Whats a better workflow than Rofi + i3wm for linux?
Literally whatever works on a subjective level, I personally can't stand tiling wms and their fuckery so I swap between KDE Plasma and Xfce
>htop and i3/config open
wtf is going on here anyway? you rooskies have horrible taste. Christ.
Nani!? Looks comfy.
what bar are you using?
xmonad with BinarySpacePartition
KDE + tmux.
Its i3bar with i3blocks, says so right on the top output
bloated piece of shit
dmenu + i3
Haha. That's the ugliest polybar I've ever seen. Disgusting
Could you share your i3blocks.conf and scrypts?
Are twms worth it? How painful is the setup for complicated audio/video setups? DEs usually come with audio/video configuration interfaces. Xfce4, MATE and LXDE are lacking and have failed me, only KDE, GNOME and Cinnamon have decent tools. Also, is the "productivity" improvement actually noticable? I'm thinking a twm would be a nice fit for me as I have a severe carpal tunnel and I've lately started using more keyboard-centric programs like Vim, tmux and KRunner to ease the wrist pain.
I used i3+rofi for quite some time actually, probably 2 months, and eventually got sick of it.
i3 is so wasteful with screenspace
what are you using now?
>Are twms worth it
I used Cinnamon for a long time because it just worked, nowadays I almost only use i3wm (except for some wine stuff it somehow can't manage to open) after a short dwm trial. I honest'ly wouldn't look backwards. It takes like 1 hours to configure. If you only use keyboard I really recommend i3, also handles multi screens way better than the other ones I tried.
>Are twms worth it?
If your screen has decent resolution - yes