Let's pretend you want to do something HIGHLY illegal. Does Sup Forums think VPN chaining can hide you from the NSA 100% if both servers are outside their juristiction in unmonitored countries? Say NordVPN chained with BlackVPN?
Chaining VPN
How big is your collection of sinks?
Couldn't the NSA just hide themselves too
Why not just look at 2D like a decent person?
How is that relevant, though?
I'm pretty sure OP is only concerned with hiding himself from the NSA, not whether they're hiding too.
Two people hiding does not mean they gain the ability to see where the other is.
What if you chained together a variable number of vpns, with the connections between each one encrypted?
It's helpful. What you want is chain of VMs with vpns and a toriffied gateway and tor vm at the end. It's pretty easy to setup up with QubesOS. Ivpn has a high anonymity guide you can use.
RSA 4096 has no benefits over 2048,just spending cycles, if you need a key size larger then that, use a different cipher
I meant if the NSA covered their own tracks nobody would know they went out of their jurisdiction
Well, they wouldn't be able to legally bring you in that way, hidden or not.
Though, I guess depending on how illegal OP's hypothetical is they might not give a fuck and just disappear you. In which case yeah, you're right.
The NSA doesn't have a jurisdiction in tracking, they only have a jurisdiction in what information they can share with other Agencies.
So doing illegal things doesn't matter YET.
So long as your activities are worthy of being considered a National threat.
If you are worried about a simple Agency like the FBI then doing these things should help.
Hiding from a Global Adversary like the NSA, you simply need to avoid communications.
Keep whatever it is in your head.
As a general rule of thumb: if you place information on a computer offline or not, it is possible it can be accessed.
How long until not even your mind is safe, though?
I would choose to be certian that there is at LEAST 1 connection between 2 relays nodes OUTSIDE the SIGINT juristiction.
Never was safe, people can see your expression when they talk to you with some level of accuracy.
"Truth detectors" while not very accurate to someone trained has the ability to cast suspicion on you.
I2p is designed for proxy services moron. Only to visit it's hidden services and file sharing.
Tor doesn't protect you from a global adversary
A global passive adversary would be a person or an entity able to monitor at the same time the traffic between all the computers in a network. By studying, for example, the timing and volume patterns of the different communications across the network, it would be statistically possible to identify Tor circuits and thus match Tor users and destination servers.
It is part of Tor's initial trade-off not to address such a threat in order to create a low-latency communication service usable for web browsing, Internet chat or SSH connections.
Nobody has been charged purely for thinking things though, only action that came as a result from those thoughts.
*is not
Out of curiosity, is it even possible to create a project similar to tor that would offer protection against a global adversary?
So when you go for a Top Secret clearance in the United States in order to work for a specific area, and you go in for a poly.
You fail the poly because you are a psychopath (have no emotion so poly doesn't work for you) so you can't stay in same field and get moved to an area of secret or lower.
Sure you did not get charged for some crime, but you did lose your ability to work where you may have wanted.
How could the NSA theoreticly track two VPN's connecting to eachother outside survalence juristications? I'm worried about TOR simply because the government runs a ton of their exit nodes.
I would just find a free / easy to crack network in my a city or close by. With tails.
You just don't do it from somewhere they can identify you.
Also make sure tails is working properly.
As in you DO have a random mac address BEFORE connecting to that random WiFi
>I'm worried about TOR simply because the government runs a ton of their exit nodes.
It's not really a problem if it's just the fbi or police you're trying to avoid. Only the NSA or a similar organization can theoretical track users over TOR.
That's not what people are concerned about.
Obama used the concentration of news talking about Trump getting elected to pass this:
>In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.
>The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches.
That's the idea behind this thread. Hiding yourself because you are going to do something SO illegal that the NSA itself would care. Think a second 911. Hypotheticly of course.
Yeah but the NSA isn't looking for you. It's not like they can uncover everyone looking at the network. They have to target an individual. You'd have to already be on their radar. The other agencies use browser exploits and malware laced files to catch people. They don't have ready access to the NSA's tools. Unless you're a terrorist or drug kingpin I wouldn't worry.
Your best bet would be what I said here
QubesOs makes it very easy to chain proxies and have tor at the end.
>Implying there are drug kingpins who do not work for the CIA
If they don't they make sure to fuck them over. The last darknet kingpin "committed suicide" in a third world prison. If your a drug pin not on their payroll I'd be very worried.
