Lets get a homescreen thread going on
Lets get a homescreen thread going on
Don't have an Android anymore but here's an old one (since iOS is boring)
Hellooooo, reddit
tho, can you post the wp please lad
and last
what clock widget
I was young and stupid. Let's just pretend the status bar was hidden
it's one I modified one from Ocea KWGT. Original had different colours and font
I tried an RSS reader. It was shit. No one tell me to use one instead of YouTube
Neck yourself
anime website
who are you again? did you even post your homescreen?
There's a difference between watching anime and incorporating it into everything you do like a weeb faggot. Neck yourself
Neck yourself
anime website
Its not 2001. You can visit more than one website.
>Recognises RIF non official Reddit app
>Reddit detected
nice kitty
Horrible. The contrast with the widget and that pape burns my eyes. Why the fuck do you need three clocks when you got one in your notification bar
This wallpaper would make a great t-shirt
glad i'm not the only non-autist here.
I mean, I only have it there for vanity. Plus 2/3 clocks are different timezones.
subtle, you communist fuck
What did he mean by this?
>You can visit more than one website.
and you choose to visit ones for fags, congrats
fucking niggers
2 clocks/10
Actually pretty good.
Also looks nice. I think the red looks a little out of place compared to the wallpaper though.
0 clocks/10
2 clocks/10
Hide the status bar and add in a clock widget.
cute cat, but unriced
dogs are shit
Either you aren't posting with your name for some reason, or you copied someone else's setup.
I dont feel like using white icons anymore.
Google pixel, I like it, but will upgrade to an iPhone X in the next few weeks.
Safe for Sup Forums edition.
I stopped using KLWP and went back to a minimalist setup
Idk how you set that up, but I rate it.
Nice job man
I should really clean up my notification bar
sure whatever.
Comfy wallpaper
Stock but I guess Iphone is more of your thing.
Yeah, it's pretty safe for someone like me who isn't going to go full autistic on how your homescreen should be. I'd say it's clean and simple.
I like the wallpaper
Fair enough, your battery thanks you for your decision.
Yes. Otherwise, it's pretty simple.
I'm going to bed now.
Purple haze
>these 1080p simps
Im begging ya pls acquire some resolution.
how'd you set that up user? neofetch/10
>all this anime horse shit
grow up seriously
anime website
have sex
If I'm rooted is it possible to edit the vanilla launcher, or do I have to use thing like nova?
Depends what your stock launcher is,
Whatever android uses by default. Like pure android
Disable the icon text
I think. There's GEL for Xposed and that meant for GNL however I think it works with stock. But it has nowhere near the features of something like Nova. If you want a vanilla look, it's not hard to replicate with Nova.
Basically I want vanilla without the apps button and hide the page numbers, maybe adding infinite scroll (I want to scroll up for the draw) and several other gestures
Sup 2010
patrician kino desktop
I used klwp to make it
More like I forgot about my name :^)
lol nice
what is that theme called? icons etc.
How to hide the bottom buttons without root?
your icons are too close to the home button. give it a proper padding
nothing impressive, but it gets the job done. functionality > looks
fuck off shill
What is he supposedly shilling for?