
is this /ourwatch/


>blatant marketing for low budget startup shit nerd watch horseshit

Fuck off.

>"Real time clock" is now a feature worth advertising in a watch

>"our" anything
Fuck off

indiegogo shitheads are the only """"real"""" companies desperate enough to actually shill on Sup Forums

Smartwatches are for retards and children
Its bad enough that people cant put their phones down but its worse to think they can't do without it in a direct line of sight

>no waterproofing
The thing is DOA don't even think about backing it

>no IP68
into the trash it goes

Digital watches are god tier, no fucking around just set the time and it lasts years on one battery and years in general

Is it abnormal to own a watch that only tells the time now?


Its pretty cool but no waterproofing is a bit of a let down.

Call me when they can cram the tflops of a GTX 1080 in smart watches and maybe I'll consider them 'smart'
By then I should be taking phonecalls with my smart earpods I hope.

>his watch uses a battery!

>real time clock
>a watch literally has to advertise telling time

i am done with the society im becoming a hermit

Um fuck off nvidia shill

>shilling this blatantly

lmfao fuck off Casio employee jesus christ


ive had a smartwatch before its fucking dumb as fuck

Looks kinda interesting but indiegogo means that it's unlikely to actually produce.

If you want just the Gflops you can probably do it right now.
Just stick an FPGA and make a fuckton of floating point adder circuits and bob's your uncle!
Now if you want the Geforce 1080 ACTUAL POWER, well...

not waterproof. definitely not /ourwatch/

needs a compass and waterproofing and some exposed I/O pins for arduino

does it have hardware buttons to turn off screen and remap?

can it charge with usb?

Wow, it's a fucking microcontroller

Fuck off OP, this is /ourwatch/

Fuck off casio paid shill.