What does Sup Forums think of Sublime Text 3?

What does Sup Forums think of Sublime Text 3?

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it's botnet

install gentoo

utter shit

Open sourced Sublime would annihilate VSCode

it's pretty useless since vim and vscode exist

but VSCode is the open sourced Sublime

Closed source payware garbage
Even microshit came clean and made VS Code --nailing the permanent coffin of sublime text



JS garbage

I wish it had Markdown Preview like Atom and VS Code.

That's atom, friendo

All you newfags reading this
Use notepad++ on windows
If you are on GNU/linux use vim or nano

Everything else is bloat and spyware

Just switched to Emacs. The editor Problem has been solved decades ago and Emacs is god-tier.

Use it all day every day. It's basically a perfect tool.

VS Code feels clunky. But it is nice for merges.

>unironically promoting Microsoft and electron-based garbage

New logo looks like a Z. Like it's the end of this hipster meme.

> Open the based sublime
> *Open Folder*
> Point to mingw32/include folder
> Open 10 headers
> Memory usage 30MB

> Open VSCode
> Do the same thing
> MEM 600 MB (sum of all background shit)
> C/C++ Extension eating 30% of my CPU for no reason.

Is that supposed to be impressive

>yes goyim, you want to edit the text file? that'd be only 80 sheckels
>OY VEY it's capitalism

vscode's vim mode is better

it's literally single program that i bought license for, and all my life i've pirated everything

it's definetly worth that 80$
it's fast, lightweight, well designed, multiplatform, package ecosystem is amazing, has nice vim mode and works nicely out of the box
i have left vim for it and i never looked back
i seriously hope that it becomes open source one day tho

inb4 shill

is there any difference between the beta version of sublime 3 and the official release?

it's called a tax deduction.

yup, hey made some changes between last beta build and 3.0, see their page

You can edit it free

Microsoft needs to send the code back to headquarters

It basically the only editor besides emacs and vim that is worth considering.

Boo they disabled the CIA license boo.

There's SciTE for Linux.

That's electron for you

>oy goyim, it's the best editor and it's only 60 bucks
>what? 70 is too much? but i's worth it for editing text files
>hurry up, the $80 sale price won't last long

are you retarded?



This. I bought my license last week. It is worth supporting and it unifies my development tools down 1 program.

It's fine but I only use it for small unimportant stuff like a short python script or whatever. Use a proper IDE for a real project if you actually wanna be productive.

I think he's pointing out it's free as in beer.

I have leafpad and nano. Why would I use some bloated spyware?

Holy shit the bad trolling level is off the charts today.
ST3 is useful to me, simple to use and to setup. I use SFTP a million times a day.
The "unregistered version" popup is sometimes annoying but not that bad.

200 User License
1D77F72E 390CDD93 4DCBA022 FAF60790
61AA12C0 A37081C5 D0316412 4584D136
94D7F7D4 95BC8C1C 527DA828 560BB037
D1EDDD8C AE7B379F 50C9D69D B35179EF
2FE898C4 8E4277A8 555CE714 E1FB0E43
D5D52613 C3D12E98 BC49967F 7652EED2
9D2D2E61 67610860 6D338B72 5CF95C69
E36B85CC 84991F19 7575D828 470A92AB

t. never used it

What's a good editor for Linux that isn't atom? I like both sublime and atom, but I would prefer an open source editor that isn't js shit

some of us have jobs

Like many people said VS code is good. It's similar to Atom but it's more stable and when you install extensions it doesn't shit itself.

A lot of people like vim too. I couldn't get into it but I believe it support extensions.

what version?

Does VS code send telemetry data to Microsoft? It looks nice and functional but I'm not sure if I feel OK installing microshit, it might sound autistic but I'd feel dirty just by configuring their repo on my system. That's one of the reasons I want to stop using sublime.

The best option would be a non-JS editor that's open source and works similarly to sublime/atom, and isn't made by Microsoft, but I think I'm out of luck.

VSCode is open source

Honestly I don't know. I never looked into it but according to the FAQ you can stop them from doing that by disabling it in the settings.

I'm not sure if that would work. I might look into it later. You can still block Microsoft servers in your hosts file with dc.services.visualstudio.comdc.services.visualstudio.com dc.trafficmanager.net vortex.data.microsoft.com weu-breeziest-in.cloudapp.net

I'm not sure what kind of data MS get from VS Code, but it's understandably a concern.

If you are still not confortable and if you are on Linux you can use Kate. It's supposedly good.

wtf I hate sublime now. so don't update if you're using the cia license?

the newest, since CIA are done for

Bitmap fonts aren't working since I updated.

point me to a debotnetizided fork


nice hobbyist programmer meme

>What does Sup Forums think of Sublime Text 3?
"That thing (and also a lot more proprietary editors that beat vim in openable text file size and performance) is written by one man. Imagine what would be possible if the VSCode team decided to create a native editor instead."

A friend of mine loves Brackets.

I think it's meh.

