Let's settle this. Who is the better programmer, West coast or East coast?
Let's settle this. Who is the better programmer, West coast or East coast?
The Sup Forums NEET with Arch on his Thinkpad, obviously. Work is for wagecucks.
Obviously, but that is not one of the options.
DESU I'd rather have the greasy unkempt guy who once spent 3 weeks fixing his linux driver issues working on my project than some dude in a suit who did a bootcamp on how to use meme frameworks.
>work hours 10am-7pm
how do you people defend such bullshit?
what's wrong with those
first of all, that's 9 working hours so you can go fuck off right off the bat.
Second that time is fucking retarded, you basically waste the entire day
Put on a tie so you can take a rammed subway to work for your soulless corporation at 6AM for ten fucking hours taking a break to eat a hotdog from some illegal immigrant to then spend all your money waiting in line to get into some shitty nightclub so you can order a woman's drink.
Why would you ever be a programmer on the east coast?
6am-4pm is 10 working hours, you waste one hour more each day with that option. what are you even counting?
wew I didn't even see that, do people enjoy slavery? Holy fuck the rest of the civilized world has 8 working hours as the norm, everything else is overtime and paid accordingly
Wait in standstill traffic for 2 hours so you can try (and fail) to work in an "open" office layout full of distractions taking a break to pay your own fucking boss your own fucking money for a shitty chicken salad, then drink with the coworkers who keep wasting your time in teambuilding meetings for 2 hours at a bar that smells like ass and that women refuse to visit.
Why would you ever be a programmer on the west coast?
I work 10-5 and that includes half an hour for breakfast and an hour for lunch.
>everything else is overtime and paid accordingly
I take it you've never been on salary?
hide bait threads
no one on here has a job anyway lol
Thanks for the bump.
Maybe of us have jobs here.
9-6 no lunch break here, you get used to it and weekends feel slightly better
I have a Software Engineering job at Microsoft.
Dress code:
Nobody cares. Vice presidents wear slacks and polo shirts to the most formal events.
Company provided shuttle that loads a few blocks from my apartment for a 10 minute drive to campus
Established firm that tries to act like a growing startup
Work hours:
When I show up - when I show up (usually ~8:30 - ~4:00)
Typical lunch:
late breakfast of cooked-to-order omlette
Weekend Fun:
Getting blazed and watching cartoons with girlfriend
Mad men drink:
N/A (no microbrews in the 50s)
Truly the best of both worlds.
>Mad Men Drink
>Wiskey Coke
It's a FUCKING OLD FASHIONED, there's NO sugar jew involved
Dress Code:
Suit with a beard
A Fucking Pickup Truck
Growing An Established Firm
Work Hours:
Typical Lunch:
Booze and pussy
Weekend Fun:
Drinking by myself at my million dollar pad
Mad Men Drink:
Several cups of coffee
I work in New York but my dress code is pretty much west coast and I work at a data company.
>24hr work day
wew lad
West coast is better obviously. Silicon Valley.
+ cascadia corridor
west coast always wins babyyyyyyyy
9-10 hrs is nothing when you're some dumb kid out fresh out of college doing CS
not programming related nigger
Fug. I work 10-8 and don't get compensated for overtime. Salary is just a misspelling of slavery.
If you want to get compensated for overtime then work for McDonalds you dumb nigger.
There are hourly employees at my company that get 1.5x overtime pay ;_;
Lunch hours, pretty retarded.
10-16 best.
>East Coast
Bell Labs
the list goes on.......
>West coast
A bunch of sociopathic autistic venture capitalists leveraging FOSS to make Uber for Houseplants
Except there's a massive surplus of people capable of make installing a kernel module off of github, so you can easily find 500 applicants that can both take a shower every morning and install linux drivers.
It's 8 hours, including 1 for lunch.
but I bike to work and I'm on the east coast
nigger, it's 8 work hours plus one hour for lunch
get out of your basement for once
I am a quant trader.
Dress code:
Whatever you want
I live 30 minutes away by bike or tram
Established firm
Work hours:
Pay: $150k including bonus after one year out of college (just an undergrad)
West coast: amazon, google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Stanford, etc
I'll take four 10s over five 8s any day. Three days off per week and I'm still hitting 40 hours.
West coast is incompetent as FUCK. Watch CNBC's the profit and look at these retards. They just have a shit ton of cash. East coast is where shit gets done.
>They just have a shit ton of cash.
Duh, that's the whole point.
East Coast
>Dress Code
Formal button-down + tie in summer/spring + jacket in winter/fall
Subway, Cab, Uber, Lyft, Carpool
Contractor (State, DoD, Blue-Chip)
>Work Hours
6am to 4pm
Sushi or Grilled Market Salad
Country Club events, Golf, Tennis, Sailing, Hiking
>Mad Men Drink
Scotch or Dry Gin
Fuck memes. I'm an east coast guy. I haven't worn shoes other than flip flops to work since April, I wear a t shirt every day. It's 8-5 with a 1 hour break for lunch which the company buys me. I commute to work in a challenger hellcat. It's only 5 miles. I drive a beater if the weather sucks. My company has been around for almost 20 years, but it's a small company. My weekend fun is going to see a local band play. And my mad men drink is a gin and tonic or gin martini, stirred. Shaken and vodka martinis are for fucking plebs.
Is this thread comparing lifestyles or programming competence?
Sup Forums only pretends to program, so neither
You can be salaries and paid overtime, but usually in lower level positions.
>t. Non-exempt software developer who never has to work overtime because Indians are more miserly than Jews
Which all produce consumer grade shit in their west coast campuses and do importany research elsewhere, like Israel
absafuckingloootely not. They script, not program.
yeah, higher-ed wise the west coast has what, Stanford, Berkeley, caltech and what else. The east coast has all the ivy's, mit, the little ivy's, and cmu