>finally get hired to my first programmer job after 6 months of sending 30 resumes daily
>stackoverflow is blocked
I'm so fucked.
Finally get hired to my first programmer job after 6 months of sending 30 resumes daily
>working at a company that doesn't trust their employees enough not to cuck their internet access
>but who was phone
Good. Use ebooks instead.
Bitch to the IT people until they unblock it
So contact IT and ask to have reference unblocked.
Does it let you access Sup Forums?
I already sent a ticket, they said no, citing that stackoverflow is used for plagiarism
Nice try Pajeet
Why would any IT department block stack overflow in the first place?
>gets hired for a programming job
>doesn't know how to use google on his smartphone
circumvent the blocking in a way that's not detectable.
Make your traffic look legit
Post a screenshot of email.
I'd rather not get fired at the my first job, every email has a nondisclosure clause at the bottom.
Do you use your own hardware on the job ?
RIP. What if you use SSH tunnels?
>can't program without using stackoverflow
>can't into googling & proper reference
Question OP: do they block API documentation websites?
or DNS Tunnel
I can't believe you people are so dependent on SO that you would encourage someone to risk getting fired just so he can keep sucking the SO teat.
You people couldn't code your way out of a wet paper bag.
I didn't know that a series of syntax commands were intellectual property
Use your phone with the Turbo VPN app, it's the one with the rabbit icon.
t. secretary (male) at a private clinic with stupidly strict internet.
Yeah it's slow but it works really well.
YOU(not we) are saying we are dependent on SO
just keep that in mind
Given how the IT department have shown proof of being legit retarded here I would say there's a high chance they've blocked official documentation domains as well.
And probably a lot of obscure websites and blog hosts as well for the same reason.
In fact I'm 99% sure the only sites that are not blocked is facebook and twitter.
Sometimes SO is the only "documentation" around
lmfao blocking SO is not the same as blocking an API reference site
They clearly want poseurs like you to be shown as the incompetent fools you truly are so they can kick you out with minimal investment, that's why it's tied to your access levels. When you get off the prohibitory period you have normal access because they know you're not wasting company time with insanely banal questions.
>block documentations
>leave FB and Twitter alone
This can't be real, holy shit. How much are you paid to put up with this?
They have a anti-pajeet shield
Now I'm the bad guy just for replying to a thread that asks for a workaround and opinions on a block indirectly
they're waiting for you to resort to using your phone so they can kick you to the curb for stealing company time.
> Implying I won't just use my phone
> Implying I won't just use a VPN
They can try to stop the poo on the streets, but they will never get all the poo in the loo.
CS students, ladies and gentlemen.
I feel like the field is on the verge of collapse but you know it isn't. Unfortunate.
>tfw E.E. and only jobs are really in power systems or electronics
What the Fuck lmao
fucking street shitter
please deploy a reverse shell on your work
make it point to my ip adress port 443
Send a quick response stating that you're familiar with FOSS licensing and understand that plagiarism is unacceptable. Point out that it's a valuable troubleshooting resource and that blocking access to it could reduce productivity.
If it's still a no, shut up and deal with it. It's their loss basically... you'll spend more paid time working on niggling issues instead of features.
>Having such a shit hiring process they don't even trust their junior level employees with Stack Overflow
>please deploy a reverse shell on your work
make it point to my ip adress
Of course all Anonymous posts is COMPLETELY ok and should be trusted
he sounds legit dont be a fag
Pull the trigger or not? What kind of mustard gas would I find?
Does it work?
yeah yeah...
Google search and look at the cached version of the answer
Also tell them to block GitHub too
100% [secure] untraceable / untrackable -free download- ssh https ssl legitmate I love to fuck strangers I have a custom glory hole setup you can come round and get sucked off by a wet mouth 100% anonymous and safe
what company is this retarded?
Use your phone's data connection to reach stackoverflow without them knowing.
>year of our lord
>being a wagecuck
>Also tell them to block GitHub too
lmao, this
Wget the entire website and open it locally when you need to
set up a VPN server at your house you faggit. How fucking stupid are you?
How many TB would all of stackoverflow be?
lol, this is bait right?
that seems like an amazingly retarded decision
don't stop sending resumes
Fucking jej, this.
lmao, my boss regularly uses stack overflow to look up potential bugs in our developer tools. Your IT/legal department is legit retarded.
