Indian programmer appreciation thread

>tfw will never be chadjeet

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how the fuck do you people have internet in such a shithole

I probably have better internet than you, you faggot.
200 mbps unlimited for 20 bucks a month

>he has to specify "unlimited"
capitalism was a mistake

We also have a space program, you, dumbfuck.

I would like to thank all the chadjeets that got degrees in India but come to the U.S. to get the same degree again for making so many tutorials on youtube.

Seriously I know you guys get a lot of shit (lel) but thank you for being so helpful. When it comes to abstract math or an upper CS class Indians online always have you covered.

i love chadjeet

you are welcome user

>I get good cheap internet
>proceeds to poo in street

Does anybody have the Virgin loopooer vs the Chadjeet streetshitter?

nice try, pajeet.

man I have to see that shit

thank you chadjeet for always making me look good at my job

>his country has an rectal oriface as their symbol of honor



this triggers the Sup Forums

what now SON??

show this picture to your wife and watch her panties flood


jesus christ chadjeet you set us up for this one thats some 4d chess bait right there. Good job I am impressed.

thanhk you very much

Yeah, something like this

how does it feel knowing we are drinking your milkshake americans?

lol never

What is the ISP and city?

Already reality in london

S U P E R P O W E R 2 0 2 0

>indian americans are more intelligent than white amerifats
really makes you think

What about hygiene?

Probably because the really stupid indians are not able to come to murrika


whiteboi basement dwellers btfo

Fuck off

And the highest rate of street shitting of any country

What's your space program? A bottle rocket powered by poo?

So does Best Korea.

if you don't shut your gob one of those poo missile will be directed right at you. im the poolord, faggot

He's right though. Every decent paper or article I read are wrote by pajeets.

Guise plz invade India. Save us :(

This is probably written by an Indian. Funny thing is the ones that come to America are always very egotistical with few exceptions. Their caste system is most likely the cause of that, but oddly they're self imposed aura of importance is higher than the Americans around them (to them that is). They look down on others in their own country, the poor, the laborers, and they come here thinking they're better than the Americans because they "earned it". The ones that get to America either need to be wildly successful in India to just afford a plane ticket, place to stay, and food in the US and the luck to become a citizen unless they stay illegally and drive taxis. Other cases are the Pajeets who work in Silicon Valley as the underpaid Mexicans of the tech Industry. These tech companies hire mostly Indians in engineering positions because they can pick the brightest of the bunch and pay them much less than the American equivalent and the Pajeet thinks it's the greatest thing because the streets aren't filled with shit here. Good for them but it fucks up wages for the hard working American who most likely tacked on a large amount of student debt by going to a much more prestigious and reputable university verses the street shitting Pajeet that gets the job instead.


Even the poor people have attitudes and don't want to work because they basically think giving two pence of candy to God entitles them to live happily ever after

shut mouth you! motherchod!

Mother means mother and chod means fucker

Shouldn't you Pajeets be on Freelancer right now, messaging people with something like:
>dear sir, please give opportunity sir
>I work on your project sir
>5 years experience adv Java sir
>good Java codes, Java softwares
>$2/h sir