Will you buy the autism keyboard?

will you buy the autism keyboard?


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You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.


>autist is a real word
this is legitimate news to me

Looks cool enough

But this is the first time I've watched a linus tech tips video, and it'll also be the last

Looks like some sort of accessibility controller for the disabled.

good eye, thats exactly what it is. Its like a roller bar mouse, it works but a regular mouse would always be faster for normal people

What did you think it was?

I'll stick with my head wand.

something /r9k/ made up


Get the fuck outta my way

If they made a version with anime boobs then sure.

>$400 for a pair of rigid plastic tits
I'll keep this in mind in case I lose my hands. Seems like that's the only target audience.

His peripheral videos are kind of decent, but anything regarding hardware is steaming shit.

Looks like a physical version of this.


> Hi, My name is Rod

i could kinda see how you would type super fast on this thing

autist confirmed

u would speed around moving those things around sonic fast senpai

Holy shit

Yes but touchtyping will always be superior, this could be useful for folk without fingers.

>Linus Tech Tips

>400 dollars for some fischer price tism keyboard

>30 wpm
I might just pass on it.

>think to myself "well its not that bad at least it's logically ordered instead of being randomly scattered like a keyboard and I like order"
>reach the autism part 5 seconds later

Superior: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chorded_keyboard

>and it'll also be the last

What's so great about Hooktube? Why is it "correct" when Youtube is not?

LMAO that is the most autistic thing I have ever seen

Who the hell is this for?

Autist is fine as a noun, that's how I call myself, I don't say autistic or autistic person it takes too long, autist is nice and short.

It keeps moving around on the desk why the hell didn't they add rubber grips?

The alphabet is randomly scattered too.

There is someone out there in this world that uses this keyboard to post on Sup Forums.

How does it help someone with no hands as you need hands to operate the thing?

You can use your feet to type too, you kno'

looks like the official Sup Forums keyboard

you could move those mouse-things easily even if all you have is a wrist-stump with some adjustments

the point is that very fine movements (the kind you need your fingers and full motor skills for) aren't required

Actually a pretty ingenious design for people with extremely limited dexterity.

Why is it better for autists? Is there not a normal keyboard that instead of QWERTY it is ABCDEFG and so on. It would take a lot longer but maybe it would be easier for them to get the hang of it.

fuck me I cannot stand these "quirky youtubers" mannerisms

It's aimed at kids and redditors that's why.

Wild guess: It would probably fuck your hands/wrists real bad compared to any other layout. If that's the case your autist might scream all the time.

THIS makes more sense than the abortion in the video. At least it substitues a keyboard on a device that has none.

People without fingers?

They should present this as an accessibility device from the get go rather than pretend as though it's a quirky geek gimmick keyboard you should buy at this website from our sponsor right now that isn't wildly inferior to KBM to the average person. They'd probably have less skeptic people dismiss it instantly that way.

It does seem like it would be great for people with stump hands, but I'd really imagine autists would be better off just forcing themselves to learn how to use a proper keyboard so that they can properly integrate into regular workplaces, rather than depend on a special snowflake keyboard to be available at every computer they'll ever need to use. I'm no autism specialist but that seems like the better idea.

>appeals to autists
>new Sup Forums keyboard of choice

Fun fact: autista means car driver in italian.

Reducing the typing speed of autists with this device by just 15% would make a vast improvement to Sup Forums.

Honestly you shouldn't be able to use Sup Forums without having one of these plugged in

Removes the normies which also removes phoneposters

my wrists may get to a point some day that this is a viable option, sad future indeed.

and 60% their qwerty speed, fuck me like it was possible for me to go slower.

It's like grabbing boobies.

If we make these keyboards mandatory can we get the number up to 20%?

i ts' mee

no it doesn't

Combine it with one of these, and you could probably make a lot of money.

Not sure how I managed to reply to that message when it was meant for sorry

>Autist is fine as a noun, that's how I call myself
>I'm a self diagnosed autists guys! Am I cool yet?
>onb4 hurr noo, doctor said it (lies)

>5 buttons just on the thumb

wtf i want it now

I can't stand his voice.
it was a nice idea

no it doesn't , autista means " bus driver " or " truck driver "


What I call someone when I've already used up "faggot", "retard" and "cunt"

Can't handle other people's opinion and being a butthurt smartass. Literally rms. The end of the spectrum holds serial killer robots.


>10 fingers
>every finger forks into 3
>30 fingers to type with
>probably incredibly hard to learn to use
>they could just use a simple connector and use a one way interface from mind to keyboard input
>much faster, easier, still safe

Too expenaive for that abysmal build quality.
Other than that it looks great for people with hand inguries.

I just saw a guy on twitter use the term "sperg" about himself to mean he forgot a word, ie a moment of stupidity/forgetfulness. And his name was an "autism" meme.

These cancer people ruin everything and it's systematic.

difficulty reading emotion, subtext or picking up some body language, and comfort from repetition & familiar things, often obsessively so.

>they could just use a simple connector and use a one way interface from mind to keyboard input
Actually it's a thing in GITS, but there are people without that shitty socket.

Aspergers doesn't even exist anymore although a lot of people who were diagnosed as Aspergers still call themselves Aspies and get very angry if you just tell them they have Autism. It's quite funny, it's like a split off sect.

it's a spectrum

he can never use emacs, SAD

>Is there not a normal keyboard that instead of QWERTY it is ABCDEFG and so on

I could imagine that being really awesome and efficient once you got over the learning curve

why though
Why should I get rid of my collection of old mechanical keyboards?

you are but a baby
yours has a normal layout for its alpha block
mine is the true patrician layout
