why don't you run your own ftp server Sup Forums?
Why don't you run your own ftp server Sup Forums?
Because I have no autism
> no files anyone would want
> no friends who would want files that i don't have anyway
why don't i run an investment bank? why don't i run a minecraft server? why don't i run a cult that proclaims me as the reincarnation of rasputin, complete with his severed cock in a jar?
Unironically because I use Google Drive.
Because SMB is clearly superior
Your'e the reason why fax still exists
I only turn it ON when i need to backup/restore my Cisco's
why use ftp when sftp exists?
Only 2.0
>i dont know the difference between FTP and TFTP
You do realize that 3.1.1 is current?
oh look guys the supreme shitposter is here to shit in the thread again
because there is no beautiful ascii stats and ftp is superior to give access to a friend.
>i wish i had a scale out file server cluster
#copy running-config ftp:
3.x is actually 2.x with AES
>not rsync
Enjoy your insecurity.
nothing anyone would want public ally and moving files between my own servers is much simple with sshfs or just push/pull to nfs server,
>what is FTPS
I guess you're right but literally why. Also
>Not just using archive to automatically backup your configs whenever you write them
sent ;)
FTPS has been obsolete for years and is also vulnerable to MITM attacks.
Is that classic theme on win10?
Server 2016 Core so it doesnt have any theme support at all
>SMB over anything but VPN
This isnt 1996. Also VPN would be redundant, SMB already offers encryption and authentication.
Look at him go, ready to start arguments and act like a child whenever the opportunity arises, dedicated to ruining everyone else’s time because he’s a self-centred narcissistic twat.
Please use a trip or kill yourself so I don’t have to see you again.
>using closed-source backdoored glFTPd
>run #warez ftp
>see doj.gov connect
i do
ftp is dead
sftp and ftps are stillborns
>tfw when uploadlet
>i just heard of ftps in my computer science class! i will contribute to this thread :)
Why would anyone use FTPS (SSL) over SFTP (SSH)? Compatibility?
>implying arrow