/hpg/ Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

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amazon.co.uk/ONEU-Amplifier-Amplifiers-Subwoofer-Indicator/dp/B01GPMR6KI/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1505763426&sr=1-1&keywords=ONEU Mini Amplifier, 2 Channel Class D Stereo Amplifiers 2x20W,

Don't think I'll ever change my 600 unless some new crazy but affordable headphone comes out. I'm guessing my schiit stack is maxing them out too so I'm done. Zs5 is amazing for the money, but I'm now waiting for the zs6 to drop in price before I buy the black one. Got a sexy new cable on the way for it, pic related.

Post musc!

Thoughts on the Sennheiser HD 461 vs 471?

461 is advertised as having a "deeper bass", while 471 has an "even soundscape"

Is bass a meme? Or is the bass on the 471's really lacking? I'm not sure

Bass isn't a meme. It just comes down to how much YOU want.

I just got Jew'd into buying a Logitech G430. Roast me.

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

why the fuck did you buy that? return it

How much are they? my brother brought them off his friend for £20 for gaming only due to the mic etc. I teste them with music and they actually aren't terrible besides the bass.

It's probably going to break sooner than you think.

Talk to me about the thx00 anons. Is it a good headphone worth the $330 used on eBay? Frequency response looks good. It will only be used for music and I know it's not nuetral.
Does it sound good in your opinion?
Are there better options near by in the price bracket?
Hard mode:don't mention the hd600, hd650, or hd6xx.

Fulla 2
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
Don't care
>Comfort level
Comfy enough to wear 8h+
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
Sony MDR-1A

Stop doing this.

>Are there better options near by in the price bracket?
it's not a question of price bracket, there are no better v shaped headphones than the fostex variants. Buy used at $300-$3330 even if the cups are damaged, you can always replace them

Hi guys, can you recommend me some closed headphones for immersive gaming, if possible under $400

>Sound signature
Beats, Qua'sean.

you're such a god damn fuckboi, you know that?

Never tried them but they're supposed to be good, but incredibly bassy compared to the 600. If that's your thing they might be great.

That's a reason for me to return them. Got it because it's super comfy to wear and looks fucking indestructible. How soon are we talking?

the money those are worth are better spent on headphone pads

You should buy HD600 instead.

Wow well that is really nice to read. I want to buy them so I'm looking to justify the purchase or be talked out of it. Do you own a pair? What do you think?
The treble looks low on innerfidelity and I prefer bright headphones so that was a concern.
What about the Lawton mods? Are angled pads worth it? Is the tune up kit worth it? Both?
P.S. god damn are they gorgeous

I'd say save up for the 650's but the T50rps are pretty good if you buy hm5 pads for the comfy factor.

Meze 99 classics or ath msr7 are models to look into in my personal opinion

>I'm looking to justify the purchase or be talked out of it.
I don't believe anyone here will do that, even the hd600 fanboys
>Do you own a pair? What do you think?
Teak, it's a bit more smooth and wide, but marginally. I'm sending my pair to my buddy in an hour for him to demo, I miss them already.
>The treble looks low on innerfidelity and I prefer bright headphones so that was a concern.
The treble isn't low, but it's not painful either. It's always refered to as "hot" but just enough to not be terribly fatiguing.
>What about the Lawton mods? Are angled pads worth it? Is the tune up kit worth it? Both?
Angle pads are worth it, lawtons are probably not worth it, th-x00 is the best price for the money, idk what the tuneup kit is.

buy a dekoni attenuator ring + nvx angled pads, the clamp on the headphones are light so the nvx pads ($20) are the better than the lambskin ones that are $40+

stop being a faggot though, they are worth the money

user, see:

>so I'm looking to justify the purchase or be talked out of it.
Melanin-enhanced with no upper mids.

Have you tried the 600 or 650 before? if so do you think the fostex are better?

indeed, that is what v shaped means
yes, but that's not a fair comparison. the fostex variants are a technically better headphone but the hd600 has a different signature.

Yeah I'm guessing they're completely different. Basically the fostex are only better if you're a bass head?

>Basically the fostex are only better if you're a bass head?
no, they are better in general, they just don't have a neutral signature

Codeword for shit.

>I prefer any sound signature but neutral

Which music streaming site do you subscribe to?

