Sup Forums I'm learning ruby/ror and need good books. Anyone can post titles or resources?

Sup Forums I'm learning ruby/ror and need good books. Anyone can post titles or resources?

Other urls found in this thread:

stop learning rubty and learn go insteaD

Learn Crystal

Well Grounded Rubyist
Eloquent Ruby
Metaprogramming Ruby
The Rspec Book
Programming Ruby 1.9: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide
The Ruby Programming Language

Thanks if you ever need to look things up

wish you luck user

>Telling OP to learn something worse

I guess I'll ask here. What can Ruby do that other frameworks with more common languages won't?

These are all good.
Hartl's free Rails tutorial.
Official RoR guides.
Google's Unofficial Ruby Usage Guide
Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby
Make sure you understand all the Array, Hash, and Enumerable methods.
The Ruby Association Examinations have a list of what they cover, which is what's generally important to know.

Good luck user. Ruby is a joy to program.

>Not common

Queef again?

I wouldn't say there's anything only Ruby can do.

Ruby is just a really fun language to work in. It's like a better-designed Python with elements of Smalltalk, Perl, and Scheme.
Rails has an extensive and stable ecosystem, and integrates very tightly into Ruby due to Ruby's metaprogramming capabilities. It's an opinionated framework, so if you take the time to learn how it works you can crank out websites incredibly quickly.

The only language that I think could really give Ruby a run for its money is Clojure, but Clojure's ecosystem is unstable and its documentation isn't very good.

ror is short for ruby on rails, mentioned in first post lol

don't get memed, there's no reason to learn ruby in 2017

There is one, RoR

How is Clojure's ecosystem unstable? And really the docs aren't any worse than any other lisp.

Was in a hurry and used the wrong word. I meant the ecosystem is still changing fairly quickly.
Yeah, Clojure's documentation is pretty good for a Lisp, but isn't as good as its competitors in webdev.
That said these days I use Clojure almost exclusively for personal projects. It's a fantastic language.

Both of these anons are good suggestions:
I would add to the list Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby.
It's not just about Ruby, but about clean and simple OO design more generally, and avoiding the traps of OO circa 00's era Java and .NET, with their overengineered enterprise shit and pattern wankery. The fact that the book is written in Ruby gives you great examples of how to apply the principles presented.

I'm a scientist and have no formal CSU training. I've used python and dabbled in Ruby. Ruby felt much more intuitive and was much more fun. However, virtually everything I need is implemented in python and not at all or poorly in ruby. And the time you save in ruby due to it being more intuitive, you lose again by looking through the poor documentation when you're stuck. It would have been nice if ruby would have been the language to go for science, but I guess python was earlier.

I'm not one to recommend codeacademy, but due to the very hands on and easily memorable nature of Ruby, I was able to learn from there.

You purport to be a programmer but can't be bothered to google up something?

once upon a time user gave me a link where most of pref books were on one site, thats why

I'm still struggling to learn it. Anytime I see a thing I could use macros with, I then spend an hour trying to figure out the right way to place the quotes.

Most recent example is with the tests for an IRC framework. I want to write tests to ensure that incoming strings are parsed correctly, and this involves a shitload of boilerplate. Easily condensed down to a one liner.. or so I thought anyways.


(fact "ping messages"
(let [splitmsg (stringToIRCMessage ":PING")]
(get splitmsg :type) => "PING"
(get splitmsg :destination) => nil
(get splitmsg :message) => ""

Where in my ideal world, I could just write:

(factCheckParse ":PING" {:type => PING, :destination => nil, :message =>})

and spit all that out. I've yet to figure out the right way to write the macro...

(defmacro factCheckParse [message results]
(let [splitmsg (stringToIRCMessage ~message)]
(for [k# (keys ~results)]
(k# results) ~=> (k# splitmsg)

This doesn't work.

"The well-grounded Rubyist" in an excelent ressource for learning.

For Rails "Rails 4 in action" is nice (there is no Rails5 version of the book, but it also works with Rails5).

>Where in my ideal world, I could just write:

Haha, you seem like the typical Rubyist..

Once you get some Ruby experience you are forever spoiled from it's beautiful and logical syntax. So when I thought about learning a new language I thought about the following:

I decided to evaluate each of them for a short while and decide after getting a good impression. Here's my thoughts so far:
Scala seems nice, but is an ungly mess underneath.
Node.. well, it's not bad but it's not really beatiufull either.
Haskell.. maybe someday, but not yet. It's also too far away from webdesign.
Clojure was a really nice experience, I spend two weeks doing "hello world"-like stuff. But at the end of the day it's still Java. And I'm not sure about the microservice way of doing things. Ring is not bad, but I'm not 100% convinced yet. Sometimes I struggle with that low level way of doing things. Not sure if I will follow that route, but Clojure is definitely one of my favorites so far..

