This fucking pos. I cant believe you idiots actually told me it would be a good replacement for my Note 7
Buyers Remorse Thread
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V20 poster here
Shut up lol
Whats bad about it?
>horrendous screen burn in
>had to factory reset multiple times due to a start up glitch
>second screen is totally useless and pushes buttons every time I take it out of my pocket
>uncomfortable to hold
Sorry m8, I hate this phone
I wanted to like it but it's so flimsy and rickety feeling. Fuck.
Well then maybe you shouldn't have use it as a dildo fag.
Raspberry pi
5GHz router
Power bank for phone
Vr headset
Dont know what youre talking about op. My v20 works just fine
LG V20 owner here, LG UI is shit and second screen is trash but the performance is amazing, to have that with a removable battery, fantastic cameras, a quad DAC (meme for most, useful though for larger headphones) as well as mics that are fantastic, its an amazing phone. That being said V30 is shit and the note 8 is for sure superior
Should've gotten an iPhone.
>5ghz router
>power bank
only non-memes there
5GHz has actually given me notably faster speeds and powerbanks are a godsend if I'm doing day trips and need my phone for navigation
5GHz is good, if you are next to the router, after 10 meters I loose the signal(Europeans and our concrete houses).
Bough it because it would be the first 5GHz signal in our block, and 2.4GHz is overused, but even that is better than 5GHz
Speed is irrelevant to me, because I use ethernet with computers, and I can shitpost with basically any speed on the toilet.
Navigation as in incar navigation? a 12V-5V adapter would be better. Or as in on walk navigaton? Look around and enjoy the view faggot
Motherfucking plastic; feels like those toy cellphone candy containers.
Should've got an S8 or S7, Samsung is quality and you don't get that in many brands.
As nice as they look, I will never buy a phone with an amoled screen again
Absolutely HATED my V10 with a fucking passion... Still paying off that piece of shit from AT&T as well. absolutely worst phone ever. The battery was dogshit, I could sit there and watch the percentage ticking down, the 2nd screen was essentially useless, I ended up turning it off, removed everything from the phone to attempt to save the battery (which lasted me about 3 hours)
It was slow, glitchy, dropped calls constantly.. My note 5 tears that thing to shreds
>Didn’t get the iPhone X
Stay poor fag.
Note 7 that blows up airplanes?
Lenovo P2 is the the real Sup Forums phone.
>had it for a week before someone broke into my room and stole the lock
It was not very secure.
front view
Google Fags BTFO. Another win for Apple.
Advertisers are furious with Apple for new tracking restrictions in Safari 11
Time limits on browser cookies are threatening the digital ad industry
>the switches aren't connected to anything
As much as I loved the form factor the z3 compact was just not made for me. Lots of features I liked in a body I despised.
DSD support (inb4 placebo. I know but it's neat to have it.)
Small form factor
Decent camera (4k overheating aside)
Just glad I didn't pay a cent for it.
I regret buying my OnePlus 3. They told me it was good but it's just chinkshit with better advertising.
What even is that and how did somebody break in?
For $300 I'm genuinely curious.
It is a bluetooth/smart deadbolt for your front door or bedroom. I used it for my bedroom. Basically you can unlock it with a pin or an encrypted RFID tag. I'm assuming since the box came with 4, someone found a tag, waited until I wasn't home, disassembled it and then took it. It was someone I knew and it has since been dealt with.
No I didn't get a refund because he used my receipt.