fidgets, swallows hard)
>Trump: If you win this election and I find myself out of a job in January 2021, are you going to ban me from Facebook or your Jobs Corps network if I say "Make America Great Again" accidentally, out of habit? You know, like you did to tens of thousands of my supporters (who are terrific people btw...) on your little Facebook?
>Zuck: (flop sweats)
>Zuck: (collapses)
>Trump's fw
Policies are irrelevant. Her party couldn't stop talking shit about the white people her policies would have supposedly helped.
>try to help somebody
>insult them
>wonder why they don't like you despite trying to help them
This is the DNC.
>Rather, whites have a culture of entitlement and resentment and will reliably vote to cut their own throat as long as you stroke their racialistic egos.
Literally no candidate in the entire race ever appealed directly to white voters.
Literally every candidate in the entire race appealed directly and repeatedly to every other race of voters. The Democrats scooped them up.
As a result, the white vote was more evenly-split than for any other race. All other races voted as an ethnic bloc via identity politics i.e. the politics of seeking maximum advantage for themselves, nuts to the country as a whole.
The Democratic party is anti-white because of its "coalition of the ascendant" strategy. They want to reduce white voters to a politically impotent minority via displacement level immigration of foreigners sourced from low-IQ countries while conditioning these "new americans" to have blind loyalty to the Democratic party as they begin to outnumber whites. Looks an awful lot like ethnic cleansing desu, especially when you consider the financial burden that blacks and hispanics have on whites.
But hey, keep calling white people stupid and racist as black people tear down statues of historical figures and burn cities to the ground in support of violent criminals. Go ahead and jump the gun and completely alienate white people a full two decades (or more) before you can count on a non-white electoral majority.
>Literally no candidate in the entire race ever appealed directly to white voters.
You don't have to appeal directly
>it was real in my mind
Stop posting this tired shit from July about two equally uninformed ass clowns spouting off about their fundamental lack of understanding of what AI truly is as neither of them have produced, backed or worked with anyone other than a bunch of PhD assclowns doing applied engineering of statistical optimization based on the fork AI took during the previous dark age towards statistical brute forcing techniques. Neither of them know shit nor do most people claiming their AI experts.
So, stop being a brainlet and posting about what these celebrities think, get off your ass and form your own informed opinion on the matter. Otherwise, stfu and stop parroting some other moron's views. If I wanted to know what these dumb shit said 2 months ago, I'd have google'd it myself.
Champagne liberalism proves you wrong. It's literally the most pro-white aspect of politics. Meanwhile the gop keeps swinging around blacks, diminishing abortion (increasing black and latino population), and pretending to be pro-white by appealing to Christianity.
I agree.
You know why?
They are beginning to notice they are the only demographic that feels that way right as you Shillarydrones keep insulting them.
Vast majority of white people aren't and don't want to be white nationalists (myself included). They still want a colorblind meritocracy with a minimum of interracial shit-flinging. Keep acting the way you are, though, and one days whites are gonna throw up their hands and say, "fuck it" and vote for David Duke or some shit out of a basic desire for survival.
trump overwhelmingly had white voters, and regularly used identity and tribalism politics during the campaign
try another theory
>trump overwhelmingly had white voters
No, not even close. Blacks overwhelmingly voted for one party, just as they always do. Mexicans overwhelmingly voted for one party, just as they always do. The ONLY racial group that didn't overwhelmingly vote for one party is whites.
>GOP keeps swinging around blacks
What does "swinging around" mean? Failing to win them?
>diminishing abortion (increasing black and latino population)
The national-tier GOP never does shit about abortion except talk, to rally the base. They've had opportunities to totally wipe out Planned Parenthood and they never take it. A few states restrict abortion somewhat effectively, like Kansas and the way it limits the number of providers. But that's *Kansas*.
>pretending to be pro-white by appealing to Christianity
That's about traditionalism, not racialism. The GOP constantly talks about how hispanics especially, being catholics, are "natural conservatives". I think it's also an attempt to woo black voters, given that they are the most highly religious demographic in the country, and almost all are christian of one flavor or another.
No. Only group less polarized than white voters was "other" (both a small and heterogeneous group; includes pacific islanders, native americans, etc). Pic related.
If you're still a Democrat and you want your party to win and implement its tolerant, inclusive and caring ideas without shitting the bed, bashing white people, and potentially provoking an ethnic civil war, you should really read this Democrat's post-election essay. He addresses all of the behaviors you're exhibiting here. Ctrl+F "openly" to highlight the most relevant portions.
He wrote his fucking website in PHP.
That should tell you everything.
>The ONLY racial group that didn't overwhelmingly vote for one party is whites.
See majority gop, keep making excuses when ~8% of the white population means much more than 100% of the black pop
Oh right, the democrats are the ones stroking the civil war flame. There couldn't possibly be any sort of economic benefits to wars, could there? How about the largely pro NRA voting block, it's not like they would fan the war flames I mean they all have guns right?
Hey, do you have any views politically that aren't compromised of what another man has stated? I'm curious.
>You must be socially retarded if you don't know why college kids would have wanted to join.
you're a dumbfuck. facebook was a cia coup of myspace dominance
R. Lee status deserve to be torn down. We don't honor racists, tyrants, dictators, criminals, traitors, and LOSERS.
>Oh right, the democrats are the ones stroking the civil war flame.