Just get a VPN and hope they didn't block that
You could give it a test drive with something like Opera or Psiphon before committing to pay for a non-shitty one
If they still block it just quit.
My job is basically copy-pasting from OW. I'd probably quit if IT decided to block it one day
Call your boss
Instruct him to fire the entire IT department.
This just shows how dead Sup Forums is. None of you retards noticed http in url, with https its not possible to block sites.
>every email has a nondisclosure clause at the bottom
That's standard operating procedure. Blocking stackoverflow is not.
> Using uni library internet to do research for one of the meme classes I was forced to enlist to
> Looking up contraception methods for women
> A ton of pages were blocked by the firewall
> Reason: Pornography
I think they just blanked blocked any page with vagina, breasts or penis in it.
Why are IT people such fucking retarded monkeys?
If the company cared about that, they should've weeded out incompetents at the interview stage, not trying to sabotage their own employees after they hired them.
>with https its not possible to block sites.
imagine being this retarded
>with https its not possible to block sites
Speak for yourself, user
You can also visit child pornography websites as long as they use HTTPS
The feds can't sniff your packets if they're sent through HTTPS
HTTPS does not encrypt the URL, morons.
lmao what shitty ass uni are you going to that blocks students from watching porn
hmm but if we change all the useful stuff to plaintext then can't that size decrease significantly? Like an order of magnitude less at least?
yes it does
I'm glad I work in a smallish and a sensible company.
IT department is fucked... Just use ur phone. Try to see if Internet archive of the page works... Or Google translate
that's retarded. bring your phone and use 4g to access it.
Pajeets just somehow create their own network IT doesn't know about that bypasses all the restrictions IT put in place. That's literally how it is at my place
>being so desperate for a job that you'll put up with a company treating you like a literal child
Sounds like you're the one who sucks, a good developer could just find a job somewhere that didn't have an incompetent IT department
No it doesn't, it only encrypts extra parameters sent in the GET request
They can still see which domains you're visiting
I'd be willing to bet that the really stupid blocks are being forced by clueless busybody managers/execs
Show us wireshark dump then, moron.
TLS is done on TCP level before HTTP. Please enlighten me how it leaks URL.
>what's VPN?
you literally don't know anything how https or the internet work
The fact that you're communicating with Sup Forums.org is not being hidden, only the fact that you're browsing Sup Forums and this thread
go ahead and browse some CP sites using https without a proxy and see what happens
SO is a primary information source. There are a lot of very high quality questions and answers on there, and sometimes it's the only place a solution to a problem exists.
The destination IP is known and from that you can lookup the domain. I'm pretty sure the domain is also plaintext in the handshake but don't quote me on that one.
You're going to get nowhere in life if you pretend you know what you're talking about. Especially something as trivial as this.
Right, but you can't connect over SSL until you've resolved the domain name of the site you're trying to connect to in the first place. A firewall can block that initial DNS request, which cannot be encrypted.
>he thinks HTTPS somehow hides the domains/IPs that he's connecting to from anybody
You're a moron, see and stfu
All this because OP is too dumb to download TOR.
ssh tunnel
it's not a job if you're paying tuition, OP.
Would you also like to be walked home gently?
I used to work in IT and I can confirm this is the case, block rules beyond obvious things that if left unblocked would cause retarded users to infect their computer are primarily set by managers who are bored. The same managers then bitch when their bookface is blocked.
You're both retarded. Tls encrypts the entire HTTP message, but there are ways to figure out the intended domain (DNS, SNI).
None of that shit matters though because corporate mitm proxy reencrypting traffic, interrogating the HTTP message on the way through allows companies to block sites or even urls if they so please.
Get some basic Nas to set up at your house, set up ssh tunnelling with dynamic socks port, shell home, configure your browser to send everything through your house first, get SO. Not that hard, brah, my 12 year old special Ed brother did it to get past web restrictions on the school computer.
explain to them that you need access, you aren't plagiarizing, they are idiots, and its 2017
>Not blocked by default in any decent content filter
Couldn't he just look it up on his phone or whatever?
Parents took phone away from him when he got caught looking at midget porn on the bus.
The IP address of the server, the certificate of the server, and the DNS query are sent in the clear before the TLS session starts. Using HTTPS doesn't magically hide any of this information from a network administrator and people claiming otherwise are deluding themselves