It has great thermal conductivity...

It has great thermal conductivity, it's easy and inexpensive to build and most importantly it's aesthetic and a nice conversation piece as all artful technology should be.

Why haven't you done a pi immersion build yet?

How hot can those things possibly get?

That's taking up an awful amount of desk space for an SBC.

It lives in the living room on a small table with a lamp.

I use it as a CI machine for some of my projects. It gets about as warm as a fresh subway cookie

>great thermal conductivity
burger education

Want to add something simple like a new sound card?, well, thought so...

but why?

how the fuck would you plug in a mouse/keyboard at least?


>sound card
>to a pi

Just get a lava lamp you sperglord

You're a fucking idiot
There is no active cooling.
I'm have no time to explain this to you but this is not going to work well user

>and a nice conversation piece
to a turbo-autist maybe

This, water had a high heat capacity and therfore its a shit conductor

It's a Pi submerged in water in a glass tank with a pretty large surface area. You know a lot of devices are passively cooled right?

Still way better than air though

most people don't even have heatsinks on their PIs

t. reading comprehension

op did not mention water

That looks like a ghetto-ass fish tank, hoebitch

Looks extremely retarded. Add aquarium shit to it, little castle and stuff

you ssh into it, you retard

I had that exact same though. I wasn't as angry, mind you, but I do wonder. And what about putting multiple pi's in the same container? I mean, they don't accrue that much heat.


They dont. You can hold your finger on the cpu.