I like windows

I like windows

Other urls found in this thread:



Care to explain?

I don't (: I like 7


I like windows too

This thread is hot garbage holy shit.

Windows isn't all bad. I like both Windows and Linux.

10 works on my computer.

You're not allowed to like Windows.

Nor any software for that matter.

>now I have to explain my emotions

is this a daily make fun of windows thread?

I like her stinky sister

>i-its better for gaming!!!!1

>Spying and ads are okay because its convenient


i like privacy. I don't know why, I just kinda enjoy it


I like Windows too.

i like this one

Windows is acutally a pretty good operating system for productive people
I like it too


>having problems I don't
Kek, cuck

That moment when you're not sure whether to support windows side becuz ur filthy gamer or loonix because you're using it for programong and othars

>steam, discord, firefox, deluge
>2gb ram
>why isn't it working?

>using win 10
>not a cuck

Based on the screenshots it seems to be cucking only you
None of that sort happened to be

sure, because noone else had these problems


Oh shit
I should stop using Windows because other people have problems that I don't

there are more and more problems after each update, you dont have them now but they will catch you someday

ive got a laptop with 16gb ram and an i7, and win 10 makes it run like shit.

my other box running elementary is zippy and comfy af

works on my machine

Every single OS has some problems and nothing is perfect. I am actually quite sure that windows versions prior to 10 had the same amount, if not more of bugs and issues, you faggots just didn't care because of your cognitive bias. Now you're all hating windows 10 primarily for the reason of widespread memes which are often inaccurate.
About updates - windows has an open ecosystem to the contrary of gnu/linux and macos / osx, therefore it is easier to hack in most cases, which means that it NEEDS certain patches every once in a while to prevent this.The same applies to other OS's, but to a smaller extent.

i would like to see any of these problem, im sure it wont be too hard for you to post few webms

>you just didn't care about them before
This applies. It would be a problem because nobody bothered to make a screenshot / vid of it happening. If you search "why windows 10 is shit" then things like would pop up.

you think linuxfags would not make a single webm shitting on 7 for 7 years? i doubt it

habrahabr.ru/company/aladdinrd/blog/329166/ (use a translator)

I switched back to it today.
I was sick of fucking around with win.


Wine that is.


what ?

>blaming windows because you bought amd

>windows s

>install LTSB
>remove onedrive
>I can live with this
>want to install office 2016
>why the fuck do I need an account?
>why the fuck can't I install individual components?
>apparently there are different liscences mentioned nowhere and mine is for an all-or-nothing package
>fuck this shit, uninstall
>onedrive is back again, except now it won't let me install. selecting uninstall actually prompts the "create account" window

Enjoy your virus.

I didn't have any of the bugs that guy posted, but facebook installed along with candy crush, twitter and other apps automatically.

Don't be a fucking happyclicker. Problem solved.

>lose 20 pounds of fat in 6 days !
>gets a fucking adware
Windows is shit ! I'll buy a mac !

Windows is shit by design no clicking or user intervention needed. Why get a mac when you can install gentoo?

>Windows is shit by design
Any solid proof ? None ? Wew lad
>inb4 pic related
NO OS is perfect. The same, if not bigger amount of problems can be found anywhere else.

I like windows 7
sadly it's going to be dead soon

I don't like you.


Ayyy lmao
Have you tried the latest release? I'm still on the one before Loki dropped.

Proof? Go online without hardening your Windows machine. I don't know if you noticed but Windows 10 ain't exactly solid with issues in updates not getting installed which is but one of many things that plagues Microsoft's latest OS. While no OS is perfect, yes. Windows does look like its hitting the shitter in terms of security, stability, and privacy.

>go online without hardening
Win10 has WD which is already comparable to more popular AV's so unless you happen to download something extremely crappy then you're fine.
Also, if you won't download anything except programs from reputable and verified sources and use chrome then chances that you'll get infected are second to none.
Don't believe me ?
>Go online on a windows machine

>issues in updates
Yes, these sometimes happen. What's nice is that you can always launch update fix from metro control panel. This solves update problems most of the time.

>shitter terms in security
No. Fresh installed win10 has better security than previous versions. A firewall and a decent AV - what else do you require ?

Theoretically. It does not work on older computers properly, but that doesn't mean that it's unstable. Besides,
>I am actually quite sure that windows versions prior to 10 had the same amount, if not more of bugs and issues, you faggots just didn't care because of your cognitive bias. Now you're all hating windows 10 primarily for the reason of widespread memes which are often inaccurate.

Valid point.

This made me physically cringe

>currently 7:24 PM in India
>pajeets are still awake and coming out the woodwork to defend Microshit
Why am I not surprised?

not everyone is a retarded autist that uses an OS they hate, intentionally try to break it and then save and post videos on the internet to a circlejerk that already hates that OS
kill yourself

>>Admits update can't be installed manually most of the time. Still blames the user for clicking on shit and contracting a virus when they can't patch their shitty OS.