Yes, by moving more and more of their troops (hispanics) into the US, and talking frequently of how this will enable permanent political, legal and cultural and changes to the US. In other words, the very things that you would expect to happen if the US lost a major war with someone else.
Did you miss all the times during the 2016 election that Democratic party members, confident that Trump would lose, said, "oh, *sigh*, this is the last time we need to pay attention to what white people want, demographic changes ensure this won't happen again"? That illegal immigrants waved around Mexican flags and said "Make America Mexico Again", while insisting their lives would be ruined if they were deported to Mexico (Dunning-Kruger effect, anyone?)
Ever hear the quip "politics is just war by other means"? Well if it's war, the Democrats struck first. Republicans aren't allowed to fight back?
>keep making excuses
Making excuses for what? The GOP is supposed to be popular with every racial group, even the ones that overwhelmingly hate the 2nd Amendment and want a massive welfare state paid for by white people? Even though the Democrats have written off the *largest* racial group per the "coalition of the ascendant"?
>There couldn't possibly be any sort of economic benefits to wars, could there?
If anyone's stupid enough to believe that, it's Democrats. A lot of them believe WWII got the US out of the great depression. Hillary Clinton talked about the Iraq war being good for the US Economy around 2003.
>How about the largely pro NRA voting block, it's not like they would fan the war flames I mean they all have guns right?
The pro-NRA voting block has been very pissed off with the Democrats on several occasions. No war. I'm describing what might provoke them into war.
>Hey, do you have any views politically that aren't compromised of what another man has stated? I'm curious.
Just who do you think is speaking for me? Anyway, talking to and reading from others about politics is how you learn stuff. Do I lose originality points for bringing up publicly available statistics?
I confess my desire to continue living in peace as a white man in America amidst all the other groups in America is probably not very original.
I *would* like to see Trump put in RMS as the White House CIO, though. Shit would be hilarious.
>Robert E Lee
>a traitor
After the civil war, men who fought for the confederacy were classified as US veterans. This was for practical reasons (don't want to give them cause to fight a guerilla campaign after official surrender, a notion modern progressives don't seem to appreciate) as well as a show of respect for confederate gallantry and goodwill towards the defeated in the cause of rebuilding the newly re-unified nation.
If these confederate veterans died after the war and were survived by a wife and family, that family received benefits from the War Department, same as if a Union soldier died. You are arguing in favor of tearing down statues of FULLY FLEDGED US VETERANS. Current living veterans and active US military personnel, who tend to know military law inside and out, are cognizant of this, and are getting very pissed off at the lack of respect shown here. That you're so gleeful and cheeky about it is not helping.
It's also worth pointing out that the antipathy you are displaying towards Lee applies as much to Lincoln (he suspended Habeas Corpus, jailed lots of journalists), apart from "traiter" (applies to neither) and "loser" (unless of course you still insist John Wilkes Booth was a confederate when he shot Lincoln).
Hard mode: Go ahead and bring up Trump's comments on John McCain being a "loser" who got captured.
We're getting way off topic and I think I've laid out my thoughts on the matter pretty completely. I will be out for an hour or two, but if the thread's still alive I'll check for replies.
Here's a cute asian chick. Mark Zuckerberg's a fag.
If Trump tanks hard enough he could win just by holding a Dem ticket. I've also joked about voters opting for the cold fiscal embrace of unabashed establishment neoliberalism for similar reasons, but in all serious the Dems would just run Biden then.
Sorry, I like generals who don't commit treason, lose, and then get a pity pension from the US GOVERNMENT.
Southern heritage is a joke, based on losing a war and being butthurt about it for more than a century XD
Much more than Elon Musk, lmao
Zuckercuck is a total retard.
He has no clue what his website even does anymore.
I think hes just a fat cat just like Bill.
Is that Shibuya Kaho? She looks cute in that picture but those tits are humongous once you look her up.
I've had that picture for months, not sure who exactly it is, but I don't think it's her.
I assumed it was her from this cover cause of the swimsuit. I'll investigate further by watching the video. Anyhoo thinks for the fapping material.
Linus is a cuck, though.
I think Linus is like Jobs. The poor fag version of him that is. They both yelled at and bully other developers lol. Wonder if Bill does the same.
>Musk doesn't collect everyone's data.
You're aware every Tesla records all the data it's myriad of equipment can take in to improve their Autopilot system, right? Even without Autopilot active, the system records everything to improve their machine-learning model.
>I'll investigate further
If you figure out who it is, feel free to let me know :^)
Doesn't matter if you never talk about it.
Um, no, sweetie. Jobs is a talentless hack. Linus is a gifted engineer who has a controversial management style, but has also given the world one of, if not the most, widely used piece of software. He's a cuck because he's not filthy rich despite doing more work than Jobs or Gates.
Without a doubt Shibuya Kaho.
I pretty sure hes just as much a talentless hack like most of the big tech gurus. Lets not forget he ain't the only one putting code into the the Linux kernel. So, lets not go sucking the ghost of his cock too much.
amazon engineers are actually treated pretty well these days.
>Without a doubt Shibuya Kaho.
Well damn. How did she get so thicc?
Photoshop and the right angle work wonders. They do it alot in modeling pics and covers.
You're a fucking moron and you have absolutely know idea what you're talking about
he's just a script kiddey who managed to code a website. it had a ton of security flaws and problems at first but hired people to patch it up for him. basically, he's one talentless fuck