i'm looking for a "plug and play" mouse for gaming. i don't like the idea of needing software (unless someone can convince otherwise). looking to spend around $60 max.
HyperX Pulserfire is what i'm looking at.
i'm looking for a "plug and play" mouse for gaming. i don't like the idea of needing software (unless someone can convince otherwise). looking to spend around $60 max.
HyperX Pulserfire is what i'm looking at.
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>shape is no good, especially the side
Better buy G403 instead.
>inb4 logitech chill
My daily driver is Cooler Master Sentinel 3 btw.
do you know if the optional software download is needed?
maybe needed is not right word... warranted(?).
thanks for replying, about to give up.
You don't need "optional" software unless you want some customize such as LED or macro.
k. thanks for help.
And you could uninstall optional software after done with your customize too, G403 have on-board memory.
If you want to play FPS, and got medium sized hands I would highly recommend the Zowie EC-2A.
I got it myself and its a really good mouse. Good Sensor, nice build quality, NO DRIVERS and it doesn't look like some 14 year old autistic kid designed it.
10/10 Would buy again
Generally speaking all Zowie Models are really good. I can also recommend the SteelSeries Rival 300 for FPS.
>no drivers
How could computer peripheral work without drivers?
I meant that Zowie mouses don't require additional bloatware drivers.
Windows installs everything you need, you can change all settings (polling rate/dpi) via the mouse itself.
still the best
>Oh but this won't work for my meme twitch FPS shit game
Go ask any BSD shit to back me up. What you basically do is stick to whatever 70s shit you have and make up a "hardware list" and just label anyone asking about anything else as some mindless consumerist retard.
>>Oh but this won't work for my meme twitch FPS shit game
how young are you
also you were close, but pic related is better
See, Zowie still need drivers to make it works. Just without additional software to make your life easier.
Recommend me a good Logijew mouse for a fingertip grip please
I think I know what your point is but you are are arguing away from the initial topic.
OP looked for a mouse for >GAMING< so there is no need to suggest a mouse from the 70s with a fucking first gen laser who isnt capable of capturing fast movements that are required in a fps game. If you are just looking for a mouse to work with, you are right, but when it comes to gaming you dont want to get a cheap sensor.
>Obvious 18yo silver noob is trying to flame
Well you could say that the "just work" with what windows automagically installs for you.
Since op said gaming, I didn't consider Linux but my EC2a works just fine on lubuntu.
Fuck off Headmaster
Unless you are indeed playing twitch meme shooters, real fps games are about tactics and strategy. aiming better helps but assuming your game's level design isn't a straight line, the game isn't won with equipment. for example if you change your config to low graphics then things they're hiding behind or cases where they would blend in with the level simply won't happen anymore. This is quake 3. I also see a lot of people trying to be competitive and they're using fucking speakers and cry hacks when people with headphones hear them a mile away. Do all this and know the level and you have a ridiculous advantage over someone that doesn't but has a $200 mouse
My non-Zowie works fine with linux too, stop Zowie-no-driver meme next time.
plenty of tournaments have been one with the mouse you linked in your post
What's the difference between the two? Also, those looks similar to the G Pro, is that one any good as well?
OK so they're basically the same as the G Pro but cheaper. Thanks
>buy modern gaming mouse
>install software and configure mouse to your liking
>remove said software and continue using mouse with your own settings
protip: mice store your settings in their onboard memory.
G pro got better sensor but with bad braided cable. But Mercury sensor inside G102/203 is great, sometime I'm feel it work better than 3988.
G102/203 is identical, just 102 for eastern market and 203 for western market.