How many of you anons are still using Windows 7?
I am thinking about ditching Windows 10, I am tired of Metro.
What should I do to have the best experience possible?
How many of you anons are still using Windows 7?
I am thinking about ditching Windows 10, I am tired of Metro.
What should I do to have the best experience possible?
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I'm still sticking with W7, so I use Ultimate 64-bit. I recently made a fresh install of W7, and currently, I'm moving some worthwhile files from the old HD of mine to the other new HD I'm currently using. I also plan to customize my desktop, but I don't know how it should look like.
It's good.
Yeah it's pretty good, 8.1 is better though. Only gripe I have with 7 is it seems to lag or stutter a little... Maybe it's because I have a 165hz monitor.
I just keep a SP1 CD from a few years ago around for vidya piracy without the botnet
I just downgraded yesterday, actually. Battlefield 1 runs like dogshit with the Creator's Update. (
So I downgraded because I needed to reinstall either way and Battlefield 1 runs perfectly. I'm sticking with Windows 7 for the foreseeable future. Plus there are a ton of great themes that were made for it over the years, 10 has some but I love aero. I know I can use aeroglass but development is very slow and it's been very buggy for me.
>Windows Embedded POZ 7
I'm not a fan of 10's UI but I actually really like the new direction they're taking it in, might upgrade if they somehow manage to not fuck it up.
how's Sonic Mania
Still good under the supervision of linux.
GPU passthrough with 7 is well and truly the end all be all.
I have a very comfy un updated 2009 win 7 daz loader for my airgapped media machine with 2tb of hi-res lossless audio... its airgapped
i am not stupid enough to put it on a network... my debian / win mackbook air runs windows 9... the 7 updates and KB minefield is just too much these days even with the convenience roll up
fucking why?
t. Oracle POS tech support.
>not using vista sp2 x64
I would if up-to-date software ran on it.
Is the version of Windows 10 that you get in an iso format via the Media Creation tool updated or just the RTM version ?
You should consider 10 just for security alone, or just dual boot if you have old enough hardware that Microsoft won't harass you for having.
i dont run it anymore but i bought my first asus laptop with vista installed and it was comfy AF
never understood the hate
Vista didn't have any of the features it was supposed to have,
it killed EAX via OpenAL,
it was always paired with hardware that had no business trying to run it.
Depends on MCT date. Using an older downloaded version will just have whatever release at the time.
was new
came out just as people started to get to love XP (which in turn was a huge shift from previous)
had launch problems oems fucked people over
I didn't think of that and couldn't find literally any info about it online.
If you were to download MCT right now you'd probably get 1703.
>not just using 7 with a Vista theme
The only thing that gives it away is the show desktop button and the system tray icons.
Just checked, that's pretty old.
How many major patches have there been since then ?
I guess that's current except for the version just released in the last few days ?
I run it on all three computers in the house. It's the only option for Windows users who aren't complete numbfucks.
it isn't doing anything Google, Apple, and Facebook have been doing for a decade.
Using W7 on both my main PC and laptop.
Laptop was a bit tricky as it came with W10 already, so finding drivers (particularly WiFi) was a pain.
W7 on my SSD feels so fast and clean, but I'll have to move to W10 when my new rig arrives.
>piece of shit ready
>8.1 is better though
but I'll have to move to W10 when my new rig arrives.
Same, I already came to terms with that.
Just make sure you get Pro and not home, you'll want some of those features.
There are legit sellers on Reddit with Pro keys for $45 that will activate in your microsoft account, and you can download 10 via the media creation tool so you know the iso isn't modified, there is a small chance that maybe 6 months later if you reinstall the key will have been revoked, but it's not likely.
It doesn't make a special effort to harvest your info for big bro like 10. And it doesn't look like shit like 8.1.
Since XP is dead, 7 is the only sensible option.
>but I love aero
Same here user, I fucking love that Windows 7 look. One of the main reasons why I want to switch.
Did you install all the updates or only specific ones?
Great man, that must be a comfy setup.
Most of that info is likely to save them from market research, with a bit of big bro thrown in.
If anything we should be thankful Microsoft didn't go that route 8 years ago.
Put a nice wallpaper, and that should be it. I forgot to quote your post, what updates are you running?
does anyone have issues with high refresh rate/multimonitor setups with win7
like stated frame rates in applications being normal (say 120fps stable) yet the application appears to be running at a jittery 30fps
Win 7 will cap all displays to the lowest refresh rate selected out of all displays if something is rendered on the display with the lower refresh rate.
As of April old, yeah. MCT won't be getting another update until I October when 1709 rolls out.
Unless you choose 'download updates' within MCT, you would have to download the updates the link above references.
It's only temporary and depends on what's on the screen.
I feel dumb, I thought 10 didn't do small updates, just huge ones like how Apple does and names the patch.
So there were patches between then and now obviously, they wouldn't have you wait 5 months for security patches.
So in October it should be updated which is good because I don't get my new build until November.
WinXP/Linux dualboot, bro. Best of both worlds.
Yep. So if you want the latest update, after Oct 17 if you download the MCT you should be good to go and have Fall Creators Update (1709/Redstone 3).
why Oct 17th ?
Release date of Fall Creator Update, the tool gets updated with each major update release.