>reee I'm triggered because someone owns a headphone that isn't neutral
> they called it a better headphone too

Alright I'm sold user. Take pleasure in the fact that you successfully shilled your headphones. Thanks for the tips on the pads, I was going to buy them from Lawton but nvx pads are cheaper.

>not double amping

post your headphones

I think that's most likely your preference, but fair enough.

>but nvx pads are cheaper.
no one seems to be aware of them when it comes to the fostex, they are plush like my audeze. you need the attenuator ring from dekoni otherwise when you add the width of the angled pad you lose the stock sound because the bass falls out.
no, I'm talking about headphone performance, not signature. I feel like you guys are talking about signature, I said it's not fair to compare them because they have different signatures. you can have a much better performance but worse signature (HD800)

What exactly do you mean by performance?

HD580 or K701?

Multidynamic soundscaping and technical ability, obviously.

overall ability, everything from the build quality to the driver itself, THD, etc. the biocellulose driver is pretty fucking amazing. Nothing like what this faggot is trying to insinuate. I don't even own an external dac and I use LCD-2s

Sounds interesting user. I'd love to try them.

>build quality
Not really; that general design is known to be prone to coming apart at the hinges.
>the driver itself
What about it?
Inaudible in most cases.

>Not really; that general design is known to be prone to coming apart at the hinges.
I'm not going to argue with you over whether the hd600 has a better build than the th-x00 just because you are bored. that is the dumbest waste of my time and quite frankly I don't have that kind of time right now

Thank you Guys!

>whether the hd600 has a better build than the th-x00
There's no way to quantify this, but only one of them is fully modular and easy to fix if it breaks.

>There's no way to quantify this
that's why i'm not going to engage in another pointless hifiman build quality vs snapheiser debate. it's a stupid argument with no statistics from either side.
>only one of them is fully modular and easy to fix if it breaks.
that's a nice quality of the hd600/650, I agree. more headphones should be like that, fortunately the weak point of the fostex is the gymbal which is easily replaced

I bought these noise-canceling over-ears from Bose during a holiday sale last year for 180 I think. How'd I do?

>QC35 for $180
That's a really good deal. I got to hear a pair recently and they sounded much better than I expected. Bass-heavy, but not obnoxiously so, and overall FR sounded quite smooth with no super audible deficiencies.

Looking for a speaker amp.
The one I have now is a massive Hi-fi system the size of an original Xbox. It also has a fan which is fucking dumb.
Not looking for anything too expensive, but how different will the sound quality be? Here's the one I'm looking at.
amazon.co.uk/ONEU-Amplifier-Amplifiers-Subwoofer-Indicator/dp/B01GPMR6KI/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1505763426&sr=1-1&keywords=ONEU Mini Amplifier, 2 Channel Class D Stereo Amplifiers 2x20W,

There's probably a much better one under £100 than that.

that one looks kinda ghetto, I'd rather spend the extra money for the SMSL SA-50 but that's just me

micca origain, it also has a preout to connect a sub with

ldol trash here.
What's your setup Iike, user?

If you can't afford to wait until you can get the HD600, get yourself some HD579.

Plutie a best. A best!!

Same as you but standard stack buddy. Tried the sz5? sounds amazing for the price. I'm not much of an iem guy and I'd never spend hard money on them but the zs5/6 are very good and cheap. They're fun to test sometimes.

I tried to show my friend the difference between my dt880 and m50x and he said "it's the same song, she's saying the same words, it sounds the same". I feel like he destroyed my whole hobby with that one statement.
Should I sell everything and buy a pair of apple earbuds?

I'm too delicate for IEMs unfortunately. I'm still recovering from the trauma of trying some friend's bose ANC feature. Made me nauseous, almost puked, disconfort lasted for hours.

Don't let the riffraff's lack of acoustic sensitivity get you down.
The issue isn't their ears, but the stuff between them.

lol fair enough. I'm drinking, any new songs to recommend?

We were all the same once, including you. People who haven't gotten into this hobby won't hear the difference off the bat, and you can't blame them. It's not worth trying to convert them either. It's best to keep it as your own little thing.

Maybe I was exposed young or something but I always accepted that there is better audio than what was coming out of my $30 best buy over ear headphones.
I would never try and convert anyone to a hobby like that.

>can't even decide between circumaural or supra-aural
circumaural fall off if I move my head. supra-aural get sweaty after an hour.

