What is the thinkpad of smartphones?
What is the thinkpad of smartphones?
a thinkpad with sim module
Nokia n95
Still is.
The non retarded smartphone.
Nexus 5
my N900 is some where in the room. best phone ever.
>best phone ever.
>USB port fell out
Should have reinforced the USB connector with additional solder.
First thing I did when I got my N900.
this is the best phone ever made
What's up with all that N900 shilling? Did some eBay fag get a truckload of them and tries to sell them now?
I know sweet fuck all about smartphones. Just got my first plan with phone included. It's a Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra. How shit are they?
>shit battery life
Makes sense
What shit distro you install on this phone?
That's the original Maemo 5.
>the common dumdumbs define what products should be used
>anything not in line with their views get removed from the market
just fuck my interesting products up
Maemo 5 was the best phone OS.
nokia e71x
That's why N900 died.
It was a mad scientist experiment from Nokia engineers, they knew it would flop with normies, but I'm still grateful they even made it.
Caterpillar CAT S60. Bulky, ugly as shit, shit screen resolution, can be run over by a car and keep working, functionality very few people need but is pretty cool.
Maemo is pretty much Debian with Hildon as a DE and Matchbox as a WM as default.
iPhone. Anything else is just not on that level of build quality.
iPhone isn't good build quality actually.
Apple hasn't had superior build quality since the early Intel Mac Pros and Macbooks.
I know it's bait, but I'm just saying.
htc hd2
also, i would like to shill moto z keyboard mod if that's okay with you. it should make perfect nerd phone
I got an unlocked XA1 Ultra off amazon a couple weeks ago, Sup Forums probably will say it's shit because it's big, has a mid range mediatek chip, and I'm sure many more autistic reasons, but imo it's one of the best options right now if you want a ~6" phone that's officially supported to some degree (non chink+pajeetROM), but don't want to pay google/samsung flagship prices and don't really care about the current flagship meme specs. Will be interesting to see how the XA1 Ultra is with Oreo though....
Samsung S8 is the best smartphone so far.
Hi faggёt.
This beauty.
I think it's also time to power on my N900
Do you own it?
Lenovo Motorola Moto G
>He doesn't own the Moto Z and preordered the livermorium mod
topcuck my friend
Nokia N900
That looks fucking gay. Bet you a tenner it won't survive a 2ft fall
I do own it. The black one too.
Why would I want a landscape keyboard?
Also it covers the fucking camera
>Why would I want a landscape keyboard?
Two hand thumb typing?
You slide the keyboard open, it doesn't cover the camera anymore and you can hold it far better.
you can use two hands in portrait keyboards too. in my life i had both landscape qwerties and portrait qwerties, and portrait ones are more comfortable to use in daily messaging. keys are closer, thumbs don't need to reach far away just to press buttons on the middle, and reduced space doesn't matter if you don't need nerd keys.
both options are great though. my droid 3 keyboard was great in its own way, my bb q10 keyboard was also great + more practical. if bb keyone would be unlocked/rootable/nerd-friendly in general, i'd surely pick it over moto z with slider attachment
How's UE? Is it really can't be rooted?
What's a good replacement for Xperia Play? The battery is really poor in mine now, and I would rather invest in a new phone than a new battery for a 5 years old one. Besides SNES and PSX games get boring.
What are some good post-2015 phones with physical landscape slide-out keyboard?
Do they even make those anymore?
I only see shit with bluetooth keyboard cases, etc
I have feels now.
These should be more common. From the company's point of view they are one more thing a user will break and having no moving parts is easier for them. People still like those and there would be buyers if the phone isn't shit otherwise.
Google pixel
The "average consumer" determines the market. This is an example where facism>democracy.
Nokia could've started pushing Maemo instead of trying to fuck S60's rotting corpse.
Nokia was so fucking retarded at times.
Truly the graveyard of great ideas.
They made a deal with Intel to make Nokia's Maemo and Intel's Moblin into Meego. They made one Meego phone N9 and another developer phone N950. After that Microsoft came in and quickly killed it and replaced with Windows which nobody wants. The Meego developers got pissed and left Nokia and continued their OS in a new company Jolla. They renamed the OS Sailfish which is still alive today but there are no good phones for it. There's still a marginal chance to get a good phone in the future.
>wanting cuckism
The BlackBerry Z10 is the ThinkPad of phones. I've said it before. This is the only correct answer.
You need to go back.
t. submissive beta who wants a bbc to tell him what do do
You really, really needs to go back.
Yeah, but they are too big and powerful to be stopped so they do what they want. Big and powerful can't die, it needs to be weaken first. That's why I think it's better to install Linux for adults who use laptops at home, so the market share of Windows shrinks a little. I don't like Microsoft at all.
No, Microsoft is a decent company, but they have somewhat hilarious lack of understanding what mobile market is all about.