Oh, that must be the update I saw advertised on another forum.
but i do
>unironically using Vista
Literally just waiting to be hacked.
Most of the people here crying out about big brother just don't want 10 to find their child porn
wangblows 7 professional 64 bit on my x220
Can we rice Windows 7?
>Not using the Classic theme with Classic Shell
It's almost like Anons around here don't have taste or something.
> not infiltrating 1960's NASA to steal the first Fortran machine
Get on my level plebs.
Is she making liquorice?
Yes, that's exactly what she's doing.
VM the XP.
It's a pretty good 8 out of 10 game like how it was always expected to be. Though I wish Green Hill and Chemical Plant would go away and never come back, my favorite zones are Flying Battery, Titanic Monarch and Metallic Madness.
I still would have preferred an Advance or Rush sequel, nevertheless.
Yeah, and plus change the color of the windows and the task bar to fit the wallpaper, and I'm good to go. I sometimes notice that 7 with aero really looks pleasing to my eyes.
>I forgot to quote your post, what updates are you running?
I think a better question you should ask is which updates should you avoid, because I don't think I have the will to list every update I have installed on my OS (unless I'm not getting it?), which I have installed 180 updates, by the way.
In that case, I used this link to check and uninstall any malicious and bad update I had once I ran Windows Update for 3 or 4 times.
Alternatively, use either WSUS or Simplix' Update Pack. Theses programs install only the important good updates for your OS.
Thanks friend, I appreciate it. So I should just install and update everything normally, and then I remove the bad updates?
Also how about future updates?
I like you play pretend, then insult others for playing as well. I hope you live a long time.
>So I should just install and update everything normally, and then I remove the bad updates?
Like I said, either that way or use the programs I have mentioned. I recommend the programs because it's easier.
>Also how about future updates?
It will stop receiving security updates during and after 2020.
>not using server 2008
It's vista but still gets updates until 2019
Why? There's no need.
Im sticking to it until 2020 and possibly longer. Love how it just werks, no bullshit. Last fresh install was 3 years ago, everything's smooth as the first day.
>"With software there are only two possibilities: either the users control the program or the program controls the users. If the program controls the users, and the developer controls the program, then the program is an instrument of unjust power. " -- rms
Gotcha, I'll go with the Simplix Update Pack. How often to you usually check for new updates? Looks like the thread is updated monthly.
damn windows fags got blown the fuck out
You mean w10 fags btfo, w7 users control the program not the other way around
Messing with broken software everytime an update comes like it happens on linux in a way counts as the program controlling the users, the point is the software becomes a productivity drain
I do.
>w7 users control the program not the other way around
wincucks actually believe this
>w7 users control the program not the other way around
My lord Windows users are delusional.
Isnt that like 12 steps down from wes7?
are the keys for poz leaked yet?
You too, friend.
That looks nice. Mind sharing the theme?
Everyone ignored this because they know it's true
don't bother, faggots like him only mine for (You)s by never sharing their config. It's probably a deviantart theme lightly modified.
Icons are from
Mind explaining how it's used? I've hardly ever explored UI changes before.
You need to patch W7 first, that allows you to install themes beside the propetary Windows theme that comes with the OS, then Download the .rar file, then extract it on C:\Windows\Resources\Themes.
That's it
Google: Patch Uxtheme (or How to install third party themes in Win7)
I really really like this W7 teme it has a nice integration with most of the programs.
I'm using 7 despite the constant fucking pop-up telling me my processor is too good
What CPU?
i5 7600k
Sticking with Win7, i dont really have any incentive to downgrade to win10
I play games but none that have dx12 support
I tried moving away from 7 yesterday, by instaling win10 enterprise evaluation iso, but it has the annoying evaluation overlay on the desktop, i have no problems of using kmspico, but i want to get the clean pure enterprise iso, anyone know how to get one?
All you Win 7 patricians, what is objectively the best and only way to "activate" it nowadays? The methods keep on changing every year I feel like.
What the fuck is wrong with you
It's always been Daz Loader.
Is patching safe? I played a bit with themes before on a w7 vm, pretty nice but I dunno, I haven't dared patching my main machine because im too paranoid.
I used Win10 for the first year it was out and I can't say it was the best experience
went back to 8.1 and I'm very happy with it
Nah, my skylake cpu didn't like it so I jumped to 8.1. It's cool, removed most of the bloated shit and so on
I did on my main machine, I haven't experience any trouble so far (8 moths), create a system restore point, if you are so unsure about it.
>linux comands
Windows 7 users are going to be doomed eventually.
Newer hardware is ceasing support for it.
I'm already preparing to ditch it for Linux.
I'm new, pls no bully. You can see the Virtual Machine tray there, I'm not ready to use linux as my main OS yet
>What should I do to have the best experience possible?
Install Gentoo
I meant safe more as in botnet-safe than OS instability and crashes but thanks anyway. I should really learn my way around Wireshark to check if something is calling home.
I'm about to install a Distro.
good thing is if one doesn't need the extra power of modern hardware (or vidyagaymes) even sandy bridge is still enough
enjoy your screen tearing.
I bet you use the animated wallpapers from vista ultimate extras
>no botnet, no advertising
>no constant updates that frequently break things
>no unnecessary UI changes
>no shitty UWP apps
>able to live a happy life without having to worry about that crap
>it just werks