
Google isn't that bad guys, come on...

look what it can do!

>Supporting the botnet
>Still using the botnet

Wow! An incomplete version of "man basename"!

name ONE other search engine that does this.

ill wait.

december cant come soon enough

*name ONE other search engine that does this useless shit

No one ever said the search engine was bad dumbass

its not useless

>all these phone ads
what the fuck are you browsing

>he's on Sup Forums
>where to post you need to give your data over to the botnet
can you fakers just fucking go away already
you don't care about privacy or your data you just CONSTANTLY fucking shitpost the same shit over and over and over again


Google isn't working as a search engine here. You still need to put in the exact, full name of the tool you're using.

Additionally, the information Google has may not match your vendor or version, the man page is far more likely to be correct.

>a gimped version of what's built into your shell
>not useless

Meant to

dumbass if i wanted a manpage i would do man command

i google a command to get a summary of what it does

DuckDuckGo does something similar, except instead of scraping info from Wikipedia/man pages it takes it from Stackoverflow. You could easily contribute a script to do this instead, though, with its instant answers system. Personally I'd rather just type 'man [command]' in my shell because I'm not an idiot

>the manpage doesn't give a summary of what the command does
just stop posting now you fucking mong

yeah it sure does

i mean, its obvious which one is better

fuck off

What Linux desktop do you use, loser?

>being this autistic about having to click "read more" to get the exact same information
They both get data from the same Wikipedia page, it's just that DDG doesn't put every other section of the article on there. This is the worst argument I've ever seen for why I should go back to using google desu.

>implying i was trying to convince you to do anything

>"I just want a summary of what it does, not the whole manpage!"
>both sites give you a summary
>w-well see, google is better because it gives you the whole manpage!

this is just embarrassing

>w-well see, google is better because it gives you the whole manpage!
*google is better because it gives you more condensed relevant info like the syntax retard



>search "linux ls" on DDG
it instantly returns all of this info and more

are google shills even trying anymore

ok you win

How do I become a shill? I've been unemployed for months now, I could really use the extra bucks.

Welp my autism is satisfied, have a good day OP

Tbh Google does return better results than other search engines most of the time, but it's not enough to make a difference if you're even slightly concerned about being tracked and profiled. This sort of feature has only been around for a few years, yet people got by fine without their search engines doing this since the beginning of the internet. It's just not a big deal to me senpai.

Sup Forums can see all the shitposts I make on a couple of boards but they don't have the ability to potentially peer into every aspect of my life like Google does. I don't really think it's comparable.