You got to be kidding me. There was a fucking vulnerability on that shit not to long ago. Shit ain't even sandboxed. And I can not still believe you are blaming the user and downloading as the only reasons for such a shitty OS contracting shit. You do realize there is shit out the that doesn't require the user to be at the wheel.

When it comes to hardware support thats to be understood but when it comes to stability on the software side being broken every now and then such as features because of an update that has been tested by this so called insiders preview. What kind of stability is that I ask you? You can ignore this all you want, nobody is stopping you micro shill.

>1647 instances of notepad

I'm running windows 10 on a 6 year old i7 build and have never had any issues related to the OS. I defer updates so I can't really remember ever encountering an issue caused by windows update. My most recent issue was BSODs caused by a failing SSD.

Also, I block telemetry at my router using ACLs so the only thing my PC does with Microsoft is windows updates.

I've done some relatively simple analysis using wireshark and haven't found anything overtly suspicious outgoing from my PC.

I like windows

We need more active tech users like you in the world.

so you cant find a single webm even on google? really sad

I'm not a fucking pajeet. Get your shit together, I'm trying to be as objective as possible.

Jesus fucking christ
Which vulnerability are you referring to ? Eternalblue ? Lemme clarify something. It WAS patched a few months before wannacry outbreak, but users did NOT DOWNLOAD FUCKING UPDATES and then they have blamed microsoft. This is one of the reasons why microsoft pushes them down user's throats.
Sources :

>Shit ain't even sandboxed.
It is an open ecosystem, there are minimal restrictions for external programs. This is both comfortable and dangerous. If you'd like to use a sandboxed OS then why not ?

>I can not still believe you are blaming the user and downloading as the only reasons for such a shitty OS contracting shit.
I am. The user is usually one of the weakest factors when it comes to a computer functioning properly. Users tend to break shit most of the time, no matter the OS. If you can't understand this then proceed to follow pic related.

>You do realize there is shit out the that doesn't require the user to be at the wheel.
I do. However, 0day exploits can be found literally everywhere so stop pretending that it's windows-only. Besides, they are quite rare. Too rare to raise a huge concern. Applies to every OS.

>When it comes to hardware support thats to be understood but when it comes to stability on the software side being broken every now and then
Yes, things break every now and then. OS is a huge piece of a code, so there's a fuckton of things that can go wrong.

>What kind of stability is that I ask you? ou can ignore this all you want, nobody is stopping you micro shill.
I'm not a fucking shill. If disagreeing with your arguments and explaining mine is being a shill to you then follow pic related.

Wrong user, this is me And yes, I couldn't find a webm with a win7 specific bug under 5 minutes (too lazy to search longer), but I don't think that they are necessary.

Good points user. Remember this is Sup Forums so your argument is falling on the ears of people who can't see a fucking gray area between the black and white of Windows and Linux.

Sometimes Linux has bugs.
Sometimes Windows has bugs.

It's not some fucking conspiracy, man.

Any options to download the only updates necessary without the botnet updates slipped in for 7/8?

You can't possibly distinguish between "botnet" and necessary updates, because even if there was an update named "vulnerability xyz fix only" and it would have like 2 MB then it's still possible that microsoft would hide some "botnet" code inside. Quit bothering, if somebody with enough brains and resources wanted to get your info, they would get it anyway.

The biggest problem is if someone for example hijacks a ISP server, pretends to be microsoft and sends this cute 40KB update that replaces the MBR by the techno virus.

This is a *little* bit unlikely, you know ? I don't know of anything specific about microsoft's update mechanics but I assume that they are secured well enough for this to be almost impossible. Also, how easy could it possibly be to hack an ISP ? Unless the hackers were some next-level faggots sponsored by government then it's close to impossible as well as pretending to be MS.
Besides, chances are that your AV would detect it.


Is this shit normal?
Why is everything so tiny?

I can't read shit without scaling to 150% and using the magnifier

What screen size/res do you have? I have the 900p T420 and usually browse with 110% zoom. I'm on Linux though.

I really can't even comprehend the level of IT ignorance going on here.

1) You assume an actor capable of MiM'ing an ISP.
2) That same actor is then somehow able modify routing tables at the ISP level
3) OR that same actor is able to modify the ISPs DNS servers which then assumes your target hosts are all resolving to the ISP DNS to begin with and
4) You assume MS doesn't have every update signed and authenticated upon arrival to the target host (btw they are).

And then somehow the above is a problem ONLY for Microsoft updates? Do you realize the same could happen with every package update you run on Linux?

The far more likely scenario is a compromise of windows update servers within MS. Doing that would probably be harder than compromising an ISP, considering how much MS invests in internal audits and infosec controls.

I see it clearly, maybe there's something wrong with your display ?

pic related

What kind of retarded resolution is that, and this doesn't tell me how big the actual screen is.

Well, that screenshot is cropped, cutting off the taskbar and upper browser panel, so you can safely assume that it is 1920x1080 or similar since the screenshot can't be in a higher res than the screen itself.

But how many inches is the real screen? 1080 on my 27" makes things huge, while on my 5" phone it's tiny.

ahh makes sense, I thought that you were asking about the res

23" 1920x1080

Then it seems pretty to be pretty small, it's bigger on my 24" 1080 and I feel that extra inch shouldn't make much of a difference.