>all this dumb horseshit.
use someone else's wifi, idiots.
Read the thread.
>Go to coffee shop A in town A
>Use coffee shop wifi to purchase disguise kit A (DKA) and have delivered to PO box paid for with cash.
>Wear DKA to purchase a second PO box in town X.
>Go to coffee shop B in town B wearing DKA.
>Use coffee shop wifi to purchase DKB and get deviled to the PO box bought while wearing DKA
>Go to coffee shop C in town C wearing DKB
>Use coffee shop to do illegal shit.
It's not that hard user.
If you leave your cell phone on. They could totally track you down. Not to mention all the cameras all over the place.
This whole scenario assumes the person is smart enough to leave their cell phone at home. cameras don't matter due to disguise kits.
I'd still be worried if I were a kingpin ON their payroll. I think it's kinda something like the movie l00per.
>Be Columbian
>Be poor
>Smuggle TV's and cigarettes over borders with my brother to feed my family
>Approached by white men in dark suits and darker shades
>"With the waning threat of Soviet Russia, Americans need a new Boogeyman to fight against, and a racial minority to distrust. The White House has decided to make Latin Americans villains for a little while"
>We are prepared to offer you the deal of your lifetime
>20 years as the 10th richest man in the world. We will offer you all the infrastructure you need, Cocaine, facilities, soldiers, planes, bribe money, mansions, you name it
>You have to smuggle cocaine into the states, and cause a drug war. You must not tell anybody about the CIA's involvement. The toughest part of this is this: at the end of 20 years, you will be shot by the police.
>If you rat, we torture your parents and children
>TFW Pablo Escobar
>Your honor, we have photographic evidence of user wearing a Groucho Marx mask jerking off to kiddie porn in the middle of a Starbucks
But that's the beauty. They then look up who bought the mask and just find another guy in a mask!
No, they look up who walked into the store to retrieve the mask delivered to a PO box.
So you think he was working with the CIA and they just got sick of him then?
If they link request from certian coffee shops, then they can infer that the criminal is within a certian region which narrows down the list of suspects. Ideally they should only be able to trace the location to a country SIGINT can not track.
>Let's pretend you want to do something HIGHLY illegal. Does Sup Forums think VPN chaining can hide you from the NSA 100%
Only an idiot would believe that VPNs are meant for anonymity. You fail to grasp the VPN threat model. Moreover,
>unmonitored countries
no such thing
No, I think dying at the end was part of the deal. Pablo knew he was on a clock, and the retirement deal is a .45 acp
I GUESS it's better than acting on shit. Still though, kill your worthless self.
If you want to do something highly illegal than just become a democrat first.
>Does Sup Forums think VPN chaining can hide you from the NSA 100% if both servers are outside their juristiction in unmonitored countries?
>proceeds to list two commercial VPNs
Please use the VPN -> Tor -> Freenet chain if you wish to view CP like everyone else.
If you legitimately need pure anonymity, it's better to wardrive in most every case. Chaining VPNs in-conjunction with wardriving is better than just wardriving, which by itself is better than chaining VPNs.
NSA already monitors all packets and saves encrypted ones for when quantum computing for reals happens, so it's better to not do illegal with ANYTHING attached to you. This means using a burner OS, on a burner PC, connected to a burner router that is attached to a satellite dish, that has cracked an AP of some university library thousands of kilometres away.
Chaining VPNs is okay if you're just trying to not be profiled as the curious little monkey you are, but again if you are real hacker criminal man, you are dead on arrival like my Silicone Valley startups.
The NSA doesn't enforce laws directly. They allow other agencies to access their databases and also train those people how to construct a parallel explanation for their arrests so the source of information isn't revealed.
It's a scaleable solution. It's up to the user who far they travel and many times they chain the disguise kit set up.
That's why you chain the DK's and on the odd occasion wear a dress. The switch in gender will cause enough confusion to give you time to buy more DK's and PO boxes.
Use public wifi to to buy a VPS in Seychelles or Myrnamar then ssh through that to buy another vps in Switzerland or Iran, then ssh through both to buy another one in some south american fuck hole like Panama or a carribean corp country. Use tumbled bitcoins to buy monero then back to bitcoins or just monero.
Not hard.
you are delusional.
Ambition will create men and empires like that and all that has to happen is the spooks not intervene because it suits them.
Starbucks cameras are closed-circuit and airgapped.
Just use Tails.