Yeah, I was normie as fuck as a teenager but I always went for the £20 sony iem over most other cheap stuff because it genuinely sounded better. I didn't exactly know why and it wasn't purely because of 'muh bass' even though I used to listen to rap a lot. It's a horrible realization that you can have an amazing setup, but when you show it to friends and family they don't understand or hear the difference. They probably just think we're delusional.

Sometimes i think we are deluded but like, for example, all day today I listened to my $100 IEMs from a dragonfly black at work. I just got home and put on my dt880(I eq the treble down) and it's like holy shit. I know there isn't a way to measure "detail" or "clarity" but the spacing of the sound gives the illusion of it. It's night and day, like going from listening someone sing to you on the phone to an acoustically treated room.
I wouldn't really sell all my shit, my headphones bring me more joy than anything I own aside from the computer they're plugged into.

user, that just means you don't have expensive enough headphones. time to sell all your shit and upgrade :^)

I know exactly what you mean. The fact is that we really fucking care about small differences in audio, and most don't. I recently got a pair of zs5's for £20 and they sound amazing. For a moment, I tell myself that I could just use them and sell my setup, but then I tsted them with my onboard compared to my schiit stack and the quality, especially bass just didn't compare. Then I play the same song again with my 600's and it feels like a completely different level. The full open headphone adds so much more than an iem, that's why I'd never spend serious money on one.

I agree that there is something missing with IEMs but I wonder if the high end ones can sound just as good as a full size headphone? There has to be something going on with all the really expensive ones($500+) or people wouldn't buy them. I think part of it is the lack of reverb, in a full size headphone the sound must bounce around a bit and even though those "bounces" probably last less than a second they're noticeable.

>Sometimes i think we are deluded
I'm temporarily downgraded while my friend borrows one of my amps, I'm now stuck on a $120 amp that is actually really nice but I can hear distortion. I'm REEEEEEing so hard right now, but once I get my shit back it'll be like upgrading again. Once you get used to better it's hard to go back

I thought there was no difference between amps as long as it has enough power(which the dac x6 has a shit ton of). I kind of want to buy a nfb-11.

>as long as it has enough power
planar sucks power, this portable amp is 800mw

It's hard to say, I haven't tried an iem above £100 but I still can't imagine them sounding as good as a good open headphone. I think the main difference is the space. I'm sure some expensive iems will sound as accurate and satisfying as the 600 but they will always lack that spatial feel.

that's a big fanny



what are the most comfortable headphones in the ~300 dollar range, looking for 8+ hours of use per day.


MA900 is the most comfortable headphone, anyone that thinks a different headphone is the most comfortable is wrong.

They're decent but they're pretty small compared to the 600/650. I have small ears and the dt range touch my ears which I find annoying. The pads them selves are lovely though.

What's /hpg/ blasting through their earholes tonight?

SHP9500s if you want nothing but comfort.

You made me search his stuff again on spotify. Big poppa and respect sound great on my 600's with a slight bass eq.

Seriously though, look at that baby's big toe. What the fuck is going on there lel?

the fuck is PLEBSPOTTERS?

It's a group of severely autistic individuals who like to fill threads with shitposts.

shp9500 is made out of plastic with 50mm drivers and weights 320g. MA900 weighs 195g with 70mm drivers and is made out of metal

I spot plebs.

Haven't seen yourself then.

>What's blasting through your ears
bass, of course

Haha funny joke my dude :^)

>Not knowing about plebspotters

So basically confirming yourself as a newfag?

HD650. The answer is obvious and you should be asking what's the third best headphones behind the 600s and 650s

What kind of question is that? The 580 is warm, the 701 is bright. Depends entirely on the person's preference, they're not even slightly similar

This is the truth.

I was taking the piss

>Not knowing about plebspotters

You take yourself too seriously, hence your trip. Nobody cares.

They have an interesting frequency graph too. Are they as good as people make them out to be? They look very relaxing. Is the treble too recessed? How's the punch on the bass for something like electronic music? How's the sub bass?

>Is the treble too recessed?
Not any moreso than on an HD650. They are slightly warm/dark.
>How's the punch on the bass for something like electronic music?
>How's the sub bass?
As is, lacking below 40 Hz, but EQ's just fine without audible distortion.

Would you put them on par with hte 650s or somewhere else?