Post a pic of your whole display without scaling to 100%< (snap one with a phone (remove fucking exif before posting (upload to imgur.com, download it and upload the imgur pic)))

Maybe i'll have to use glasses then, I could see perfectly one month ago now everything is blurry

This is the vulnerability I'm referring to I think, CVE-2017-0290. Not sure if there was any others on Defender as my memory is fuzzy. Anyways if I recall correctly this shit managed to bypass the UAC because Defender wasn't sandboxed. What about the users that can't shove updates up there throats though because of a shitty system that breaks on half the users? I'm sorry but Windows update system just plain suck even in prior versions of windows to this day. You can't even install them manually sometimes even though you download it from their update catalog. While the user may be the weakest link towards the security of the OS. That is not true when dealing with a buggy system. 0 day or no 0 day your fucked.

I like how you completely ignored that Microsoft tests their software through the insiders preview program which should iron out the bugs before each update release. No, having this discussion does not make you a shill. You perpetuating me to buy a mac makes you the shill for insinuating that I don't know my way around a Windows machine.


Or just zoom in the browser.

there's a reason most people on this board use windows outside of anime rice threads, it is simply the best OS for productivity. only NEETs who think being able to make epic anime themes think loonix is actually a viable desktop OS

this image is clearly faulty hardware though

I never had any of the issues shown in this thread's webms, are you guys by any chance using shit versions activated with god knows which russian loader/botnet? Or maybe >it's just a .dll cracked software?

At my office's desktop I have a basic install running since day one update from 8, cad software, office, some adobe crap and it never crashed/glitched once.

On AMD no less.

>currently 8:55 PM in India
>pajeets are awake and STILL defending Microshit

Honest to god thought that said win32.kys for a split second

>call op a faggot for right reasoning get called a newfag for using ancient meme that went mainstream
>create ironical greentext to avoid consequences.
Pick one and only one

>implying implications.

The typical webms/images in these threads are by people using default 10 installations with every shit setting enabled. Things like ads for example are easily disabled with a single click in the settings panel, and are only enabled during installation if you blindly click yes to everything. If you spend 30 seconds looking through the settings you will not have any of the problems Sup Forums claims 10 has other than the normal Windows privacy issues, and you don't use Windows in the first place if you're hyper privacy conscious.

>inb4 y-you shouldnt have to t-tweak anything
The same faggots that say this will gladly go on about how it's great that gahnoo/loonix doesn't work at all out of the box and requires to be autistically tweaked to be brought to working order.

It was patched already.
Source :

>What about the users that can't shove updates up there throats though because of a shitty system that breaks on half the users?
Learn to speak english a bit better, it would be useful.
>breaks on half the users
If it would break that fucking often then literally nobody would be using win10. Paste your source for this statement in here, until then, your point is dismissed.

>I'm sorry but Windows update system just plain suck even in prior versions of windows to this day.
Samefagging, no source

>You can't even install them manually sometimes even though you download it from their update catalog.
There is this huge button in settings that says "search for updates". If it is broken then
>you can always launch update fix from metro control panel. This solves update problems most of the time.

>While the user may be the weakest link towards the security of the OS. That is not true when dealing with a buggy system
True. Except for the fact that windows 10 does not have enough bugs to be unusable. The last bug that I've encountered was a frozen taskbar, which I've solved by restarting its process. This was 2 months ago.

>0 day or no 0 day your fucked.
Samefagging. You're out of arguments, you have no sources - you're spitting shit out of your butt, unable to disprove me. Pathetic.

>I like how you completely ignored that Microsoft tests their software through the insiders preview program which should iron out the bugs before each update release.
Ignored ? What am I supposed to say about this? Yes, they do. Yes, sometimes they miss some bugs. As I have mentioned before, an OS is something huge, and the bigger it is, the more likely that something will break. If somebody has noticed screen tearing in a particular game, for example, then they might have thought that MS is already aware and they'll fix it, but they weren't.

I like my Honda Fit. Doesn't mean that it's a particularly spectacular vehicle.


2/2 - about offline patches
You're doing it wrong.
On win10, this is how you download an offline patch
>settings > updates > "searching for latest updates ?" (or a similar phrase(I'm not EN) on the bottom of this panel)
>locate your build, click the newest one avaiable
>scroll down, click Microsoft Update Catalog, it will redirect you to the specific one
>download the correct one, either x64 or x86

If it doesn't work then you have done something wrong, or your system is messed up, most likely by your own fault. It could be components, but that wouldn't allow win10 to run in the first place. One of the most obvious fixes could be restarting your computer. If this won't help then google up your problems. If searching for them won't bring up anything useful then reinstall, your system is fucked. If reinstalling won't help then buy a new fucking computer.

> You can't even install them manually
That update package went through MS's internal testing and succeeded, otherwise it wouldn't be publicly available, which means that it is guaranteed to work on the vast majority of unbroken machines.

no one fucking cares fuck off