> tfw one C++ developer is better than 50 Microshit JS nu-males

feels good


vscode for code editing, neovim for text editing

point me to the supposed code that sends data to ms even when you have telemetry and autoupdate disabled

probably wouldn't be nearly as extendable as vscode is today

You clearly know nothing about VSCode. It's JS/Electron garbage. They spent an entire patch optimizing rendering of the blinking cursor because the DOM updates were drawing massive numbers of CPU cycles.

how is that relevant? it's still the best code editor available today. you're grasping at straws


license posting is a bannable offense, lad

> performance is complete dogshit
> i-it's still the best editor


>performance is complete dogshit
what do you mean by this? works fine on my 2011 potato laptop. is your machine from 2005 or something?

I've never seen the point of sublime, atom, or vscode. vim, notepad++ on Windows, but I mostly just write/maintain glue.

>probably wouldn't be nearly as extendable as vscode is today
Sublime Text has more extensions while being native for all platforms and developed by two guys

really makes you think

>Includes an entire browser
>150 MB just to edit a file
>Draws huge CPU cycles, destroying laptop battery even when idle
>Anything more than a simple operation (autocomplete, etc) causes hitching

Literally the only advantage using a whole fucking browser engine to make an editor gives is the ability to customize the UI. Any programmer worth their salt doesn't need to rely on UI that much to get done what they need to get done. It's a Silicon Valley Javascript kiddie meme, hipsters who put form over function.

Have you tried searching in a 5GB csv file?

>using web browser as text editor

>Sublime Text has more extensions
sublime has 4263 while vscode has 4175, so it looks like vscode will have more extensions in like a week or two.
also it looks like vscode extensions have more features and are better maintained

>Includes an entire browser
so what?
>150 MB just to edit a file
that's like 2 mp3 albums. who cares
>Draws huge CPU cycles, destroying laptop battery even when idle
possible, but I tend to work from places that have electricity
>Anything more than a simple operation (autocomplete, etc) causes hitching
that's false

I don't. searching 5gb csv files is not a task for a code editor. you should use awk for that


> Waiting for technical argument

Kill yourself.

my technical argument is that it has better UX, the extensions are better maintained and provide more features. also the development pace is much more lively with monthly releases. being gratis and libre is also a plus

> >150 MB just to edit a file
> that's like 2 mp3 albums. who cares
He was talking about RAM usage. Do you store your music in RAM?

wtf it's real

oh, okay. I can still work fine with it on a low-end 4GB machine so this is not a real issue

that looks interesting, is it good? How developed is it?

> the performance is fine, what are you talking about?
> oh except that but YOU DON'T NEED THAT xD

>probably wouldn't be nearly as extendable as vscode is today
that's where you're wrong, kid

Sublime looks nice, but the price point is too high for what you get. How the autocomplete feature works is obscured, thus making abtrusive. Sometimes it'll attempt to code complete when it's not desired (Thinking of ruby closures, atm). Some features, such as find and replace, are unintuitive and broken. E.g. find/replace box closing after every replace all, or the text selection unselecting when opening up the box or text selwction highlighting not render even though text is selected.

For 70$, this shit should be an issue.

except for what? the ram usage is low enough that it's a non-issue even on low-end machines. I don't see how that's relevant unless all the "programming" you do is launching your editor and staring at htop

I'm yet to see a native editor as extensible as Atom or VSCode

For 10$ more I'll get a jetbrains product.

> the ram usage is low enough that it's a non-issue even on low-end machines
people doing actual work rarely have one file in one editor at a time

Proprietary cancer. Nobody should use this shit.

>the state of open source

yes. did I imply otherwise or something?

Geany is superior to both.


>I'm yet to see a native editor as extensible as Atom or VSCode
That's because most editor writers fall either for shit ideas like minimalism or inner platform effects or they skip being retards and write IDEs instead which are more extensible than ((You))r editor in all meaningful ways.

I installed it quite a while ago, I got rid of that computer and haven't actually thought about this project until that post reminded me an actual opensource sublime text exisits, so no idea about the state of the project right now

I doubt vscode is less extensible than intellij or visual studio

looks kinda dead

Pretty good, really. As a GUI it'd be 3rd place IMO after acme&sam.
Ignore the poor freetards

There are two text editors.
One is called Vim, the other is called Emacs.
Choose, use both or don't edit text.

No sane programmer who actually knows what's going on would use a PROPRIETARY, NONFREE, CLOSED SOURCE editor to edit source code.

When your project gets to 100+ files; it's nice being able to cntl+click your way to class implementations to see how they work.

>I doubt vscode is less extensible than intellij or visual studio
VS and IntelliJ have native plugin interfaces (the single best way to extend trusted applications) for almost everything. The only way VSCode is more extensible is retarded stuff, like exploding text CSS effects.

>The only way VSCode is more extensible is retarded stuff, like exploding text CSS effects.
I'm afraid that's a lie. many vscode's features like the excellent source control support are implemented using the extensions api
also there are other extensions with stuff like vim mode, debugging, formatting and autofixes, so I think describing all that as "exploding text CSS effects" is very ignorant and/or dishonest

also I didn't claim that vscode was more extensible. I said that it doesn't seem less extensible than any IDE

I fucked up by upgrading, I hate the way the new version looks and the lack of themes.

I want downgrade. How do I downgrade Sup Forums?

>many vscode's features like the excellent source control support are implemented using the extensions api
VS and other IDEs has extensions like that as well. What is your point?

my point is that is wrong