Next things to look at are Elixir. Or recently I thought about Common Lisp.
Elixir is somehow a logical next step after Ruby, considering the influence of Rails on Phoenix.
Lisp would also be great fun, since Ruby is IMHO the most "Lispy" language that is not a real Lisp itself. But I ahve to say I am only an mediocre Scheme beginner, no idea if CL is the right choice for me.

Anyway, I will take my time and in the meantime I just keep on going the Rails way.

Effective Ruby: Rough Cuts
super great honestly I loved it
can post pdf if you want

Why are Ruby guys such bros ? Serious question

Not that user but I would really appreciate it if you do.

Bottom file in this list

Nice gondola by the way

Thank you user but I can't connect to that list, link isn't working.

Try team treehouse guys if you want a quick splash course for novices.
I usually start with them, then pickup the books.

Curious, what are you learning ruby for? What do you plan on building?

Im a python and java guy myself and haven't seen a huge "this is the reason to pickup the language".

because dey gay

The guy who made Ruby is a total bro, and we all strive to follow his example. We have a saying that Matz is nice, so we are nice.
Ruby IRC/Slack is super friendly, and contributing to the language is a positive process.

It's not gay if you say "no hom-functor" first.

I've been using Clojure to clean and analyze large data sets, and wow is it good at it.
I had a very positive impression of Elixir. I'll definitely be learning more at some point.
I was learning CL and I switched to Clojure. There was a large amount of what seemed like old cruft, and it didn't fit my needs very well.

Check out the ebook thread on Lainchan's lambda board. It has a lot of the books here posted. / 7E1.pdf

You're not wrong. I mostly write Python nowadays, but damn if I didn't fucking love Ruby.

the reason is basically sinatra and eruby. Some other things like how easy it is to work with classes, write unit tests, etc.. are nice, but not really worth picking up the language for

Baby's first language for me, I'm incapacitated for a year might aswell learn something new instead of doing nothing.

Ruby Monk is really good if youre not sure about Ruby and want to get a quick feel of the language within a half hour

Python very nicely replaces those with Flask and Mako.

Yes it absolutely does, unfortunately I've had the displeasure of having to use Flask with Jinja and the unusable clusterfuck known as flask-sqlalchemy and it was really unenjoyable

Best book on Ruby, by far. Not for starting out though, more for when you get to a point where you want to know "why".

>learning a dead SJW language

I think Python will eventually get phased out and replaced by Go.

I was thinking about getting the book? How good is it?


It seems unlikely.

What you think of Julia eventually replacing Python?

Literally who

The supposedly goto scientific programming language of the future. Dynamic, MATLAB-like syntax with inspirations from Lisps (among others macros) yet Python-cally easy to dig in, fast without optimizations.

>I'm a python and java guy myself and haven't seen a huge "this is the reason to pickup the language".

Oh well..
Matz said, Ruby was made for "programmer happiness". That's the main reason. A lot of things in the language that make Ruby extremely slick:
-Easy peasy functional programming. Map/Reduce/Filter feel naturally and you will thworing lambdas arround without even noticing
-Very powerful basic language constructs. You can basically "rebuild" half of Ruby yourself with some basic elements
-Amazing data structures and Iterators. Often Python people say "but you can do this only for arrays!", but in Ruby everything that can be iterated on is somehow an array.
-Powerful RegEx's that can be used everywhere, (i.e. even in switch/case statements or just at strings: "bla-hi-blahb"[/-.{2}-/])
-Ruby has open classes, you can bend the language to your needs or simply create a new language ("domain specific language") like in Chef or Rails
-Super intuitive syntax.
-Great for scripting.
-It's just fun and comfy. Similar to Perl you can write amazing code only to find that there is an even simpler solution. Ruby makes it fun to find out about hidden syntactic sugar, you can get down to very brief syntax, expressing only what you want to.

Also Ruby has an amazing power level deep inside. You have crazy abstractions like "continuations" (only Ruby and Scheme have them). You can always talk with the shell simply by putting things into backticks. And so on.

It's not necessarily an either/or-decision.
Write Python when you have to, write Ruby when you can.

I think Python is here to stay.
It just has enough traction and a shitload of mature libraries. And it's not bad at all.

I can see Julia or Go for smaller research projects, and Go (of course) for servers.

I love my Ruby and the level of productivity, but I can't say I'm not jelly about Go-channels and compiling to binary files.

Where could I find good Ruby open source projects I could contribute to and learn at the same time?

google how to make a chat server with rails and youll be a pro by the end of it. Also ruby is 50-100x slower than straight c, and the web industry is moving away from it so keep that in mind if your planning a career.

"The Ruby Cookbook" is always a good option after you read other books. And welcome to the confy world of Ruby.

Its good if you want to learn how to hand code a simple Ruby compiler and know how Ruby is implemented at low level
